CDZ Chaos By the Bay

Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.

Democrats aren't the reason for everything bad in the world. No more than Republicans are what's wrong with the world.
The two are more in cahoots than you might think.

I agree that the Establishment Fusion Party is in cahoots in many ways, but CA is dominated by the Dems and the Public Employee Unions. The primaries are rigged so that in the general elections we usually have the "choice" of a Dem vs. another Dem/Green/Prog. In Oakland, we have this appalling ranked choice voting which is another descent into madness.
You make the point several times with each post that you're much to do with a sense of humour.

Does it include enough sense of humour to admit that America is a lost cause now because of what must be seen as Trump's sense of humour when he said the election was stolen from him?

The humour in all of this is somewhat spoiled in that a Trump comeback will be anything but humour. In my opinion it will be the rise of what could be imagined as the 4th.Reich.

As a preliminary step, working class Americans must begin to lay their partisan politics aside and come together as America/Americans against the common enemy that has already been branded as a yellow scourge.
Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.

Democrats aren't the reason for everything bad in the world. No more than Republicans are what's wrong with the world.
The two are more in cahoots than you might think.

I agree that the Establishment Fusion Party is in cahoots in many ways, but CA is dominated by the Dems and the Public Employee Unions. The primaries are rigged so that in the general elections we usually have the "choice" of a Dem vs. another Dem/Green/Prog. In Oakland, we have this appalling ranked choice voting which is another descent into madness.
You make the point several times with each post that you're much to do with a sense of humour.

Does it include enough sense of humour to admit that America is a lost cause now because of what must be seen as Trump's sense of humour when he said the election was stolen from him?

The humour in all of this is somewhat spoiled in that a Trump comeback will be anything but humour. In my opinion it will be the rise of what could be imagined as the 4th.Reich.

As a preliminary step, working class Americans must begin to lay their partisan politics aside and come together as America/Americans against the common enemy that has already been branded as a yellow scourge.

Specious reasoning, bub.

America is not "lost" because Trump made a point of the bogosity of the election and vote tallying processes.

American will only be truly lost if we give up.
You make the point several times with each post that you're much to do with a sense of humour.

Does it include enough sense of humour to admit that America is a lost cause now because of what must be seen as Trump's sense of humour when he said the election was stolen from him?

The humour in all of this is somewhat spoiled in that a Trump comeback will be anything but humour. In my opinion it will be the rise of what could be imagined as the 4th.Reich.

As a preliminary step, working class Americans must begin to lay their partisan politics aside and come together as America/Americans against the common enemy that has already been branded as a yellow scourge.

I'm not sure what Trump has to do with any of this. Or why you're even bringing him up. Or why he even matters. He's not the president now.

Our country will not put partisan politics aside until they figure out just how corrupt both parties are.
Norway's huge success.
Your argument is ludicrous, the solutions that work for a small country (1/6 of the population of CA) with no immigration problem will not work for a country with a population 55 times as large. Norway has a population less than 6M to the US population of over 330M. Norway Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)
If course you must be right, because I've been told the same each and every time I've used the example.

But of what must be 20 or 30 times, none of them went on to provide an explanation of why what's true for Norway couldn't be true for America.

And I see examples of Norway's success being applied and working very well for countries with large populations and large ground area similar to the US.
There are some problems with the analogies between the United States and European countries. The United States is supposed to be a union of "countries," but the reconstruction after the Civil War, and the erroneous segregation and desegregation, and then the tremendous social welfare programs, eliminated the intention of a union of states - different cultural systems similar to the different European countries that were in constant war before the establishment of the USA.

Is rehabilitation in some way not applicable to large populations? or_
Is incarceration somehow dictated as a necessity in countries with large populations?
It probably has less to do with population size, and more to do with tremendous diversity and lack of state segregation; which causes laws to be enacted that are "one size fits all." This does not work, because different cultural ideas cause resentment for having to conform to the "one size fits all" laws.

And this is why we need to reorder the entire three-level governing system to accommodate better segregation of cultural norms for people.

The problem was when the slaves were emancipated they were in no way ready to organize a government for themselves compared to the already evolved white population. But now, non-white people should be educated and skilled enough to organize communities and states, but the "white" government model is flawed and depends on ad hoc remedies that white men are more inclined to implement, because they are not intimidated by any reverence for the seeming success of the system. The American government charters have wordy rambling passages that do not make sense because they were composed by corrupt people, and when a non-white person in government reads the junk passage they are inclined to ask the white men to explain it to them, and the corrupt white men are going to exploit the inadequacy.

What is funny, is that Black people, instead of recognizing correct adjustments of the inadequacies in the justice system, believe that they are going to do like the corrupt racist white men of the past to oppress white people. This is what happened in the elections in Georgia that have been recently remedied by the "white" Republican lawmakers. White men are not going to let dumb Black people oppress them. White men are going to recognize the problems with the "white" government and fix it. The hierarchy in the separation of entities is what the problem is.
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A buddy sent me this a few minutes ago

I don't think there is a an immediate fix- if you do, lets talk about it.

This has been going on for years. California has been ruled by four families for over 80 years.

Until decent Californians are able to get rid of all these people and keep their progeny out of government, California will continue in a death spiral.

Search the thread titles here for Why California is a S---hole. It's quite long and has been wisely closed to further comments, but the discussions in the first few pages are enlightening.
I don't think there is a an immediate fix- if you do, lets talk about it.
We need to reorder the social system, and that is the government chartering system.
That task should be left to the state governments. The big problem with that is they would need federal funding. With federal funding comes some measure of federal control.
You, and the rest of your fellow Amlericans are already off on a tangent that will take you further away from any possible answers.

How's this for a possible start, even though it may come across as an exaggeration:

Release a full half of America's prison population, with no emphasis on any of the crimes committed.
Then spend 1.9T on rehabilitating them.

And so even though it would be absolutely impossible in America, it' already been proven to be very symbolic of Norway's huge success.

And then so, if America can't accept the facts then it becomes just one more example of why America will inevitably fail.

I rule out war for America's course in it's search for betterment because of the M.A.D. factor.

Many could see it as the M.A.D. factor's influence coming to fruition over the last 75 years in which America needed to turn to 40 smaller scale conflicts for it's perceived gains. But each and every one of those wars has failed to pay off. Even the more hopeful have resulted in none of the desired control over ME oil resources. China and Russia are spiriting that prize away by making friends!
We're lucky that you are not in our government.
Dem's have most of the Bay Area and CA in general for decades. That's why everything is going to shat.

Democrats aren't the reason for everything bad in the world. No more than Republicans are what's wrong with the world.
The two are more in cahoots than you might think.

I agree that the Establishment Fusion Party is in cahoots in many ways, but CA is dominated by the Dems and the Public Employee Unions. The primaries are rigged so that in the general elections we usually have the "choice" of a Dem vs. another Dem/Green/Prog. In Oakland, we have this appalling ranked choice voting which is another descent into madness.
You make the point several times with each post that you're much to do with a sense of humour.

Does it include enough sense of humour to admit that America is a lost cause now because of what must be seen as Trump's sense of humour when he said the election was stolen from him?

The humour in all of this is somewhat spoiled in that a Trump comeback will be anything but humour. In my opinion it will be the rise of what could be imagined as the 4th.Reich.

As a preliminary step, working class Americans must begin to lay their partisan politics aside and come together as America/Americans against the common enemy that has already been branded as a yellow scourge.
Will Trump's election in 2024 be enough for you to pick up weapons and fight for communism?
Will Trump's election in 2024 be enough for you to pick up weapons and fight for communism?

No, if you're thinking that Canadians would fight as mercenaries against a future Trump fascist regime.
And to speculate on the democracies taking up arms to defeat a fasxist US regime, wouldn't be wise right at the moment.

But mostly, I would bet money on Trump not being the fascist leader of choice for the US. He doesn't have much of what it would take to convince the American people that it's not the very wealthy in America who are the enemy of the people.

Trump likely just accidentally copied some of Hitler's tactics, and likely didn't really understand what he was doing.

Of course he did nearly all of what he did to serve his own vanity and his money interests..

We'll see what the future brings. Biden's big gift was a one-timer and can never cure that which ails the failed American way of greedy capitalism.
Norway's huge success.
Your argument is ludicrous, the solutions that work for a small country (1/6 of the population of CA) with no immigration problem will not work for a country with a population 55 times as large. Norway has a population less than 6M to the US population of over 330M. Norway Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)
If course you must be right, because I've been told the same each and every time I've used the example.

But of what must be 20 or 30 times, none of them went on to provide an explanation of why what's true for Norway couldn't be true for America.

And I see examples of Norway's success being applied and working very well for countries with large populations and large ground area similar to the US.
There are some problems with the analogies between the United States and European countries. The United States is supposed to be a union of "countries," but the reconstruction after the Civil War, and the erroneous segregation and desegregation, and then the tremendous social welfare programs, eliminated the intention of a union of states - different cultural systems similar to the different European countries that were in constant war before the establishment of the USA.

Is rehabilitation in some way not applicable to large populations? or_
Is incarceration somehow dictated as a necessity in countries with large populations?
It probably has less to do with population size, and more to do with tremendous diversity and lack of state segregation; which causes laws to be enacted that are "one size fits all." This does not work, because different cultural ideas cause resentment for having to conform to the "one size fits all" laws.

And this is why we need to reorder the entire three-level governing system to accommodate better segregation of cultural norms for people.

The problem was when the slaves were emancipated they were in no way ready to organize a government for themselves compared to the already evolved white population. But now, non-white people should be educated and skilled enough to organize communities and states, but the "white" government model is flawed and depends on ad hoc remedies that white men are more inclined to implement, because they are not intimidated by any reverence for the seeming success of the system. The American government charters have wordy rambling passages that do not make sense because they were composed by corrupt people, and when a non-white person in government reads the junk passage they are inclined to ask the white men to explain it to them, and the corrupt white men are going to exploit the inadequacy.

In a nutshell you have confirmed that the union of states has failed. You hint at some of the reasons but betray your racism by failing to mention the most important reasons.

What is funny, is that Black people, instead of recognizing correct adjustments of the inadequacies in the justice system, believe that they are going to do like the corrupt racist white men of the past to oppress white people. This is what happened in the elections in Georgia that have been recently remedied by the "white" Republican lawmakers. White men are not going to let dumb Black people oppress them. White men are going to recognize the problems with the "white" government and fix it. The hierarchy in the separation of entities is what the problem is.

I don't spend my time commenting on that which is clearly racist filth!
And I see examples of Norway's success being applied and working very well for countries with large populations and large ground area similar to the US.
And what would those countries be? China, Russia, Canada, Australia, Brazil or India? None of them have the immigration that the US has. They have similar or greater populations and similar area but that is about as far as the comparisons go.
Will Trump's election in 2024 be enough for you to pick up weapons and fight for communism?

No, if you're thinking that Canadians would fight as mercenaries against a future Trump fascist regime.
And to speculate on the democracies taking up arms to defeat a fasxist US regime, wouldn't be wise right at the moment.

But mostly, I would bet money on Trump not being the fascist leader of choice for the US. He doesn't have much of what it would take to convince the American people that it's not the very wealthy in America who are the enemy of the people.

Trump likely just accidentally copied some of Hitler's tactics, and likely didn't really understand what he was doing.

Of course he did nearly all of what he did to serve his own vanity and his money interests..

We'll see what the future brings. Biden's big gift was a one-timer and can never cure that which ails the failed American way of greedy capitalism.
Trump did NOTHING like Hitler unlike Biden. Trump was the best thing to happen to America since Reagan.
You make the point several times with each post that you're much to do with a sense of humour.

Does it include enough sense of humour to admit that America is a lost cause now because of what must be seen as Trump's sense of humour when he said the election was stolen from him?

The humour in all of this is somewhat spoiled in that a Trump comeback will be anything but humour. In my opinion it will be the rise of what could be imagined as the 4th.Reich.

As a preliminary step, working class Americans must begin to lay their partisan politics aside and come together as America/Americans against the common enemy that has already been branded as a yellow scourge.

I'm not sure what Trump has to do with any of this. Or why you're even bringing him up. Or why he even matters. He's not the president now.

Our country will not put partisan politics aside until they figure out just how corrupt both parties are.
I'm not sure that you're worthy of an explanation. America is fkd up and coming dangerously close to being a failed state. It is what it is.

Your fellow Americans provide the indictments of America every day with more threads that reveal the Cancer growing. There's no need for a Canadian to invent some.
You make the point several times with each post that you're much to do with a sense of humour.

Does it include enough sense of humour to admit that America is a lost cause now because of what must be seen as Trump's sense of humour when he said the election was stolen from him?

The humour in all of this is somewhat spoiled in that a Trump comeback will be anything but humour. In my opinion it will be the rise of what could be imagined as the 4th.Reich.

As a preliminary step, working class Americans must begin to lay their partisan politics aside and come together as America/Americans against the common enemy that has already been branded as a yellow scourge.

I'm not sure what Trump has to do with any of this. Or why you're even bringing him up. Or why he even matters. He's not the president now.

Our country will not put partisan politics aside until they figure out just how corrupt both parties are.
I'm not sure that you're worthy of an explanation. America is fkd up and coming dangerously close to being a failed state. It is what it is.

Your fellow Americans provide the indictments of America every day with more threads that reveal the Cancer growing. There's no need for a Canadian to invent some.
You and Dragonlady need to team up and fix your own problems and stay out of the US debate. You clearly have no standing and could be seen as foreigners interfering in US politics.
And yet we open the border to thousands more homeless and support them more than our own citizens.

I'd take in a homeless family straight in from Mexico a lot faster than these homeless druggy Americans.
I don't want either one, but I would rather see my tax dollars spent on Americans than $82M spent on putting illegals up in hotels and turning barracks meant for American GIs into homes for illegals.
And yet we open the border to thousands more homeless and support them more than our own citizens.

I'd take in a homeless family straight in from Mexico a lot faster than these homeless druggy Americans.
I don't want either one, but I would rather see my tax dollars spent on Americans than $82M spent on putting illegals up in hotels and turning barracks meant for American GIs into homes for illegals.
If you had the slightest idea on what is most cost effective, you would bite your tongue and feel shame about your lack of understanding.
Trump did NOTHING like Hitler unlike Biden.

What would that sentence mean to an Alabaman?
You Americans can provide the grist for the mill, while I put it to good use in proving the point that your country is in some big trouble.

That which is obvious is that the Democrats/Republicans are mostly to blame.
The two parties have had issues like this before and overcome them. You Canucks have the same problems with your parties--need I remind you of your resident fascist, Trudeau? How about Ford? Just keep this in mind while riding on your high horse, if the US falls, Canada is already gone.
And yet we open the border to thousands more homeless and support them more than our own citizens.

I'd take in a homeless family straight in from Mexico a lot faster than these homeless druggy Americans.
I don't want either one, but I would rather see my tax dollars spent on Americans than $82M spent on putting illegals up in hotels and turning barracks meant for American GIs into homes for illegals.
If you had the slightest idea on what is most cost effective, you would bite your tongue and feel shame about your lack of understanding.
Your ignorance becomes more evident every post you make. Cost effective? Cost effective was leaving a problem, not of our making, to remain in Mexico. We have no obligation or responsibility to any of those illegal immigrants. To put it in a way that you might understand. FUCK YOUR BORDER. I AM GOING TO COME ACROSS AT MY DISCRETION AND YOUR TAX DOLLARS HAVE TO FEED AND HOUSE ME. Capeesh? Canadian morons.
I'm not sure that you're worthy of an explanation. America is fkd up and coming dangerously close to being a failed state. It is what it is.

Your fellow Americans provide the indictments of America every day with more threads that reveal the Cancer growing. There's no need for a Canadian to invent some.

Personally, I don't think it matters if a Canadian wants to post on this forum or not. This is about how homeless druggies have infested our country and destroying it from the inside out. Obviously people in other countries are going to have opinions on how the US is ran, and who runs it.
So does it really matter?

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