Chappaquiddick 2017


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Americans wondered what the hell happened when Mary Jo drowned in Teddy's car back in 1969 but the media was in cahoots with the Kennedy dynasty and the democrat party and Teddy came away with a misdemeanor and his career intact. You almost gotta laugh that it took Hollywood about 48 years to make the movie while they made half a dozen about Nixon within a couple of years. A fictional movie even showed the graphic assassination of George Bush while he was still in office. Anyway the movie Chappaquiddick was relatively uninteresting.
Americans wondered what the hell happened when Mary Jo drowned in Teddy's car back in 1969 but the media was in cahoots with the Kennedy dynasty and the democrat party and Teddy came away with a misdemeanor and his career intact. You almost gotta laugh that it took Hollywood about 48 years to make the movie while they made half a dozen about Nixon within a couple of years. A fictional movie even showed the graphic assassination of George Bush while he was still in office. Anyway the movie Chappaquiddick was relatively uninteresting.
Absolute power..corrupts absolutely. End of story.
OP you had one job.
I'm surprised the Libtard media and the shitheads in Hollywood allowed the movie to be made.

Maybe they are afraid that RFK, Jr is not quite the extreme bat shit Leftest that they want and they are afraid of the Kennedy name.
I'm surprised the Libtard media and the shitheads in Hollywood allowed the movie to be made.

Maybe they are afraid that RFK, Jr is not quite the extreme bat shit Leftest that they want and they are afraid of the Kennedy name.
As I understand it Hollyweird had a agreement with the Kennedy family that a movie would not be made till after Ted's death....He died in 2009.
A generation ago, people got into Journalism because they wanted to keep the Public informed. For the past generation, people have gotten into Journalism because they want to influence the Public, almost exclusively with Leftist propaganda.

We as a society are paying the price.

A similar phenomenon has taken place in Washington, D.C. People used to go to work for government because (a) they didn't want to work very hard or very long, and (b) they wanted to retire early. Also, they were the bottom of the academic barrel among college grads - the people who barely graduated with watered-down majors and 2.0 QPA's. Now, Leftists flock to government jobs because they want to have the power to implement their Leftist agenda. The attitude in DC is now (actually has been for a long time) a message to elected officials: "We were here before you got here, and we will be here after you are gone. Don't bother us with your policy directives; we will ignore or slow-walk them until you are out of office."
Absolute power corrupts but it can only succeed in corrupting a free Country when the media becomes a partner in the corruption.
The media had nothing to do with Kennedy answering for what happened to Mary Jo.
That was the Kennedy name's power and influence.
The media had nothing to do with Kennedy answering for what happened to Mary Jo.
That was the Kennedy name's power and influence.
Kennedy didn't really answer for his conduct related to the the woman found dead in his car because there was no outrage and little pressure by the public. The media was more interested in covering for the Kennedy dynasty than justice for Mary Jo. Look at Scott Peterson. It was just another case where a husband killed his wife but Peterson was a Cop and that gave the media a special interest that persists even today. The Teddy, Mary Jo case had the same elements of betrayal and infidelity and possibly murder but the media wanted nothing to do with it and Teddy walked away with a misdemeanor and his career intact.
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Kennedy didn't really answer for his conduct related to the the woman found dead in his car because there was no outrage and little pressure by the public. The media was more interested in covering for the Kennedy dynasty than justice for Mary Jo. Look at Scott Peterson. It was just another case where a husband killed his wife but Peterson was a Cop and that gave the media a special interest that persists even today. The Teddy, Mary Jo case had the same elements of betrayal and infidelity and possibly murder but the media wanted nothing to do with it and Teddy walked away with a misdemeanor and his career intact.
I think you're confusing Drew Peterson (cop) with Scott Peterson (owned his own company). Same difference though.
Kennedy got away scot free because of his name.
I think you're confusing Drew Peterson (cop) with Scott Peterson (owned his own company). Same difference though.
Kennedy got away scot free because of his name.

Teddy was at Mary Jo's apartment, proceeding with great vigor and exploring new frontiers.

"Teddy, Teddy," moaned Mary Jo. "What if I get pregnant?"

"Ah, don't worry about that now, Mary Jo," said Teddy impatiently, "We shall cross that bridge when we come to it."

Teddy was at Mary Jo's apartment, proceeding with great vigor and exploring new frontiers.

"Teddy, Teddy," moaned Mary Jo. "What if I get pregnant?"

"Ah, don't worry about that now, Mary Jo," said Teddy impatiently, "We shall cross that bridge when we come to it."

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