Charged with manslaughter for texts and phone convos?

Here's some laws to consider:

Conspiracy has been defined in the United States as an agreement of two or more people to commit a crime, or to accomplish a legal end through illegal actions.[22][23] A conspiracy does not need to have been planned in secret to meet the definition of the crime. One legal dictionary,, provides this useful example on the application of conspiracy law to an everyday sales transaction tainted by corruption. It shows how the law can handle both the criminal and the civil need for justice:

“ [A] scheme by a group of salesmen to sell used automobiles as new, could be prosecuted as a crime of fraud and conspiracy, and also allow a purchaser of an auto to sue for damages [in civil court] for the fraud and conspiracy. ”
Conspiracy law usually does not require proof of specific intent by the defendants to injure any specific person to establish an illegal agreement. Instead, usually the law requires only that the conspirators have agreed to engage in a certain illegal act.

Under most U.S. laws, for a person to be convicted of conspiracy, not only must he or she agree to commit a crime, but at least one of the conspirators must commit an overt act (the actus reus) in furtherance of the crime.[24] However, in United States v. Shabani the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that this "overt act" element is not required under the federal drug conspiracy statute, 21 U.S.C. section 846.

The conspirators can be guilty even if they do not know the identity of the other members of the conspiracy.[
Conspiracy (criminal) - Wikipedia
Offence against the person - Wikipedia

Is Suicide Illegal? Suicide Laws By Country
Consider this if you know someone is going to murder someone you must report it to authorities. She not only knew he was going to kill himself, she told him to. His family has a reasonable expectation for his girlfriend to report a possible self murder happening. She's got some liability here.
you do realize this kid took his own life, correct? She didn't have anything to do with it. Words CANT be an accomplice.
Are you guys considering the pandoras box that type of statism can open?

You can't encourage someone of unsound mind to kill themself. You should cal the police if you think someone might kill themself.

Is Suicide Illegal? Suicide Laws By Country

United States: In the past, many states had laws that regarded the act of suicide as a felony, but these laws were seldom enforced. In the 1980s, 30 out of 50 United States has no laws opposing suicide or attempting suicide. With that said, all 50 states had laws stating that assisted suicide is a felony. Currently there is no law against the act of committing suicide in the United States.

In some cases though, suicide is considered “common law crime” unless the victim can be proven to have been of “unsound mind.” Most lawsuits regarding suicide happen when the person is under supervision of a jail or hospital and the victim’s family sues these institutions for negligence. Physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill is legal in Oregon and Washington.

In cases of physician-assisted suicide, the patient must have less than 6 months to live, be of sound mind, make a request vocally and on paper, have it approved by multiple physicians, and then wait 15 days, followed by another request. In the state of California, all medical facilities are required to send all suicidal people in for evaluation and treatment.
You can. You just shouldn't.
Suicide is completely legal in the US. Try looking up current laws.. That was the 1980s. We got rid of that stuff a few years ago.
Common law is developed by courts, I believe. They have NO basis in legislation.
Words CANT be considered an assist or accomplice. That's just not the way it works.
apparently not....he was freed ....i think you are thinking of the law....if someone dies while one or more persons is committing a felony....everyone is guilty of the crime of murder...even the driver of the get away car
Consider this if you know someone is going to murder someone you must report it to authorities. She not only knew he was going to kill himself, she told him to. His family has a reasonable expectation for his girlfriend to report a possible self murder happening. She's got some liability here.
Not by law, drifter. Suicide isn't murder. Suicide is LEGAL. Liability cant be given when they did nothing against the law.
i realize he took his own life....i realize she encourage him to just do ....the other dude ...simply closed the door...knowing a 7 yr old was going to get raped ....he didnt encourage the rape or cheer it on....yet you see him as immoral?
I see this chick as immoral as well. Probably a legitimate sociopath. She just didn't break the law.
An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal. The distinction between an accessory and a principal is a question of fact and degree:

  • The principal is the one whose acts or omissions, accompanied by the relevant mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind"), are the most immediate cause of the actus reus (Latin for "guilty act").
you do realize this kid took his own life, correct? She didn't have anything to do with it. Words CANT be an accomplice.
Are you guys considering the pandoras box that type of statism can open?

You can't encourage someone of unsound mind to kill themself. You should cal the police if you think someone might kill themself.

Is Suicide Illegal? Suicide Laws By Country

United States: In the past, many states had laws that regarded the act of suicide as a felony, but these laws were seldom enforced. In the 1980s, 30 out of 50 United States has no laws opposing suicide or attempting suicide. With that said, all 50 states had laws stating that assisted suicide is a felony. Currently there is no law against the act of committing suicide in the United States.

In some cases though, suicide is considered “common law crime” unless the victim can be proven to have been of “unsound mind.” Most lawsuits regarding suicide happen when the person is under supervision of a jail or hospital and the victim’s family sues these institutions for negligence. Physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill is legal in Oregon and Washington.

In cases of physician-assisted suicide, the patient must have less than 6 months to live, be of sound mind, make a request vocally and on paper, have it approved by multiple physicians, and then wait 15 days, followed by another request. In the state of California, all medical facilities are required to send all suicidal people in for evaluation and treatment.
You can. You just shouldn't.
Suicide is completely legal in the US. Try looking up current laws.. That was the 1980s. We got rid of that stuff a few years ago.
Common law is developed by courts, I believe. They have NO basis in legislation.
Words CANT be considered an assist or accomplice. That's just not the way it works.

Its not. Assisted suicide is also only legal in certain states and there has to be a medical diagnosis. Not just anyone can go around assising people with suicide. Further more she's liable, she didn't report a possible self-murder to the authorities instead she encouraged it. You can;t go around encouraging someone to rape , or murder and you can;t do that about suicide either. You have a responsibility as a citizen to report it to authorities and let them handle it. Police do well care checkups for a reason.
Consider this if you know someone is going to murder someone you must report it to authorities. She not only knew he was going to kill himself, she told him to. His family has a reasonable expectation for his girlfriend to report a possible self murder happening. She's got some liability here.
Not by law, drifter. Suicide isn't murder. Suicide is LEGAL. Liability cant be given when they did nothing against the law.

Bull, people who go to jail are on suicide watch at times and the city does not want t be sued if something happens to the prisoner.
you do realize this kid took his own life, correct? She didn't have anything to do with it. Words CANT be an accomplice.
Are you guys considering the pandoras box that type of statism can open?

You can't encourage someone of unsound mind to kill themself. You should cal the police if you think someone might kill themself.

Is Suicide Illegal? Suicide Laws By Country

United States: In the past, many states had laws that regarded the act of suicide as a felony, but these laws were seldom enforced. In the 1980s, 30 out of 50 United States has no laws opposing suicide or attempting suicide. With that said, all 50 states had laws stating that assisted suicide is a felony. Currently there is no law against the act of committing suicide in the United States.

In some cases though, suicide is considered “common law crime” unless the victim can be proven to have been of “unsound mind.” Most lawsuits regarding suicide happen when the person is under supervision of a jail or hospital and the victim’s family sues these institutions for negligence. Physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill is legal in Oregon and Washington.

In cases of physician-assisted suicide, the patient must have less than 6 months to live, be of sound mind, make a request vocally and on paper, have it approved by multiple physicians, and then wait 15 days, followed by another request. In the state of California, all medical facilities are required to send all suicidal people in for evaluation and treatment.
You can. You just shouldn't.
Suicide is completely legal in the US. Try looking up current laws.. That was the 1980s. We got rid of that stuff a few years ago.
Common law is developed by courts, I believe. They have NO basis in legislation.
Words CANT be considered an assist or accomplice. That's just not the way it works.

Its not. Assisted suicide is also only legal in certain states and there has to be a medical diagnosis. Not just anyone can go around assising people with suicide. Further more she's liable, she didn't report a possible self-murder to the authorities instead she encouraged it. You can;t go around encouraging someone to rape , or murder and you can;t do that about suicide either. You have a responsibility as a citizen to report it to authorities and let them handle it. Police do well care checkups for a reason.
This wasn't assisted! Words CAN NOT assist in physical actions.
I understand your emotion in this, but that's all it is.
"self murder" is another name for suicide. I would question whether its even an actual phrase.
Read this
Suicide is NOT Self-Murder -!
She was negligent in how she encouraged it. She has some responsiblity to act in a reasonable manner in that situation which she didn't.

Harley we are just beating a dead horse here because neither of us wil change our minds about it. So have a good weekend. I;m out.

B. Proximate Cause Conduct that eventually leads another to commit suicide may be characterized in three ways: (1) a negligent act that inflicts injury and is followed later by suicide, (2) an act that is intended to cause injury but not suicide, and (3) an intentional act that is substantially certain to cause injury and suicide. The extent to which a tortfeasor's liability will be limited by tests of proximate cause3 8 should be analyzed separately for each situation.
Consider this if you know someone is going to murder someone you must report it to authorities. She not only knew he was going to kill himself, she told him to. His family has a reasonable expectation for his girlfriend to report a possible self murder happening. She's got some liability here.
Not by law, drifter. Suicide isn't murder. Suicide is LEGAL. Liability cant be given when they did nothing against the law.

Bull, people who go to jail are on suicide watch at times and the city does not want t be sued if something happens to the prisoner.
Because when they are in jail they are under the responsibility of the municipality.
Apples and oranges. TOTALLY different scenarios.
She was negligent in how she encouraged it. She has some responsiblity to act in a reasonable manner in that situation which she didn't.

Harley we are just beating a dead horse here because neither of us wil change our minds about it. So have a good weekend. I;m out.

B. Proximate Cause Conduct that eventually leads another to commit suicide may be characterized in three ways: (1) a negligent act that inflicts injury and is followed later by suicide, (2) an act that is intended to cause injury but not suicide, and (3) an intentional act that is substantially certain to cause injury and suicide. The extent to which a tortfeasor's liability will be limited by tests of proximate cause3 8 should be analyzed separately for each situation.
Yes, we probably wont. I am going by laws, logic and liberty. Not emotion ONLY.
She was negligent in how she encouraged it. She has some responsiblity to act in a reasonable manner in that situation which she didn't.

Harley we are just beating a dead horse here because neither of us wil change our minds about it. So have a good weekend. I;m out.

B. Proximate Cause Conduct that eventually leads another to commit suicide may be characterized in three ways: (1) a negligent act that inflicts injury and is followed later by suicide, (2) an act that is intended to cause injury but not suicide, and (3) an intentional act that is substantially certain to cause injury and suicide. The extent to which a tortfeasor's liability will be limited by tests of proximate cause3 8 should be analyzed separately for each situation.
Yes, we probably wont. I am going by laws, logic and liberty. Not emotion ONLY.

I posted alot of laws too. Let;s just agree to disagree. No more alerts for me. Have a nice day.
She was negligent in how she encouraged it. She has some responsiblity to act in a reasonable manner in that situation which she didn't.

Harley we are just beating a dead horse here because neither of us wil change our minds about it. So have a good weekend. I;m out.

B. Proximate Cause Conduct that eventually leads another to commit suicide may be characterized in three ways: (1) a negligent act that inflicts injury and is followed later by suicide, (2) an act that is intended to cause injury but not suicide, and (3) an intentional act that is substantially certain to cause injury and suicide. The extent to which a tortfeasor's liability will be limited by tests of proximate cause3 8 should be analyzed separately for each situation.
Yes, we probably wont. I am going by laws, logic and liberty. Not emotion ONLY.

I posted alot of laws too. Let;s just agree to disagree. No more alerts for me. Have a nice day.
you did, they just weren't relevant. Suicide isn't a crime............... as YOU have posted yourself.
She was negligent in how she encouraged it. She has some responsiblity to act in a reasonable manner in that situation which she didn't.

Harley we are just beating a dead horse here because neither of us wil change our minds about it. So have a good weekend. I;m out.

B. Proximate Cause Conduct that eventually leads another to commit suicide may be characterized in three ways: (1) a negligent act that inflicts injury and is followed later by suicide, (2) an act that is intended to cause injury but not suicide, and (3) an intentional act that is substantially certain to cause injury and suicide. The extent to which a tortfeasor's liability will be limited by tests of proximate cause3 8 should be analyzed separately for each situation.
Yes, we probably wont. I am going by laws, logic and liberty. Not emotion ONLY.

I posted alot of laws too. Let;s just agree to disagree. No more alerts for me. Have a nice day.
you did, they just weren't relevant. Suicide isn't a crime............... as YOU have posted yourself.

I think it is. I gotta stop though. You know tomorrow is the anniversary of when my sister killed herself 4 yrs ago. It is emotional for me. So I'm going to leave this thread now. Thank you.
She was negligent in how she encouraged it. She has some responsiblity to act in a reasonable manner in that situation which she didn't.

Harley we are just beating a dead horse here because neither of us wil change our minds about it. So have a good weekend. I;m out.

B. Proximate Cause Conduct that eventually leads another to commit suicide may be characterized in three ways: (1) a negligent act that inflicts injury and is followed later by suicide, (2) an act that is intended to cause injury but not suicide, and (3) an intentional act that is substantially certain to cause injury and suicide. The extent to which a tortfeasor's liability will be limited by tests of proximate cause3 8 should be analyzed separately for each situation.
Yes, we probably wont. I am going by laws, logic and liberty. Not emotion ONLY.

I posted alot of laws too. Let;s just agree to disagree. No more alerts for me. Have a nice day.
you did, they just weren't relevant. Suicide isn't a crime............... as YOU have posted yourself.

I think it is. I gotta stop though. You know tomorrow is the anniversary of when my sister killed herself 4 yrs ago. It is emotional for me. So I'm going to leave this thread now. Thank you.
What you think isn't law though lol. Again, you have posted it isn't a crime. Are you reading your links?
I know that is hard.. it would be for me. Try to have a good weekend!
I don't buy that.

If I told you to rob a bank so you could pay your bills and you did I am not responsible.

If I told you to jump off a bridge because you were whining about how miserable you were and you did I am not responsible

We disagree with each other on this matter. It's just going in circles now. I won't convince you and you won;t convince me. I've said what I have to say about it. I care deeply about this issue since my own sister killed herself. I think people need to alert family members, police and helpers, not encourage someone to kill themself. I think it's criminal to suggest this to someone who is unstable. I acknowledge that you don;t agree.
They had policies like that in the USSR as well, drifter.

I don;t feel ashamed for caring about people harley. I do care, I think people are worthwhile.
Nothing wrong with caring for people, drifter. But that hasn't got much to do with destroying constitutional and civil rights.

This is not a terminally ill person. There are laws against suicide and she broke it.

Is Suicide Illegal? Suicide Laws By Country
United States: In the past, many states had laws that regarded the act of suicide as a felony, but these laws were seldom enforced. In the 1980s, 30 out of 50 United States has no laws opposing suicide or attempting suicide. With that said, all 50 states had laws stating that assisted suicide is a felony. Currently there is no law against the act of committing suicide in the United States.

In some cases though, suicide is considered “common law crime” unless the victim can be proven to have been of “unsound mind.” Most lawsuits regarding suicide happen when the person is under supervision of a jail or hospital and the victim’s family sues these institutions for negligence. Physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill is legal in Oregon and Washington.

In cases of physician-assisted suicide, the patient must have less than 6 months to live, be of sound mind, make a request vocally and on paper, have it approved by multiple physicians, and then wait 15 days, followed by another request. In the state of California, all medical facilities are required to send all suicidal people in for evaluation and treatment.

Suicide is not illegal

The girl is being charged with manslaughter which is ridiculous

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