Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
:lol: Nice, passive aggressive, try. Shall we count up how many times you called someone racist? If the republican party doesn’t like being associated with racists, they should do something about all the racists in their pary.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
LBJ said a lot worse than that. You have to go back 50 years to find something on a Republican that was even remotely racist.
I agree with you. They got much better at hiding their racism…until recently.
You mean Democrats? No they didn't.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
Democrats making more American history disappear.
No, they are not. See poster CC Jones remarks: "
These symbols of treason, racism, and hate will be relocated to venues where this period of American history will never be forgotten.
Moreover, those who violated their oath to defend and protect the Constitution, those who betrayed their country and fought against America, those who engaged in treason and war crimes deserve no commemoration.
Indeed, Robert E. Lee, and other active duty military 'Confederates' -------were deserters.
They deserted the U.S. Army. They deserted the United States in its hour of need, despite their oaths.
Worse, they then killed their former comrades in the U.S. military.
And some want those deserters to be painted as heroic exemplars.*

*In fact, Nathan Bedford Forrest, whose statue (and now recently, his corpse) has been removed from Memphis' public space......Forrest commanded the massacre of Union soldiers who had surrendered at Ft.Pillow and had been disarmed. They shot 'em down anyway. And those enraptured by the Lost Cause Myth.....erected a friggin' statue to this guy, who, after the war, started and led the Klu Klux Klan. He should have been hung as a war criminal, like Henry Wirz was.

There was plenty of "hate" and segregation all parts of America, that's not what they were fighting over
The Confederacy was fighting to preserve their legal ability to hold slaves, and expand the use of them into the new territories the U.S. was absorbing in its westward expansion---Kansas, Texas, etc.

In fact, it has oft been reported on this very venue that the ability to enslave black slaves was written into the chartering constitutions of many if not all of the seceding states. So do this, poster Prince, go google up some of those old Constitutions, read about their intention to enslave.
And then understand that if the secessionist tell you they want to enslave, and then write it into their founding documents.......well, partner, believe them.

A war over the "State's right to secede" is a Lost Cause after-the-fact excuse the South dreamed up so as not to wear the Traitor-to-America label for generations.


Google up----'Lost Cause Myth'.
Forrest commanded the massacre of Union soldiers who had surrendered at Ft.Pillow and had been disarmed.
The commander of Ft. Pillow.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.
Or they know you're a racist and aren't worth responding to.

Yes, Joe, blacks are the same, which means any who defy that sameness are "Uncle Toms." The racist has spoken. That's you, Joe

Nothing wrong with being unique.
Everything wrong with selling out to please people who hate you anyway.

If fish have wings, then how is it that goats are able to fly?
If Magic Underwear protects you from Covid, then how are you able to get to the Outer Darkness?

Lincoln did start the war, and Trump did everything your sainted Dr. Fauci advised him to do.
No, the Southern States seceded before he was sworn in.

Fauci wanted to close down the entire country, which Trump refused to do.

Big fucking lie, asshole

You need to read up on the Southern Strategy, and how Nixon won over the former racists for the GOP.
I've read the Marxist propaganda on the so-called "Southern Strategy." That was just a sleazy tactic designed to paint Nixon as a racist even thoug his Dim NAZI opponents didn't have a shred of evidence that he was.
We do now.

Lies are not evidence. That you lie a lot, is just evidence that you are a liar.

IN the real world, Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford After him.

No wonder you’re such a fan…

So, to support your idea of Nixon supposedly pandering to southern wacists, you cite secret recordings that only came out today, 50 years later?

Wow. That's..... breath takingly stupid. Or, is it literally insane?

Nixon supported the bi-partisan consensus on civil rights, just like Johnson before him and Ford after him.
No, that isn’t what I said. I simply said we now know that he absolutely was a racist. Even if they were prognosticating back then, they were right.

The Southern Strategy is based on the idea that Nixon publicly pandered to southern wacists, so that they would have a reason to vote for him and the gop.

Secret recordings that didn't come out till decades after Nixon and hte majority of the voters were dead, would not be a reason for any voters to do anything.

You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.
You can't support the Southern Strategy, because it's not true.

But it does steer them away from the nasty habits of self-awareness and reflection...So there's that.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
That’s your fear anyway. It always has been.
Johnny Reb don’t take kindly to the idea of whites as minorities.
Time to evolve.
This hate frenzy against Confederate heroes by the Left is really nothing more than the Libtards stirring up hatred in the Darkies.

The Left thrives on hate and the Darkies fall for it every time.
That’s your fear anyway. It always has been.
Johnny Reb don’t take kindly to the idea of whites as minorities.
Time to evolve.
You barely know what's on your own mind, let alone someone who has been dead for longer than you've been alive.
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
of fuk you bitch. It means that the people who LIVE in charlottesville wanted the statues out for years because they glorify the racist Lost Cause of the daughters of the confederacy
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
of fuk you bitch. It means that the people who LIVE in charlottesville wanted the statues out for years because they glorify the racist Lost Cause of the daughters of the confederacy

You pulled Charlotte out of your ass then expected me to know what the fuck you were talking about.

What does that have to do with racists today? Certainly racist Democrats put up the statues. But they are all dead now.

I'm not a fan of the statues. I think they should be moved to museums. They are symbols of Democrat slavery and Democrat racism. But if you're arguing wanting to keep them = racism that's pretty stupid
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
of fuk you bitch. It means that the people who LIVE in charlottesville wanted the statues out for years because they glorify the racist Lost Cause of the daughters of the confederacy

You pulled Charlotte out of your ass then expected me to know what the fuck you were talking about.

What does that have to do with racists today? Certainly racist Democrats put up the statues. But they are all dead now.

I'm not a fan of the statues. I think they should be moved to museums. They are symbols of Democrat slavery and Democrat racism. But if you're arguing wanting to keep them = racism that's pretty stupid
Dear cocksuker, the protestors referred to by the previous potus were not good people. Don't start fights with me u swarmy little bitch
Lewis and Clark statue removed by the same Taliban that removed Lee's statute.

Thank you Democrats for destroying our country.
This is a lie.

Those removing monuments to racism and hate are not the ‘Taliban.’

And Democrats aren’t ‘destroying’ the country – Republicans tried to destroy the country on 1/6, thankfully they failed.
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
of fuk you bitch. It means that the people who LIVE in charlottesville wanted the statues out for years because they glorify the racist Lost Cause of the daughters of the confederacy

You pulled Charlotte out of your ass then expected me to know what the fuck you were talking about.

What does that have to do with racists today? Certainly racist Democrats put up the statues. But they are all dead now.

I'm not a fan of the statues. I think they should be moved to museums. They are symbols of Democrat slavery and Democrat racism. But if you're arguing wanting to keep them = racism that's pretty stupid
Dear cocksuker, the protestors referred to by the previous potus were not good people. Don't start fights with me u swarmy little bitch

He, and I, assumed that some of the protestors were good people who just showed up to support historical statues.

So, you disagree? You think we are bad guessers at who is in a crowd?
Lewis and Clark statue removed by the same Taliban that removed Lee's statute.

Thank you Democrats for destroying our country.
This is a lie.

Those removing monuments to racism and hate are not the ‘Taliban.’

And Democrats aren’t ‘destroying’ the country – Republicans tried to destroy the country on 1/6, thankfully they failed.

Wacism. I've asked you before, to use the "w" spelling, when you are making retarded wace baiting accusations.

How freaking hard is this? It will make things BETTER, by drawing a line between real discussions and when retarded monkey are just throwing shit.

Why would ANYONE not want that?
Lewis and Clark statue removed by the same Taliban that removed Lee's statute.

Thank you Democrats for destroying our country.
This is a lie.

Those removing monuments to racism and hate are not the ‘Taliban.’

And Democrats aren’t ‘destroying’ the country – Republicans tried to destroy the country on 1/6, thankfully they failed.
Invalidating a fraudulent election is not "destroying the country," moron.

What is racist about Lewis and Clark?
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
of fuk you bitch. It means that the people who LIVE in charlottesville wanted the statues out for years because they glorify the racist Lost Cause of the daughters of the confederacy

You pulled Charlotte out of your ass then expected me to know what the fuck you were talking about.

What does that have to do with racists today? Certainly racist Democrats put up the statues. But they are all dead now.

I'm not a fan of the statues. I think they should be moved to museums. They are symbols of Democrat slavery and Democrat racism. But if you're arguing wanting to keep them = racism that's pretty stupid
Dear cocksuker, the protestors referred to by the previous potus were not good people. Don't start fights with me u swarmy little bitch
He was not referring to white supremacists, douchebag, so yes they were.
If you keep talking about how other people are racists, they may not be the racists
Charlottesville votes dem consistently, and is a pretty good retirement destination. ... if you like living with college kids and retired public service types. It's also surrounded by Trump type voters.

What is that even supposed to mean? Just more of your race whoring?
of fuk you bitch. It means that the people who LIVE in charlottesville wanted the statues out for years because they glorify the racist Lost Cause of the daughters of the confederacy

You pulled Charlotte out of your ass then expected me to know what the fuck you were talking about.

What does that have to do with racists today? Certainly racist Democrats put up the statues. But they are all dead now.

I'm not a fan of the statues. I think they should be moved to museums. They are symbols of Democrat slavery and Democrat racism. But if you're arguing wanting to keep them = racism that's pretty stupid
Dear cocksuker, the protestors referred to by the previous potus were not good people. Don't start fights with me u swarmy little bitch

What about leaving civil war statues up would prevent someone from being a good person to support that exactly?

Can you speak in big boy words? I may insult you, but I tell you why coherently

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