Chauvin lawyer wants a jury probe and to impeach verdict

Holy fuck, are you fucking retarded?

1) yes he certainly had a defense that a lot of people charged with crimes didn’t. least to some of the charges...that’s the point
He really didn't have a defense at all. His defense was "Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"

2) the appeals judge order the district judge to dismiss the case
And an appeals court kept the case alive.

3) maybe so, a matter of opinion. certainly we have seen folks like obama and xiden do just that

Only in your fetid imagination. The fact is, no one from the Obama administration was ever charged with a crime, unlike Trump, There have been 81 Criminal indictments of Trump or people associated with him. Compared to ZERO for Obama.

Not to mention Trump was impeached, TWICE.
4) hahaa she was never exonerated! haha that’s just funny

She was investigated twice for the horrid crime of "using the wrong email"... and cleared of criminal charges, twice. There were 8 investigations of Benghazi...

Let's see how Trump does when we are done investigating Jan. 6. heh, heh, heh.

5) sure he did a times, but i was specifically talking about the corrupt obamagate gangs abuse of power and actions

Again, you need to turn off the Hate Radio, buddy.
Holy fuck, are you fucking retarded?

1) yes he certainly had a defense that a lot of people charged with crimes didn’t. least to some of the charges...that’s the point
He really didn't have a defense at all. His defense was "Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"

2) the appeals judge order the district judge to dismiss the case
And an appeals court kept the case alive.

3) maybe so, a matter of opinion. certainly we have seen folks like obama and xiden do just that

Only in your fetid imagination. The fact is, no one from the Obama administration was ever charged with a crime, unlike Trump, There have been 81 Criminal indictments of Trump or people associated with him. Compared to ZERO for Obama.

Not to mention Trump was impeached, TWICE.
4) hahaa she was never exonerated! haha that’s just funny

She was investigated twice for the horrid crime of "using the wrong email"... and cleared of criminal charges, twice. There were 8 investigations of Benghazi...

Let's see how Trump does when we are done investigating Jan. 6. heh, heh, heh.

5) sure he did a times, but i was specifically talking about the corrupt obamagate gangs abuse of power and actions

Again, you need to turn off the Hate Radio, buddy.
1) he certainly had a defense to some of the charges
2) sorry an appeals court order him to dismiss the charge
3) no very real. Only one person in the trump admin was charged, flynn and the doj moved to dismiss the charge snd an appeals court ordered the trial judge to do just that
4) she was being investigated for violating the espiage act and trump gave her a de facto pardon by but pursuing the charges
5) i only listen to hair band radio on XM
1) he certainly had a defense to some of the charges

Nope. Guilty as shit... Come the fuck on, it's not often we get someone ON VIDEO doing what he is accused of.

His defense was "who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes!!!"

2) sorry an appeals court order him to dismiss the charge

And they were reversed on a district court ruling... This is why Trump had to issue a pardon, before Flynn's memory got better.

3) no very real. Only one person in the trump admin was charged, flynn and the doj moved to dismiss the charge snd an appeals court ordered the trial judge to do just that

And a district court said, "Nope, they don't have the authority to drop the case".

4) she was being investigated for violating the espiage act and trump gave her a de facto pardon by but pursuing the charges

She was investigated by the FBI, twice... and found to have done nothing illegal.

5) i only listen to hair band radio on XM

Yeah, you came up with all these same stupid arguments they make on Hate Radio all on your own. No, really.
1) he certainly had a defense to some of the charges

Nope. Guilty as shit... Come the fuck on, it's not often we get someone ON VIDEO doing what he is accused of.

His defense was "who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes!!!"

2) sorry an appeals court order him to dismiss the charge

And they were reversed on a district court ruling... This is why Trump had to issue a pardon, before Flynn's memory got better.

3) no very real. Only one person in the trump admin was charged, flynn and the doj moved to dismiss the charge snd an appeals court ordered the trial judge to do just that

And a district court said, "Nope, they don't have the authority to drop the case".

4) she was being investigated for violating the espiage act and trump gave her a de facto pardon by but pursuing the charges

She was investigated by the FBI, twice... and found to have done nothing illegal.

5) i only listen to hair band radio on XM

Yeah, you came up with all these same stupid arguments they make on Hate Radio all on your own. No, really.
1) he was accused of more then one thing dumbass
2) no the appeals court ordered the district court the district court can’t overtime a appeals court
3) now you just are proving how little a clue you have
4) yes and the fbi was comey, lynch and the obamagate gang covering for her
5) nobody can take you seriously with this stuff any have proven you have no cred with your complete lack of knowledge...hahaa overruled by a district court? hahah
1) he was accused of more then one thing dumbass
2) no the appeals court ordered the district court the district court can’t overtime a appeals court

You are a little confused, buddy.

A federal appeals court in Washington declined to order the dismissal of the Michael Flynn prosecution, permitting a judge to scrutinize the Justice Department’s request to dismiss its case against President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser.

Monday’s decision keeps the case at least temporarily alive and rebuffs efforts by both Flynn’s lawyers and the Justice Department to force the prosecution to be dropped without further inquiry from the judge, who has for months declined to dismiss it. The ruling is the latest development in a criminal case that has taken unusual twists and turns over the last year and prompted a separation of powers tussle involving a veteran federal judge and the Trump administration.

Two judges, Neomi Rao and Karen LeCraft Henderson, each wrote dissenting opinions arguing that Sullivan had usurped his authority by keeping alive a case the Justice Department sought to have dismissed. Both judges were part of a 2-1 ruling in June that ordered Sullivan to dismiss the case.

4) yes and the fbi was comey, lynch and the obamagate gang covering for her

Or just realizing that what she did wasn't any different than what Condi Rice and Colin Powell did, as far as how emails were handled.

5) nobody can take you seriously with this stuff any have proven you have no cred with your complete lack of knowledge...hahaa overruled by a district court? hahah

I just posted the facts of the case, that the FULL appeals court overruled the previous ruling in Flynn's favor.

There's a reason why Trump gave him a pardon... it was because they didn't want his memory to get better.
1) he was accused of more then one thing dumbass
2) no the appeals court ordered the district court the district court can’t overtime a appeals court

You are a little confused, buddy.

A federal appeals court in Washington declined to order the dismissal of the Michael Flynn prosecution, permitting a judge to scrutinize the Justice Department’s request to dismiss its case against President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser.

Monday’s decision keeps the case at least temporarily alive and rebuffs efforts by both Flynn’s lawyers and the Justice Department to force the prosecution to be dropped without further inquiry from the judge, who has for months declined to dismiss it. The ruling is the latest development in a criminal case that has taken unusual twists and turns over the last year and prompted a separation of powers tussle involving a veteran federal judge and the Trump administration.

Two judges, Neomi Rao and Karen LeCraft Henderson, each wrote dissenting opinions arguing that Sullivan had usurped his authority by keeping alive a case the Justice Department sought to have dismissed. Both judges were part of a 2-1 ruling in June that ordered Sullivan to dismiss the case.

4) yes and the fbi was comey, lynch and the obamagate gang covering for her

Or just realizing that what she did wasn't any different than what Condi Rice and Colin Powell did, as far as how emails were handled.

5) nobody can take you seriously with this stuff any have proven you have no cred with your complete lack of knowledge...hahaa overruled by a district court? hahah

I just posted the facts of the case, that the FULL appeals court overruled the previous ruling in Flynn's favor.

There's a reason why Trump gave him a pardon... it was because they didn't want his memory to get better.
1) nope D.C. Circuit Orders District Court Judge to Drop Flynn Case

4) hahah it was vastly different...they didn't have top secret information on their home based private server....

5) nope nobody can take you seriously, even your link isn't about a district court overruling anyone....

Your link doesn't lead anywhere....

So let's review. A three judge panel ordered the judge to drop the case.
The appeals full court said, nope, you can't drop the case.
Trump issued a pardon before Flynn's memory got any better.

Now, if Flynn's case was such a travesty, why did Trump wait until hours before they threw him out of the White House to issue a pardon? I mean, as sleazy as Ford's pardon of Nixon was, he did it well before the election and let the voters judge him on it.

4) hahah it was vastly different...they didn't have top secret information on their home based private server....

First, we don't know what Colin Powell had, because he deleted everything after he left office. And it would have been nice to see his email to find out, oh, how we got into a war over weapons that didn't exist.

Secondly, no, Hillary didn't have "top secret" information. She had items the government classified because the rules on classification are weird. For instance, a NYT story on missile strikes in Pakistan would be considered "Classified", because we don't publicly acknowledge that we are doing it. So if she linked the NYT story, that was considered a classified Email, even though the information was in the public domain.

) nope nobody can take you seriously, even your link isn't about a district court overruling anyone....

Did you need someone to help you with the big words? Other than misnaming the levels of court, I got it right. A two judge panel threw out Flynn's case, but a larger court reinstated it. Because the fucking guy was guilty.

Of course, since he reneged on his deal, a new Administration could charge him for his illegal lobbying for Turkey, which his partner DID go to jail for.


Your link doesn't lead anywhere....

So let's review. A three judge panel ordered the judge to drop the case.
The appeals full court said, nope, you can't drop the case.
Trump issued a pardon before Flynn's memory got any better.

Now, if Flynn's case was such a travesty, why did Trump wait until hours before they threw him out of the White House to issue a pardon? I mean, as sleazy as Ford's pardon of Nixon was, he did it well before the election and let the voters judge him on it.

4) hahah it was vastly different...they didn't have top secret information on their home based private server....

First, we don't know what Colin Powell had, because he deleted everything after he left office. And it would have been nice to see his email to find out, oh, how we got into a war over weapons that didn't exist.

Secondly, no, Hillary didn't have "top secret" information. She had items the government classified because the rules on classification are weird. For instance, a NYT story on missile strikes in Pakistan would be considered "Classified", because we don't publicly acknowledge that we are doing it. So if she linked the NYT story, that was considered a classified Email, even though the information was in the public domain.

) nope nobody can take you seriously, even your link isn't about a district court overruling anyone....

Did you need someone to help you with the big words? Other than misnaming the levels of court, I got it right. A two judge panel threw out Flynn's case, but a larger court reinstated it. Because the fucking guy was guilty.

Of course, since he reneged on his deal, a new Administration could charge him for his illegal lobbying for Turkey, which his partner DID go to jail for.

works for me

yeah we do, because he didn’t have a private server all his emails on his personal account went through the govt server

no i get you had no clue
yeah we do, because he didn’t have a private server all his emails on his personal account went through the govt server

Okay, you realize that when you have a private email account, it does through the ISP's server, right, whether it be gmail, Comcast, ATT, Yahoo, whatever.

Do you actually know what a server is?
Where he participated does not matter. The "Get Your Knees Off Our Necks" BLM t-shirt he was wearing was a clear reference to the George Floyd case. Floyds relative spoke at the rally and the juror flat out lied on his jury questionaire.

If that is the case, the verdict needs to be tossed and the juror should get the maximum possible sentence.
1) that’s a lie and you know it
2) f me? why?

i know we have all those things but that doesn’t mean this defendent does not deserve a lawyer or this lawyer should not do his job.

It's Joey's tell: when he has reached his intellectual limits (as you can see, that doesn't take long), he acts a bit like a chimpanzee on meth, shrieking at the top of his lungs while flinging feces in all directions.
1) yes, but it doesn't end there we have an appeals process in the United States, and post-conviction relief. The tape itself doesn't prove he is guilty of 2nd Degree Murder.
2) I am happy to talk about them....I've talked about it, on this thread, and the Flynn threads, and I am happy to discuss it. The criminal justice system isn't perfect, by no can have tainted juries, incorrect juries, corrupt prosecutors, prosecutors that violate their ethical duties and ignore evidence for a win, etc etc...the list goes on....we certainly do have all the things you mentioend...that's why it's refreshing to see a Defense attorney like this continue his zealous representation for his client. We need more of them....I also don't think public defenders are paid nearly enough for the work they do. They are the backbone of the justice system

Joey is having a crisis of faith. His hatred of police officers is warring with his religious worship of The State.
1) maybe ...
2) that’s becaeue you only post on those threads and you all seem to talk about them all the time

Neither are heroes of mine. I do think he’s guilty of manslaughter and likely 3rd degree

i just hope for a fair trial for all...and appreciate he’s lawyer doing his job. You apparently just want to hang him

flynn did nothing corrupt and was exonerated. His case is an example of the corrupt prosecutor yoi spoke of...but you are a blind party loyalist and don’t really care about those things

Joey is, bluntly, batshit. He is openly in favor of Stalinesque show-trials and witch-burnings. Joey is the purest, darkest example of pure and undiluted evil on this site.
Ok. To summarize. Eleven jurors who found Chauvin Guilty were not biased. But number 12 might have been so we want a new trial. And in this one we do not want the Prosecution to call our insane theories “stories”.

What, exactly, is unclear about the concept of requiring an unbiased jury?
Ok. To summarize. Eleven jurors who found Chauvin Guilty were not biased. But number 12 might have been so we want a new trial. And in this one we do not want the Prosecution to call our insane theories “stories”.

What, exactly, is unclear about the concept of requiring an unbiased jury?

The problem is anyone who disagrees with the idea that Chauvin is innocent is biased according to many.
The entire trial and election was rigged from the beginning
The Demons of the left want to eviscerate all cops
The entire trial and election was rigged from the beginning

Ok. Help me out with this rigged system.

If I am killed standing on a street corner. The body will remain. The detectives will be called. Coroner will show up. Evidence will be preserved and recorded.

If a cop is killed on the same corner. The body is rushed to the hospital. Cops say this is because doctors declare someone dead. Not cops. But what about preserving the scene? What about preserving the evidence? They never leave the body of a fellow officer at the scene to be recorded. That is for us little people.

If I tell the cop my name is Bob Smith. And that isn’t my name. I go to jail for lying to a cop. If the cop lies. Even on his reports. Even under oath in court. And is proven to be lying by video. He doesn’t go to jail except in very rare cases.

In that one example. More than 100 cops were lying on reports. Two were prosecuted. Two.

What happened with the other 98? Did the DA’s office run out of money to prosecute people who break the law? Or did the cops just sacrifice two of their less popular fellows to maintain the illusion of integrity and accountability?

The FBI has been caught in multiple lies. And nothing ever happens. Ever. Oh some guy may have to resign. Or retire. But no jail. No prison.

So tell me about this rigged system. Because from where I am sitting it appears as though the cops are finally being held accountable for the routine misconduct they have been engaging in for decades.

All that time the cops have told us that they take police misconduct most seriously. They tell us they hold cops accountable and expect only the highest possible standards of conduct.

Then we come to Chauvin. An officer with a long history of misconduct. An officer with a history of excessive and unnecessary force. Yet these high standards did not seem to be applied.

If you want truth. Instead of fantasy. Then here it is. Chauvin was sacrificed. He was sacrificed by the police themselves. They did so in an effort to maintain the illusion that the other cops don’t do that. The illusion that that sort of behavior is unacceptable.

Every time something like this happens. The same script is followed. The cops say they are investigating. Video of the event is released. Then the Chief goes out and says how shocked he is that something like this could happen. How he wants the public to know that the actions of this one officer do not reflect on the other fine officers of the department.

And after a while of watching these things. You can sort of move your lips along with the predictable speech from the leaders.

When a cop is caught planting evidence. We are supposed to believe that the cop was caught the very first time he did it. Don’t question his other arrests. Don’t question his record. Just go along and pretend he made a mistake.

So tell me again about this rigged system.

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