Charlottesville - My Take (FWIW)

When the Civil War started, the Union States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and New Jersey still had slavery. Lincoln said they could keep slavery as long as they did not secede from the Union. Later during the war, Lincoln illegally made West Virginia a new state and they could also keep slavery.

So it was OK for the Union States to have slavery, but not the Confederate states. Define hypocrisy.
You have a source for that claim, right?
The Union left over 300,000 dead soldiers laying in Southern dust.
Why the childish insult?

It is a national shame that 600,000 had to die before we could end the despicable practice of slavery
What an erroneous statement. The USA still had slavery after the war was over and all Confederate slaves were free.

History fail.
What nonsense

We passed the 13th Amendment immediately after the war and gave Negroes the right to vote shortly afterward

Kinda shows what we thought about slavery doesn't it?

It was like 6 months after the war was over when the 13th Amemdment was ratified.

Amendments don't grow on trees
Six months is fast tracked

The ironic part is that by seceding and forming a slave nation in order to preserve slavery...the south actually accelerated its demise

Slavery was gone for good in four short years. Blacks received the vote in five

If only the South had not panicked when Lincoln was elected, they may have kept their slaves for twenty more years

I agree that the South did not play this right. Of course they wanted to keep slavery. They were making billions of dollars on the crops of cotton and tobacco by 1860.

You think they wanted to keep this billion dollar enterprise going? It was legal and protected by a recent Supreme Court ruling and an act of Congress.

They never thought that Lincoln would send over 300,000 good men and boys to their deaths and keep fighting. And they never imagined Lincoln would wage war against civilians.
When the Civil War started, the Union States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and New Jersey still had slavery. Lincoln said they could keep slavery as long as they did not secede from the Union. Later during the war, Lincoln illegally made West Virginia a new state and they could also keep slavery.

So it was OK for the Union States to have slavery, but not the Confederate states. Define hypocrisy.

You have a source for that claim, right?

Yes. US history.
The ironic part is that by seceding and forming a slave nation in order to preserve slavery...the south actually accelerated its demise

No irony, since only ignorant sh1ts think the Civil War was about keeping slavery. On the contrary, the South chose to accelerate the end of slavery.
It is a national shame that 600,000 had to die before we could end the despicable practice of slavery
What an erroneous statement. The USA still had slavery after the war was over and all Confederate slaves were free.

History fail.
What nonsense

We passed the 13th Amendment immediately after the war and gave Negroes the right to vote shortly afterward

Kinda shows what we thought about slavery doesn't it?

It was like 6 months after the war was over when the 13th Amemdment was ratified.

Amendments don't grow on trees
Six months is fast tracked

The ironic part is that by seceding and forming a slave nation in order to preserve slavery...the south actually accelerated its demise

Slavery was gone for good in four short years. Blacks received the vote in five

If only the South had not panicked when Lincoln was elected, they may have kept their slaves for twenty more years

I agree that the South did not play this right. Of course they wanted to keep slavery. They were making billions of dollars on the crops of cotton and tobacco by 1860.

You think they wanted to keep this billion dollar enterprise going? It was legal and protected by a recent Supreme Court ruling and an act of Congress.

They never thought that Lincoln would send over 300,000 good men and boys to their deaths and keep fighting. And they never imagined Lincoln would wage war against civilians.
Any business that has to rely on slave labor in order to exist is evil

The south made billions off the free labor of blacks. They were more than capable of sharing that wealth with those who created it.

The civilians of the south profited off the forced bondage of others. They deserved to have war waged against them
The libtards are engaged in ethnic cleansing against southern heritage. Some protesters come to protest that, a libtard mob assaults them, police stand down, and the media blames the legal protesters.

That's not just my take, that's the stone-cold truth.
The violence came from the right, that been proven.
What an erroneous statement. The USA still had slavery after the war was over and all Confederate slaves were free.

History fail.
What nonsense

We passed the 13th Amendment immediately after the war and gave Negroes the right to vote shortly afterward

Kinda shows what we thought about slavery doesn't it?

It was like 6 months after the war was over when the 13th Amemdment was ratified.

Amendments don't grow on trees
Six months is fast tracked

The ironic part is that by seceding and forming a slave nation in order to preserve slavery...the south actually accelerated its demise

Slavery was gone for good in four short years. Blacks received the vote in five

If only the South had not panicked when Lincoln was elected, they may have kept their slaves for twenty more years

I agree that the South did not play this right. Of course they wanted to keep slavery. They were making billions of dollars on the crops of cotton and tobacco by 1860.

You think they wanted to keep this billion dollar enterprise going? It was legal and protected by a recent Supreme Court ruling and an act of Congress.

They never thought that Lincoln would send over 300,000 good men and boys to their deaths and keep fighting. And they never imagined Lincoln would wage war against civilians.
Any business that has to rely on slave labor in order to exist is evil

The south made billions off the free labor of blacks. They were more than capable of sharing that wealth with those who created it.

The civilians of the south profited off the forced bondage of others. They deserved to have war waged against them

The US and Union States sure did profit from slavery also. Do they deserve the same, or do you have double standards?
What nonsense

We passed the 13th Amendment immediately after the war and gave Negroes the right to vote shortly afterward

Kinda shows what we thought about slavery doesn't it?

It was like 6 months after the war was over when the 13th Amemdment was ratified.

Amendments don't grow on trees
Six months is fast tracked

The ironic part is that by seceding and forming a slave nation in order to preserve slavery...the south actually accelerated its demise

Slavery was gone for good in four short years. Blacks received the vote in five

If only the South had not panicked when Lincoln was elected, they may have kept their slaves for twenty more years

I agree that the South did not play this right. Of course they wanted to keep slavery. They were making billions of dollars on the crops of cotton and tobacco by 1860.

You think they wanted to keep this billion dollar enterprise going? It was legal and protected by a recent Supreme Court ruling and an act of Congress.

They never thought that Lincoln would send over 300,000 good men and boys to their deaths and keep fighting. And they never imagined Lincoln would wage war against civilians.
Any business that has to rely on slave labor in order to exist is evil

The south made billions off the free labor of blacks. They were more than capable of sharing that wealth with those who created it.

The civilians of the south profited off the forced bondage of others. They deserved to have war waged against them

The US and Union States sure did profit from slavery also. Do they deserve the same, or do you have double standards?

I did not see them hunting down runaway slaves to ensure their profit

The south had forced labor which they chose to fight to the death over
Charlottesville- My Take (FWIW)

The formation of the Confederacy was one of the most despicable nations in the history of mankind. A nation which had 40% of its population in bondage. A nation whose economy was dependent on free forced labor. A nation which treated 40% of its population no better than animals.

This is what the Confederacy was all about.....not Scarlett O'Hara, not noble gentlemen fighting for a great cause, not a cool flag that looks good on your pick-up
The Confederacy was about death and misery of a large part of its population

Charlottesville is right in removing those statues from places of honor
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Charlottesville- My Take

The formation of the Confederacy was one of the most despicable nations in the history of mankind. A nation which had 40% of its population in bondage. A nation whose economy was dependent on free forced labor. A nation which treated 40% of its population no better than animals.

Over a quarter of free blacks in New Orleans owned slaves, while at the same time under 1% of all whites owned slaves. And, the labor wasn't free. Those employees you call slaves barely produced enough to cover their cost of their room and board. Thankfully, one of the first acts of Lee was to ban the international slave trade.

Anyway, the Lee statue isn't about slavery, except in the minds of libtards who hate whites. And, what statues do you want up? Monuments to useless and racist libtards?
Charlottesville- My Take

The formation of the Confederacy was one of the most despicable nations in the history of mankind. A nation which had 40% of its population in bondage. A nation whose economy was dependent on free forced labor. A nation which treated 40% of its population no better than animals.

Over a quarter of free blacks in New Orleans owned slaves, while at the same time under 1% of all whites owned slaves. And, the labor wasn't free. Those employees you call slaves barely produced enough to cover their cost of their room and board. Thankfully, one of the first acts of Lee was to ban the international slave trade.

Anyway, the Lee statue isn't about slavery, except in the minds of libtards who hate whites. And, what statues do you want up? Monuments to useless and racist libtards?
Who cares?

40% of the ENTIRE nation was in bondage. And guess what? Most of the slave owners were white Christians who went to Church every Sunday and then came home and beat their slaves

Lee's statue is not about slavery?

Its about a General who fought to preserve slavery in the south, It is yet another monument to a nation devised to ensure slavery would exist forever
Charlottesville- My Take

The formation of the Confederacy was one of the most despicable nations in the history of mankind. A nation which had 40% of its population in bondage. A nation whose economy was dependent on free forced labor. A nation which treated 40% of its population no better than animals.

Over a quarter of free blacks in New Orleans owned slaves, while at the same time under 1% of all whites owned slaves. And, the labor wasn't free. Those employees you call slaves barely produced enough to cover their cost of their room and board. Thankfully, one of the first acts of Lee was to ban the international slave trade.

Anyway, the Lee statue isn't about slavery, except in the minds of libtards who hate whites. And, what statues do you want up? Monuments to useless and racist libtards?
Who cares?

40% of the ENTIRE nation was in bondage. And guess what? Most of the slave owners were white Christians who went to Church every Sunday and then came home and beat their slaves

Lee's statue is not about slavery?

Its about a General who fought to preserve slavery in the south, It is yet another monument to a nation devised to ensure slavery would exist forever

So rightwinger, how do you feel about the 12 US Presidents who owned slaves? Do you only despise the Southern Presidents or also the Northern Presidents who owned slaves?
The Union left over 300,000 dead soldiers laying in Southern dust. They had to resort to Terrorism to win.

Why the childish insult?

Naw, we weren't terrorist enough on your inbred asses. We should have done to you what we did to Germany and Japan. Level the whole place and start over. Germany and Japan are a lot more civilized than JesusLand.

My problem with the South is that you are mean and stupid and I generally treat you like I would treat mean and stupid people. With contempt.

Here's the thing. You will never, ever see a German talk about the Third Reich like it was a good thing. Germans are rightfully ashamed about what their grandparents did to this very day.

But you fucking stupid, inbred, bible-thumping morons in the South still look at the Confederacy, a government founded on the notion that slavery based on race was a good thing, is something to be truly proud of. The fact that they war was unwinnable from the start makes you glorify it as "the Lost Cause". YOu know, instead of "That Mean, Stupid Thing that we did that made a lot of people suffer."

We should tear down every Confederate monument and make sure EVERY history book goes into lurid detail about how horrible slavery was.
The Union left over 300,000 dead soldiers laying in Southern dust. They had to resort to Terrorism to win.

Why the childish insult?

Naw, we weren't terrorist enough on your inbred asses. We should have done to you what we did to Germany and Japan. Level the whole place and start over. Germany and Japan are a lot more civilized than JesusLand.

My problem with the South is that you are mean and stupid and I generally treat you like I would treat mean and stupid people. With contempt.

Here's the thing. You will never, ever see a German talk about the Third Reich like it was a good thing. Germans are rightfully ashamed about what their grandparents did to this very day.

But you fucking stupid, inbred, bible-thumping morons in the South still look at the Confederacy, a government founded on the notion that slavery based on race was a good thing, is something to be truly proud of. The fact that they war was unwinnable from the start makes you glorify it as "the Lost Cause". YOu know, instead of "That Mean, Stupid Thing that we did that made a lot of people suffer."

We should tear down every Confederate monument and make sure EVERY history book goes into lurid detail about how horrible slavery was.

The USA was "a government founded on the notion that slavery based on race was a good thing". So like, you must hate the USA unless you are ignorant or have double standards. Which is it?
The USA was "a government founded on the notion that slavery based on race was a good thing". So like, you must hate the USA unless you are ignorant or have double standards. Which is it?

Except that it wasn't. It was founded on the notion that "All Men are Created Equal". Which is a great sentitment. Unfortunately, slavery was still a thing and it took a while to get it right.

The Confederacy of Inbred States started on the notion that they had a right to keep slaves. Thats what they were fighting over. That's what thousands of them got removed from the Gene Pool for. (Not nearly enough, however).

So again, Tear down every monument and make sure the history books get it right.
Charlottesville- My Take

The formation of the Confederacy was one of the most despicable nations in the history of mankind. A nation which had 40% of its population in bondage. A nation whose economy was dependent on free forced labor. A nation which treated 40% of its population no better than animals.

Over a quarter of free blacks in New Orleans owned slaves, while at the same time under 1% of all whites owned slaves. And, the labor wasn't free. Those employees you call slaves barely produced enough to cover their cost of their room and board. Thankfully, one of the first acts of Lee was to ban the international slave trade.

Anyway, the Lee statue isn't about slavery, except in the minds of libtards who hate whites. And, what statues do you want up? Monuments to useless and racist libtards?
Who cares?

40% of the ENTIRE nation was in bondage. And guess what? Most of the slave owners were white Christians who went to Church every Sunday and then came home and beat their slaves

Lee's statue is not about slavery?

Its about a General who fought to preserve slavery in the south, It is yet another monument to a nation devised to ensure slavery would exist forever

So rightwinger, how do you feel about the 12 US Presidents who owned slaves? Do you only despise the Southern Presidents or also the Northern Presidents who owned slaves?

The 12 Presidents who owned slaves?

If they have erected statues honoring their owning of slaves, those statues should be taken down. If they have statues honoring what they did as Presidents, they should be left alone

The statues of Lee and Jeff Davis honor what they did in the Confederacy which was an abomination
When the Civil War started, the Union States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and New Jersey still had slavery. Lincoln said they could keep slavery as long as they did not secede from the Union. Later during the war, Lincoln illegally made West Virginia a new state and they could also keep slavery.

So it was OK for the Union States to have slavery, but not the Confederate states. Define hypocrisy.

You have a source for that claim, right?

Yes. US history.
...I rather meant a particular source that you would like to share with the class. You know, one with a link that we can all go verify for ourselves?
When the Civil War started, the Union States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and New Jersey still had slavery. Lincoln said they could keep slavery as long as they did not secede from the Union. Later during the war, Lincoln illegally made West Virginia a new state and they could also keep slavery.

So it was OK for the Union States to have slavery, but not the Confederate states. Define hypocrisy.

You have a source for that claim, right?

Yes. US history.
...I rather meant a particular source that you would like to share with the class. You know, one with a link that we can all go verify for ourselves?
In what State did you receive your education that never mentioned the fact that the Union had slavery when they invaded the South in the Civil War?

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