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Charlie Hebdo Was Not About Free Speech

If it's so bad in France for these Muslim immigrants, why don't they stat the fuck where they came from ?
They have no business in western countries to begin with unless they give up their prehistoric religion, and assimilate into western culture and ideals.
What would you say to Muslims born in racist shit-holes like French banlieues, sign up for the Special Operations Command?

I would say you can stay, but you're going to be watched. The ones who are not born there I would show them the border, and I would immediately end any further immigration of Muslins.
"You begin to understand the brothers....."

Nuff said.
I understand why Muslims dispair.
Do you?

"When you sink to despair, when you live trapped in Gaza, Israel’s vast open-air prison, sleeping 10 to a floor in a concrete hovel, walking every morning through the muddy streets of your refugee camp to get a bottle of water because the water that flows from your tap is toxic, lining up at a U.N. office to get a little food because there is no work and your family is hungry, suffering the periodic aerial bombardments by Israel that leaves hundreds of dead, your religion is all you have left."
Look in the closest mirror.

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

They lived in France! what the fuck is the connection to Gaza? The pure and sacred children of Toulouse were also killed "for Gaza". If the Muslims are so desparate to take the shit on Israel, well let them! but hands off the Jews of Europe! they're innocent!

nd that carcariture is somehow supposed to justify murdering innocent people?
No. It was posted in response to the racist stereotype in the post I was responding to. Chris Hedges's essay on the recent Paris murders is not a justification, but it is a good explanation.

"The terrorist attack in France that took place at the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo was not about free speech. It was not about radical Islam. It did not illustrate the fictitious clash of civilizations.

"It was a harbinger of an emerging dystopia where the wretched of the earth, deprived of resources to survive, devoid of hope, brutally controlled, belittled and mocked by the privileged who live in the splendor and indolence of the industrial West, lash out in nihilistic fury."

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
Charlie Hebdo and the three other terror attacks that happened between Wednesday and Friday last week in France were about fucked up muslim terrorists who murdered innocent civilians.
In response to fucked up Christian terrorists who have maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland.

"“You want us to weep for the Americans when they bomb and kill Palestinians and Iraqis every day?'"... "'We want more Americans to die so they can begin to see what it feels like.'”

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

If it's so bad in France for these Muslim immigrants, why don't they stat the fuck where they came from ?
They have no business in western countries to begin with unless they give up their prehistoric religion, and assimilate into western culture and ideals.
What would you say to Muslims born in racist shit-holes like French banlieues, sign up for the Special Operations Command?

I would say you can stay, but you're going to be watched. The ones who are not born there I would show them the border, and I would immediately end any further immigration of Muslins.
What would you say to French Muslims who make up a majority of France's prison population?
No. Gaza is a shithole that has been in the hands of crazy assed muslims since 2006 or so.
Gaza became the shithole it is today in 1948 when Jews drove thousands of Palestinians into Egypt and the Sinai. The homes, businesses, and farms left behind by Arab were then given to Holocaust survivors. Do you find that ethical?
Why believe Chris Hedges rather than the muslims themselves? This is white people saying to muslims "I don't like your reasons. I'll give you the reasons I want you to have. "
Both Kouachi brothers said they were radicalized by US war crimes in Iraq.

"The 5 million North Africans in France are not considered French by the French. And when they go back to Algiers, Tangier or Tunis, where perhaps they were born and briefly lived, they are treated as alien outcasts. Caught between two worlds, they drift, as the two brothers did, into aimlessness, petty crime and drugs."

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
If it's so bad in France for these Muslim immigrants, why don't they stat the fuck where they came from ?
They have no business in western countries to begin with unless they give up their prehistoric religion, and assimilate into western culture and ideals.
What would you say to Muslims born in racist shit-holes like French banlieues, sign up for the Special Operations Command?

I would say you can stay, but you're going to be watched. The ones who are not born there I would show them the border, and I would immediately end any further immigration of Muslins.
What would you say to French Muslims who make up a majority of France's prison population?
Stop committing so many crimes.
Why believe Chris Hedges rather than the muslims themselves? This is white people saying to muslims "I don't like your reasons. I'll give you the reasons I want you to have. "
Both Kouachi brothers said they were radicalized by US war crimes in Iraq.

"The 5 million North Africans in France are not considered French by the French. And when they go back to Algiers, Tangier or Tunis, where perhaps they were born and briefly lived, they are treated as alien outcasts. Caught between two worlds, they drift, as the two brothers did, into aimlessness, petty crime and drugs."

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Keep protecting your islamifascist friends. that will get you far.
Chris Hedges believes the recent mass murders in France have less to do free speech than with the "rage of the dispossessed."

"If you spend time as I have in Gaza, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Egypt and Sudan, as well as the depressing, segregated housing projects known as banlieues that ring French cities such as Paris and Lyon, warehousing impoverished North African immigrants, you begin to understand the brothers Cherif Kouachi and Said Kouachi, who were killed Friday in a gun battle with French police.

"There is little employment in these pockets of squalor.

"Racism is overt.

"Despair is rampant, especially for the men, who feel they have no purpose.

"Harassment of immigrants, usually done by police during identity checks, is almost constant. Police once pulled a North African immigrant, for no apparent reason, off a Paris Metro subway car I was riding in and mercilessly beat him on the platform.

"French Muslims make up 60 to 70 percent of the prison population in France. Drugs and alcohol beckon like sirens to blunt the pain of poor Muslim communities."

Sounds a little like Camden or Detroit.
Maybe there's a connection?

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Read the signature
What would you say to French Muslims who make up a majority of France's prison population?
Stop committing so many crimes.
The same advice should be given to our black prisoners in the USA. Blacks complain that a disproportionate percentage of black males are in prison. Well, DUH! They commit more crimes!
Sounds a little like Camden or Detroit.
Maybe there's a connection?

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

It's an interesting point, but in Camden and Detroit, the hostility tends to be directed at people that are perceived to be competitors for scarce resources or the police, who are viewed as oppressors, but not at the local newspaper. I agree that the treatment of Africans in Europe can definitely be very troubling, but I'm not sure that this is the primary reason for the attack on Charlie Hebdo.
The biggest mistake France and other European countries the US made was to bring negroe slave labor to their countries.
Now these countries must deal with the consequences. The reaction by the governments has been to stick the negroes in ghettos. This has resulted in an angry festering boil that periodically pops and riots in LA and Detroit and Ferguson are the result.
There is no solution. The world just has to deal with the problem as best it can.
Want to know the smart way to get negro slave labor but not have to deal with the resulting endemic violence and economic/social costs?
Do what the Chinese have done. They have literally bought all of Africa's natural resources for fucking bananas. They keep the negroes in Africa as slave labor extracting the wealth. The wealth goes back to China and the negroes live in mud huts like they have since the dawn of time.
What's the smallest book in the world? The Book of All The Negroes Living In China.

Actually, blacks have never been pushed into ghettos in the US. They live or have lived in subsidized (by hard working Americans) low income housing, but since these homes have been almost given to them, they take no interest in fixing them up, don't care if they damage them, and soon these fall into disrepair and become what you call, ghettos. Kudos to the blacks, who seek to better themselves and leave these homes for better education, employment, and homes.

No solution? Not quite. It takes will power to realize that you are going nowhere and strive to be better. That's what made America the shining example of success.

Chinese keeping the negroes in Africa and working at hard labor? Looks like the Chinese could be labeled real racists.
Yup. You could call the Chineses 'racist'. You know what? They don't give a shit what YOU or anyone else calls them.
As for it taking "will power" to strive to do better you are right of course.
I've got a good idea! Why don't you go spend a couple weeks in East St. Louis or James Buchanan Drive?
Sort of walk around and 'spread the Gospel' of 'Strive to do better'. Make up flyers with your home address on them.
Let us know how you make out. This could be just the beginning of really turning the negro condition around!
After all. So far a trillion dollars + the government has thrown down the shithole ghettos hasn't helped.

There is a ghetto nearby, but I would be wasting my time. Perhaps some do-gooder would want to take on that task, but I doubt I would see anyone from the left out there, because they know that if anyone is successful in convincing these people to become successful, then the Democrat party will have lost votes, and that's the last thing the Democrat party wants, their philosophy, keeping them ill-informed, on the welfare dole, and always voting Democrat.
It's an interesting point, but in Camden and Detroit, the hostility tends to be directed at people that are perceived to be competitors for scarce resources or the police, who are viewed as oppressors, but not at the local newspaper. I agree that the treatment of Africans in Europe can definitely be very troubling, but I'm not sure that this is the primary reason for the attack on Charlie Hebdo.
I agree French racism wasn't the primary reason for the attack on Charlie Hebdo; the magazine offered a soft target and the terrorists took advantage. I'm more inclined to view the tragedy in terms of class struggle, or as Hedges puts it:
" It was a harbinger of an emerging dystopia where the wretched of the earth, deprived of resources to survive, devoid of hope, brutally controlled, belittled and mocked by the privileged who live in the splendor and indolence of the industrial West, lash out in nihilistic fury..."

"It is about the mad scramble by the privileged to survive at the expense of the poor. And the poor know it."

Soon, the privileged will know it as well.

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
You can view it any way you like, the fact remains that the attack was directed at Charlie Hebdo because of the perceived attacks on faith. Did class struggle make this group particularly vulnerable? Sure. But, their belief system also played a role.

I am not particularly anti-Islamic, but religion often provides people with a framework for acting out their pre-existing hate.
Chris Hedges believes the recent mass murders in France have less to do free speech than with the "rage of the dispossessed."

"If you spend time as I have in Gaza, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Egypt and Sudan, as well as the depressing, segregated housing projects known as banlieues that ring French cities such as Paris and Lyon, warehousing impoverished North African immigrants, you begin to understand the brothers Cherif Kouachi and Said Kouachi, who were killed Friday in a gun battle with French police.

"There is little employment in these pockets of squalor.

"Racism is overt.

"Despair is rampant, especially for the men, who feel they have no purpose.

"Harassment of immigrants, usually done by police during identity checks, is almost constant. Police once pulled a North African immigrant, for no apparent reason, off a Paris Metro subway car I was riding in and mercilessly beat him on the platform.

"French Muslims make up 60 to 70 percent of the prison population in France. Drugs and alcohol beckon like sirens to blunt the pain of poor Muslim communities."

Sounds a little like Camden or Detroit.
Maybe there's a connection?

Chris Hedges A Message From the Dispossessed - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Read the signature
I was in high school when JFK paid the price for telling that particular truth:
"November 22, 1963, Dallas, TX"
jfk assassination - Google Search
I will say that if you give people no possible way to achieve their goals in life, they will react in predictably violent ways.

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