Charles people shouldn't get to keep their own money...

Good for him.

What the Republicans are somehow not seeing (I have my assumptions as to why) is the sociological aspect of the tax system and macroeconomics.

There is a tipping point at which wealth inequality goes too far, at which we lose fundamental social equilibrium. When that happens, we can expect precisely what is always next whenever we go too far - a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction in the opposite direction.

We're pretty close right now. Maybe we're there.
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Knee-jerk reactions are never constructive.

Somehow, we still haven't learned that one.
My life isn't changed, affected, worsen because somebody I don't know has more wreath than 100'000 people. And you're not affected by mine.
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Knee-jerk reactions are never constructive.

Somehow, we still haven't learned that one.
There is a tipping point at which wealth inequality goes too far, at which we lose fundamental social equilibrium. When that happens, we can expect precisely what is always next whenever we go too far - a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction in the opposite direction.
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Knee-jerk reactions are never constructive.

Somehow, we still haven't learned that one.
There is a tipping point at which wealth inequality goes too far, at which we lose fundamental social equilibrium. When that happens, we can expect precisely what is always next whenever we go too far - a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction in the opposite direction.
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Knee-jerk reactions are never constructive.

Somehow, we still haven't learned that one.
There is a tipping point at which wealth inequality goes too far, at which we lose fundamental social equilibrium. When that happens, we can expect precisely what is always next whenever we go too far - a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction in the opposite direction.
Did you think your theory only applied to some and not others?
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Knee-jerk reactions are never constructive.

Somehow, we still haven't learned that one.
There is a tipping point at which wealth inequality goes too far, at which we lose fundamental social equilibrium. When that happens, we can expect precisely what is always next whenever we go too far - a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction in the opposite direction.
Did you think your theory only applied to some and not others?
You appear to be saying that wealth inequality isn't nearly large enough. Is that it?
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Can you be specific?
ISIS...the a start.
ISIS is a Bush creation and we`ve always had taxes. When Obama took office the DOW was hanging around 7,000 and we were losing 745,000 jobs a month. The good old days in your eyes.
Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
Blair was warned about Isis - and now we're paying the price
Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Knee-jerk reactions are never constructive.

Somehow, we still haven't learned that one.
There is a tipping point at which wealth inequality goes too far, at which we lose fundamental social equilibrium. When that happens, we can expect precisely what is always next whenever we go too far - a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction in the opposite direction.
Did you think your theory only applied to some and not others?
You appear to be saying that wealth inequality isn't nearly large enough. Is that it?
I am stating outright that the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton era were soundly rejected by voters.
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
Can you be specific?
ISIS...the a start.
ISIS is a Bush creation and we`ve always had taxes. When Obama took office the DOW was hanging around 7,000 and we were losing 745,000 jobs a month. The good old days in your eyes.
Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
Blair was warned about Isis - and now we're paying the price
Tony Blair admits "mistakes" in Iraq war, rise of ISIS - CBS News
Why didn't Obama destroy ISIS during his eight years? It only took Trump 11 months. Why didn't Obama push for the economy-boosting tax cuts that Trump did, rather than the soul and economy-crushing taxes he imposed?
I am stating outright that the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton era were soundly rejected by voters.
They were? Who, electoral voters?

And what in the world does that have to do with my point?
Yes, electoral voters. You know, the ones that matter.
Okay, so losing by three million votes equates to a sound rejection. Got it. I think you really nailed it there.

Now tell me, what does any of this have to do with my point, the sociological aspect of taxes and macroeconomics?

Or is all I'm going to get from you the standard two-dimensional partisan rhetoric?
What we're seeing with the Trump Administration is a revolt and a knee-jerk reaction to the failed policies of the Obama/Clinton Machine.
You forgot Reagan Bush Ford Carter Nixon and LBJ and all the other dumb fucks you think you actually "voted" into office. The last President of the US was John F Kennedy. Then you idiots met television extreme........and Deep throat became a hit. Get an Oxycontin and a Prozac.It'll fix most anything ( ask your doctor)

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