Charles Taylor Guilty of War crimes

Given there were no colonialists in Sierra Leone or Liberia during the time Taylor came to power, I can't imagine what those 'desperate measures' were.

The fact that the killing of the RUF forced the democratically elected government of SR to hire private miltary contractors would suggest the opposite.

There is virtually 0 colonial influence in Africa these days - this is merely a conveniant excuse for Africans to avoid taking responsibility for their own errors.

Nine countries placed their national armies in the DR Congo during the recent war - not one was from outside Africa. THAT is colonialism.

Colonialists never left Africa: Most simply had puppets the likes of Thomas Gage and Francis Smith of North America's 1770s doing their dirty jobs. Besides, Ahmad Tejan Kabbah of Sierra Leone was agent of the UN, the baby and tool of noted colonialists and imperialists.
Is the OP really defending Taylor? WTF?

It looks like he is.

The main problem in most countries on the African continent is the men. They are resistant to change, especially if it benefits anyone but themselves, eg. women and children. The path to improvements is through the women. They need to be brought on board for STD prevention, infant mortality, malaria prevention, quality water, nutrition, and the list goes on. Many of these program initiatives are canexed by the men and the cycle of dispair goes on.

Men like Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe need to be thrown aside for Africa to make any steps forward, as long as idiots like Lafreak continue to look at those murderous clowns as heroes nothing will change.

Facts are: The Charles Taylors, Robert Mugabes, Muammar Gaddafis, etc. took their stands in Africa because of Western bullies noted for plundering the resources of developing nations. While these Africans are not perfect, they stand (stood) and fight (fought) for the right to determine the destiny of their individual nations and Africa.
"not perfect"?! Are you going for the understatement of the year award?
Charles Taylor is a thug. His buck naked teenaged "warriors" for some reason thought it was a good idea to fire on the US Embassy. Well place rounds from Marine snipers put a stop to that. Sending intoxicated children to war is not cool. That is not from the CIA. I was there when it happened.

I'll accept your version. Taylor followed Doe, and Doe was also a monster. I knew the son of a Liberian Senator many years ago, Liberia was once a model for the continent, no more.
Peach -

It can be again. I'll be there in 2 weeks, so will report back.
"not perfect"?! Are you going for the understatement of the year award?

Yap. You heard me: Charles Taylor, unfortunately, was making use of what was readily available to him in fighting the oppressors and suppressors of his nation and Africa. What is the excuse of the US government for training children to be crooks - Kids and hackers, oh my! DefCon adds kids track -

OR for injecting citizens with dangerous substances? - Tuskegee Syphilis & US Plutonium Experiments on Civilians (Morgana's Observatory)

While Charles Taylor and the RUF had their flaws, fact remains that they would not have engaged in their desperate acts were it not for the diabolic acts of imperialists and colonialists in Africa, whose desire it is to see Africa impoverish and dependent.
All African leaders are guilty of war crimes. I still wonder why African Americans are so proud of Africa that they want it to be part of who they are. Africa was and is a cess pool
Men like Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe need to be thrown aside for Africa to make any steps forward, as long as idiots like Lafreak continue to look at those murderous clowns as heroes nothing will change.

I agree with both of these statements.

(On the other hand, I also have to say that I meet absolutely fabulous men in Africa every week.)

There are lots of good men in Africa unfortunately it seems like much of their leadership are corrupt inept men.

Kind of like here in the states.
It looks like he is.

The main problem in most countries on the African continent is the men. They are resistant to change, especially if it benefits anyone but themselves, eg. women and children. The path to improvements is through the women. They need to be brought on board for STD prevention, infant mortality, malaria prevention, quality water, nutrition, and the list goes on. Many of these program initiatives are canexed by the men and the cycle of dispair goes on.

Men like Charles Taylor and Robert Mugabe need to be thrown aside for Africa to make any steps forward, as long as idiots like Lafreak continue to look at those murderous clowns as heroes nothing will change.

Facts are: The Charles Taylors, Robert Mugabes, Muammar Gaddafis, etc. took their stands in Africa because of Western bullies noted for plundering the resources of developing nations. While these Africans are not perfect, they stand (stood) and fight (fought) for the right to determine the destiny of their individual nations and Africa.

Not was founded as a free country and never colonized.

BTW, most SSA countries were better off when they were administered by the European countries, at least from a law and order perspective.
All African leaders are guilty of war crimes. I still wonder why African Americans are so proud of Africa that they want it to be part of who they are. Africa was and is a cess pool

How would you know?

You've never been there.

There are some terrific leaders in Africa - and Liberia's is a case in point. She won a Nobel Peace Prize, and deserved it.
All African leaders are guilty of war crimes. I still wonder why African Americans are so proud of Africa that they want it to be part of who they are. Africa was and is a cess pool

How would you know?

You've never been there.

There are some terrific leaders in Africa - and Liberia's is a case in point. She won a Nobel Peace Prize, and deserved it.

Typical of you to applaud a person who helped support and fund Charles Taylor and who has proved herself corrupt and power-hungry.
Typical of you to applaud a person who helped support and fund Charles Taylor and who has proved herself corrupt and power-hungry.

And once again, we see this desperate need to reduce everything to good/evil and black/white.

Setting aside the fact that you likely could not place Liberia on a map, you would think most people might want to judge the president on her record, not on a terrible mistake she made 20 years ago, and for which she has since apologised.

The fact that Liberia is finaly clawing its way out of poverty, is finaly seeing tourists and new businesses and economic stability, and is finaly holding regular elections might be enough for some people.
Typical of you to applaud a person who helped support and fund Charles Taylor and who has proved herself corrupt and power-hungry.

And once again, we see this desperate need to reduce everything to good/evil and black/white.

Setting aside the fact that you likely could not place Liberia on a map, you would think most people might want to judge the president on her record, not on a terrible mistake she made 20 years ago, and for which she has since apologised.

The fact that Liberia is finaly clawing its way out of poverty, is finaly seeing tourists and new businesses and economic stability, and is finaly holding regular elections might be enough for some people.

More hypocrisy and lies.

And I'm pretty sure i know better where to locate Liberia on a map than you do. Do you really believe anybody still believes all those lies you keep telling about yourself? You've been exposed as a fraud.
Arte -

I don't lie.

And actually I arrive in Liberia Tuesday after next. And you?

Anytime you are curious about my travels or stories, let me know, and I'll give you my website address so that you can check the details, or I can post pics, as I have done of me in Israel.
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And I'm pretty sure i know better where to locate Liberia on a map than you do.

I live for posts like this. It's really what makes me come back to boards after a break away.

Posts like this just create this vision of a red-faced Tin Tin, age 10, stamping his feet in a sand pit and sobbing noisily while the big kids kick his football away.
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And I'm pretty sure i know better where to locate Liberia on a map than you do.

I live for posts like this. It's really what makes me come back to boards after a break away.

Posts like this just create this vision of Tin Tin, age 10, staming his feet in a sand pit and sobbing noisily, while the big kids kick his football away.

Yes, childish whining seems to be right up your alley.
All African leaders are guilty of war crimes. I still wonder why African Americans are so proud of Africa that they want it to be part of who they are. Africa was and is a cess pool

How would you know?

You've never been there.

There are some terrific leaders in Africa - and Liberia's is a case in point. She won a Nobel Peace Prize, and deserved it.

Typical of you to applaud a person who helped support and fund Charles Taylor and who has proved herself corrupt and power-hungry.

Helen Johnson-Sirleaf corrupt and power-hungry? Thus far naive is all I can attribute to Johnson-Sirleaf.
I was wondering who is showing funky butt to people. Belligerent Drunk! The robot has been equipped with serious pornographic urges!

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