Charts from the senate income inequity hearing

The fact you think some americans should be treated differently shows you are a low life.

And the fact you seem to think all Americans are treated equally means you dumb.

The idea that a multi millioniare should pay exactly the same percentage of taxes as a person making 20k a year is an idea that is so fuking stupid it is painful to try and discuss.

I have said should be treated equally asswipe..................

But post your imagination in my words.
George Bush was never elected by the American people.

Both elections were heavily flawed by right wing tactics

Could be. But the American people were to stupid (some anyway) to understand what had happened.
And the others that did understand what they had done, were very proud.

Its fact.

The floridas central file kept thousands of dems from voting.

They were told they were felons when they were not.

They were turned away from the voting booth when they did not deserve it.

Its called disenfranchisement.

The American people chose Gore and had Bush forced on them by a cheating republican party.

Dont blame the people.

If they are allowed to choose without republicans cheating they will NOT pick the republicans.

That is why the republican party keeps trying to cheat.

They can NOT WIN ELECTIONS without cheating

You do believe your own lies don't you? :cuckoo:
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”Thomas Jefferson

It is a quote that TruthMatters used from another thread. Does she understand it? No, obviously not. It didn't prove her point in the other thread and she has forgotten it just like most of the left has forgotten it...

Whether a man in a ski mask pulls a gun and steals your wallet or whether the government steals it in the form of taxes, it is ROBBERY. The use of food stamps is up 26% over the last three years. Welfare payments are up 25%. The number of people on Medicaid and Medicare (adjusted for the baby boomers) is up as much. Obamacare doesn't really kick in until 2014, but health care costs (which Obamacare was supposed to IMMEDIATELY address) is up an average of 16%. Gasoline is projected to be at it's highest cost this summer, well in excess of $4.00 a gallon. As a result, inflation is circling us like a bad dream... some experts expect it to surpass 7.5% NEXT YEAR (mostly due to rising fuel costs).

Oh, by the way, Solydra just dumped 3,600 pallets of solar panels into THE DUMP. They dumped 3,000 pallets into the dump last week.

I don't understand this jealousy that the left have... this desire to take from those who have and give to those who will not contribute. It must really be a personality thing... to hate those who have done better than you and have this need to punish them.
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”Thomas Jefferson

It is a quote that TruthMatters used from another thread. Does she understand it? No, obviously not. It didn't prove her point in the other thread and she has forgotten it just like most of the left has forgotten it...

Whether a man in a ski mask pulls a gun and steals your wallet or whether the government steals it in the form of taxes, it is ROBBERY. The use of food stamps is up 26% over the last three years. Welfare payments are up 25%. The number of people on Medicaid and Medicare (adjusted for the baby boomers) is up as much. Obamacare doesn't really kick in until 2014, but health care costs (which Obamacare was supposed to IMMEDIATELY address) is up an average of 16%. Gasoline is projected to be at it's highest cost this summer, well in excess of $4.00 a gallon. As a result, inflation is circling us like a bad dream... some experts expect it to surpass 7.5% NEXT YEAR (mostly due to rising fuel costs).

Oh, by the way, Solydra just dumped 3,600 pallets of solar panels into THE DUMP. They dumped 3,000 pallets into the dump last week.

I don't understand this jealousy that the left have... this desire to take from those who have and give to those who will not contribute. It must really be a personality thing... to hate those who have done better than you and have this need to punish them.

Thomas Jefferson would step on your nuts for demonizing the people most hurt from the acts of the wealthy elite.
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”Thomas Jefferson

It is a quote that TruthMatters used from another thread. Does she understand it? No, obviously not. It didn't prove her point in the other thread and she has forgotten it just like most of the left has forgotten it...

Whether a man in a ski mask pulls a gun and steals your wallet or whether the government steals it in the form of taxes, it is ROBBERY. The use of food stamps is up 26% over the last three years. Welfare payments are up 25%. The number of people on Medicaid and Medicare (adjusted for the baby boomers) is up as much. Obamacare doesn't really kick in until 2014, but health care costs (which Obamacare was supposed to IMMEDIATELY address) is up an average of 16%. Gasoline is projected to be at it's highest cost this summer, well in excess of $4.00 a gallon. As a result, inflation is circling us like a bad dream... some experts expect it to surpass 7.5% NEXT YEAR (mostly due to rising fuel costs).

Oh, by the way, Solydra just dumped 3,600 pallets of solar panels into THE DUMP. They dumped 3,000 pallets into the dump last week.

I don't understand this jealousy that the left have... this desire to take from those who have and give to those who will not contribute. It must really be a personality thing... to hate those who have done better than you and have this need to punish them.

Thomas Jefferson would step on your nuts for demonizing the people most hurt from the acts of the wealthy elite.

So, now Jefferson would side with the parasitic bums from the left?

Do you sheep really think that the government taking money away from those who make more than you will increase your income?

Yeah, It's not like when we had REALLY high top tax rates, over 90% during that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower's administration, that the middle class did well.

Oh wait...that was the MOST PROSPEROUS TIME for the middle class, wasn't it?

Gee, well it certainly appears that HIGH TOP TAX rates do NOT, in and of themselves PREVENT middle class upward mobility, do they?

And what happened as top tax rates went DOWN?
Why golly, middle class wages stagnated for the last 30 years as taxes on the rich were cut and our deficits grew.
Hmmm...seems that rather than invest and GROW a company, execs decided to take the money and run.

That you choose to ignore empirical historical evidence on high top tax rates only shows what a pawn you are.

Taxes weren't just cut on the rich.

What were the marginal rates for the Ike years?

If you bothered to do a little research, like I did, you'd see that the lowest tax rate in 1953 was 22%

Individual Income Tax Parameters (Including Brackets), 1945-2012

Compare that to today's lowest rate of 10%

Oh and don't forget to add in all the deductions and refundable tax credits that weren't available in 1945 those so called "golden years" of the middle class.

So if you really want to turn the clock back to those oh so wonderful times of the Eisenhower years then you better be prepared to pay more too. In fact if we were still under Ike's tax rates if you made 50K your top rate would be 67%

In 1964 the top rate was cut to 70% and the lowest rate was cut to 16% following your "logic" this was the beginning of the end because taxes were cut.

Oh and that you cherry pick data while ignoring ALL the rest of the empirical data proves that your an ovine minded partisan moron.
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“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”Thomas Jefferson

It is a quote that TruthMatters used from another thread. Does she understand it? No, obviously not. It didn't prove her point in the other thread and she has forgotten it just like most of the left has forgotten it...

Whether a man in a ski mask pulls a gun and steals your wallet or whether the government steals it in the form of taxes, it is ROBBERY. The use of food stamps is up 26% over the last three years. Welfare payments are up 25%. The number of people on Medicaid and Medicare (adjusted for the baby boomers) is up as much. Obamacare doesn't really kick in until 2014, but health care costs (which Obamacare was supposed to IMMEDIATELY address) is up an average of 16%. Gasoline is projected to be at it's highest cost this summer, well in excess of $4.00 a gallon. As a result, inflation is circling us like a bad dream... some experts expect it to surpass 7.5% NEXT YEAR (mostly due to rising fuel costs).

Oh, by the way, Solydra just dumped 3,600 pallets of solar panels into THE DUMP. They dumped 3,000 pallets into the dump last week.

I don't understand this jealousy that the left have... this desire to take from those who have and give to those who will not contribute. It must really be a personality thing... to hate those who have done better than you and have this need to punish them.

Thomas Jefferson would step on your nuts for demonizing the people most hurt from the acts of the wealthy elite.

So, now Jefferson would side with the parasitic bums from the left?


In the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade world, all of the unemployed and poor are part of the left.
In the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade world, the left wants everyone to be exactly the same.
In the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade world, the left wants everyone to be exactly the same.


They just want more for "The Poor".

They'll never say how much more.....but just more.

If you ask how much......when will it be enough...... you're a racist.

I think you should STFU and tell Obama to stop spending and stop the false promises of more spending.
In the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade world, the left wants everyone to be exactly the same.


They just want more for "The Poor".

They'll never say how much more.....but just more.

If you ask how much......when will it be enough...... you're a racist.

I think you should STFU and tell Obama to stop spending and stop the false promises of more spending.

In the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade world, someone can both shut the fuck up and talk at the same time.
Nah.. the left wants diversity in people.. every color, sexual orientation, background, etc...

But they want a manipulated outcome

In the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade world, diversity and multiculturalism are bad.

Nope.. nice try...

Equalizing outcome thru governmental manipulation and unequal treatment gy government under law is bad...

Having a multicultural society and diverse views and backgrounds... all well and good, as long as all are treated equally and freedoms are ensured

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