Charter schools are cheating your kids: New report reveals massive fraud, mismanageme


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Just in time for National Charter School Week, there’s a new report highlighting the predictable perils of turning education into a poorly regulated business. Titled “Charter School Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud and Abuse,” the report focused on 15 states representing large charter markets, out of the 42 states that have charter schools. Drawing on news reports, criminal complaints, regulatory findings, audits and other sources, it “found fraud, waste and abuse cases totaling over $100 million in losses to taxpayers,” but warned that due to inadequate oversight, “the fraud and mismanagement that has been uncovered thus far might be just the tip of the iceberg.”

While there are plenty of other troubling issues surrounding charter schools — from high rates of racial segregation, to their lackluster overall performance records, to questionable admission and expulsion practices — this report sets all those admittedly important issues aside to focus squarely on activity that appears it could be criminal, and arguably totally out of control. It does not even mention questions raised by sky-high salaries paid to some charter CEOs, such as 16 New York City charter school CEOs who earned more than the head of the city’s public school system in 2011-12. Crime, not greed, is the focus here.

In short, the report is about as apolitical as can be imagined: It is narrowly focused on a white-collar crime wave of staggering proportions, and what can be done about it within the existing framework of widespread charter schools.

Charter schools are cheating your kids: New report reveals massive fraud, mismanagement, abuse -

More good news. [/sarcasm]
I find it curious that a similar study hasn't been performed on public education.
You think they'd start there first, instead of targeting charter schools.
Ulterior motive maybe?
I find it curious that those that are major proponents to keep charter schools don't annihilate the bad ones and destroy those that are ripping 'em off. You'd think they would be on the front line cleaning it up. Hand in the cookie jar?
Just in time for National Charter School Week, there’s a new report highlighting the predictable perils of turning education into a poorly regulated business. Titled “Charter School Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud and Abuse,” the report focused on 15 states representing large charter markets, out of the 42 states that have charter schools. Drawing on news reports, criminal complaints, regulatory findings, audits and other sources, it “found fraud, waste and abuse cases totaling over $100 million in losses to taxpayers,” but warned that due to inadequate oversight, “the fraud and mismanagement that has been uncovered thus far might be just the tip of the iceberg.”

While there are plenty of other troubling issues surrounding charter schools — from high rates of racial segregation, to their lackluster overall performance records, to questionable admission and expulsion practices — this report sets all those admittedly important issues aside to focus squarely on activity that appears it could be criminal, and arguably totally out of control. It does not even mention questions raised by sky-high salaries paid to some charter CEOs, such as 16 New York City charter school CEOs who earned more than the head of the city’s public school system in 2011-12. Crime, not greed, is the focus here.

In short, the report is about as apolitical as can be imagined: It is narrowly focused on a white-collar crime wave of staggering proportions, and what can be done about it within the existing framework of widespread charter schools.

Charter schools are cheating your kids: New report reveals massive fraud, mismanagement, abuse -

More good news. [/sarcasm]

Note: the article says "The report, co-authored by the Center for Popular Democracy and Integrity in Education."

In other words, a couple of leftwing propaganda mills.

Enough said.

Furthermore, charter schools are not "private schools." They are government schools.
I find it curious that those that are major proponents to keep charter schools don't annihilate the bad ones and destroy those that are ripping 'em off. You'd think they would be on the front line cleaning it up. Hand in the cookie jar?

Charter schools are not private schools. They are government schools. As such they suffer from a lot of the same diseases that government schools suffer, like not being able to get rid of them when they do a poor job. A private school that does a bad job goes bankrupt when all its customers take their kids out and put them in other schools that do a better job.

Dictated by the demon obama.

None of the mismanagement or theft of public funds is occurring. Right, Katz? There's no problem at all. Nothing to see here folks. Is that it?

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