Charges against Jan 6 Viking Man Should be Dismissed


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The overreach by leftists to ruin the life of a non-violent political opponent was obviously wrong, but now that it has come out that the prosecution withheld evidence that could have reduced his sentence or eliminated it entirely, the prisoner should be immediately released with all charges dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.

He also should sue for millions. If a black woman gets $8 million for 30 minutes of detention - without an arrest - then this guy deserves $15 million for having two years of his life stolen from him. Of course, he’s white and a Trump supporter, so he won‘t see a dime.

The overreach by leftists to ruin the life of a non-violent political opponent was obviously wrong, but now that it has come out that the prosecution withheld evidence that could have reduced his sentence or eliminated it entirely, the prisoner should be immediately released with all charges dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.

He also should sue for millions. If a black woman gets $8 million for 30 minutes of detention - without an arrest - then this guy deserves $15 million for having two years of his life stolen from him. Of course, he’s white and a Trump supporter, so he won‘t see a dime.

The right wing obsession with race continues.

The tapes released by Fox News do not exonerate your horny confederate for any of his charges--charges he pled guilty to by the way.
That isn't obsession, it's pointing out one of the left's many double standards.
How is someone getting a court settlement indicative of the "left's many double standards"?

Can't wait to hear the conspiracy theory tied up in this one.
Tresspassers get life in prison, "flash mobs" don't even get prosecuted.
Oh I agree, just it's another reason we need DeSantis in 2024 to be our nominee and the winner of the 2024 election.
I think they all should get compensation as well. It would be something I would be glad to have my taxes raised, along with else, to pay for. What the hateful racists did - hanging these people out to dry as a sign what happens to political dissenters - is something the North Koreans would do.
'Time Served'

He's allready spent 2 years in jail for Tresspassing. That's enough.
I work in a prison right now. Thought it'd be an interesting step into law enforcement. Anyway, you'd be amazed by some of the shit people do to get sentenced to 2-5 years in prison. How long is this dude's sentence? We going to keep him behind bars for as long as people that are caught purchasing child pornography? Should he be behind bars longer than guys that beat the shit out of their children and wives? Drunk drivers that maimed people for life?
Don't worry all the non-violent offenders will get pardoned by President DeSantis in 2025.
Don't bet the farm on it. Trump is going to shred Ron should he jump in. And there is NO indication that DeSantis will play that high in popularity.

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