Charles Rangel Pleads for;

He should go to prison, but he's a politician...he'll get his hand whacked with a ruler.
Rangel, he is 81, he should go to the old folks home, we should of put grandpa to bed ten years ago.
IF he's telling the truth they should kick his fat ass out just for being that stupid.

But no way in hell I buy his b.s. He knew damn well what he was doing was wrong but figured he was immune from the rules/laws because of his political status.
Yea this one should fall on deaf ears for sure. Him and Maxine Waters never showed any fairness or mercy when Republicans got into trouble. So why should they expect it? Waters especially is possibly the most vicious & partisan person serving in Congress with the exception of maybe Nancy Pelosi. Neither have ever shown fairness or mercy therefore they deserve none. But don't worry,they'll skate. The Democrats will let both off with a slap on the wrist. Bet on it.
Should Newt have gone to Prison too?
I feel that if a citizen would go to prison for a crime...then a politician that does the same crime should go to prison, matter what party he resides in. Does that answer your question, and would you be as honest?
We do not throw our grandparents in jail just because we did not know better.

Lets learn from our mistakes, at 60 they retire.

There is not one person so much better than the rest of us they have a right to stay in politics while wearing Depends.
Any politician who does anything that an ordinary citizen would do time for, should do time. No special treatment - these people are not special.
Any politician who does anything that an ordinary citizen would do time for, should do time. No special treatment - these people are not special.

Couldn't agree more.

Its bs like this thiat makes me wonder what planet the clowns in Congress think they live on, Jeeze.

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