Charlotte NC - Men now have legal right to use ALL female bathrooms

I didn't think it was illegal to start with?

No, I didn't say it was illegal. But just because something is legal doesn't mean it's a good idea. It's perfectly legal to drink oneself into a liver cirrhotic death or smoke oneself to lung cancer, but that doesn't make it a wise course of action, does it?
This whole transgender thing has degenerated into cartoonish lunacy; just because a person FEELS like something else (like a woman) doesn't make it true. I could repeat "I am Napolean!" a thousand times over, but that doesn't make it real. Sex-change surgery is a scam designed for doctors to profit off the mentally ill; because even if they give a guy perfect breasts/vagina, that guy's cells are still filled with Y-shaped MALE chromosomes. So on a biochemical level, he's a man with an amputated dick, NOT a woman.

The profit angle goes deeper than you realize.

“Sex-change” surgery isn't a one-time thing. The body tries to heal itself to its proper form, and it takes ongoing use of drugs and surgical procedures to maintain the “sex-changed” form. A tranny is like the ultimate drug addict, required for life to continue paying for and receiving expensive treatments to maintain the form of his opposite “reassigned sex.”

I'm not surprised. I know this "sex-change" fraud requires long-term hormone therapy. Further proof that they're still male because their Y-chromosomes keep trying to revert the body back into its genetically male configuration.
My, my...

... now ain't dat an odd coincidence...

... Uncle Ferd was just thinkin' `bout movin' to No. Carolina.
So does this mean that females can now go to the men's room whenever there is a guy in the ladies room?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If they do not want us in their bathroom, they should then stay out of ours.
^^^ To me, ladies will go to the men's room if they do not have the ability to wait because if guys are going to be allowed to use the ladies room, the ladies room is only going to become even more crowded.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am not ashamed to admit that I have actually done this myself. I went to the men's room once because I couldn't wait for the ladies room to become available.
^^^ To me, ladies will go to the men's room if they do not have the ability to wait because if guys are going to be allowed to use the ladies room, the ladies room is only going to become even more crowded.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am not ashamed to admit that I have actually done this myself. I went to the men's room once because I couldn't wait for the ladies room to become available.
I and other men here can probably attest to allowing a woman into the men's room when the lady's room was crowded and blocking the door so men wouldn't barge in.
What's funny is that at every rock concert I've been to, the line at the little girls room was so much longer than the line at the little boys room, I've seen numerous women barge into the men's room. And incredibly, take cuts in line and demanding men in the stalls "hurry up!" Hell hath no fury like a woman with an overloaded bladder, I suppose.
About time males got the privilege to pee on a lid of a females toilet...
On the brighter side, this means women can use men's rooms.

Very important since the next Democrat debate is in a venue where the gents loo is 20 steps closer to the stage than the ladies.
This whole transgender thing has degenerated into cartoonish lunacy; just because a person FEELS like something else (like a woman) doesn't make it true. I could repeat "I am Napolean!" a thousand times over, but that doesn't make it real. Sex-change surgery is a scam designed for doctors to profit off the mentally ill; because even if they give a guy perfect breasts/vagina, that guy's cells are still filled with Y-shaped MALE chromosomes. So on a biochemical level, he's a man with an amputated dick, NOT a woman.
Last week a woman in NYC climbed onto the bicycle rack on the front of a city bus. When the driver told her to get off she kept yelling, "I'm a bicycle, I'm a bicycle!"
When the cops came she kept yelling she was a bicycle till they took her away.It was on the evening news and was really funny.

The driver should have simply continued with his route. If she fell off...cite her for improperly securing a bicycle.

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