Chauvin Will Be Convicted

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I'm betting money. Second degree murder, third degree or manslaughter, most likely one of the latter two. But Chauvin is not innocent. Nine minutes on the man's neck? Come on man.

How to watch Derek Chauvin trial, closing arguments, verdict | Charlotte Observer
I am betting a hung jury. The evidence is over-whelmingly in support of his innocence and the media distorted to the narrative once again. However, the black jurors already made up there minds (blacks see no irony convicting an innocent man simply because of his race, so hypocritical) and a few white jurors will convict out of cowardness; however, there will be at least 3 brave white jurors that vote not guilty
There is no distortion there is a video. The cop sat on the handcuffed man for 10 minutes as he pled it for his life and then he died and the cop kept sitting on him. Murder. Simple
Floyd killed himself with drugs. Foaming at the mouth is not caused by physical constraint. Toxicology reports show lethal concentration of fentanyl. Floyd ate too much of it and died.
I'm betting money. Second degree murder, third degree or manslaughter, most likely one of the latter two. But Chauvin is not innocent. Nine minutes on the man's neck? Come on man.

How to watch Derek Chauvin trial, closing arguments, verdict | Charlotte Observer
I am betting a hung jury. The evidence is over-whelmingly in support of his innocence and the media distorted to the narrative once again. However, the black jurors already made up there minds (blacks see no irony convicting an innocent man simply because of his race, so hypocritical) and a few white jurors will convict out of cowardness; however, there will be at least 3 brave white jurors that vote not guilty
There is no distortion there is a video. The cop sat on the handcuffed man for 10 minutes as he pled it for his life and then he died and the cop kept sitting on him. Murder. Simple
Floyd killed himself with drugs. Foaming at the mouth is not caused by physical constraint. Toxicology reports show lethal concentration of fentanyl. Floyd ate too much of it and died.
Doctors debunked that at the trial. Pay attention you sound like a right wing talking points puppet and it’s pathetic.
10 minutes on a dudes neck is not manslaughter. It’s gotta be second or third degree. My bet is third degree so both sides get pissed off
The "two sides" are the American people and the elite-owned media globalists dividing us. And nobody on "either side" of the racial divide has the balls to speak up and put a stop to it.
Theres one truth that we can plainly see on video. A cop killed a man by kneeling on his neck. It’s not complicated.
Didn't happen---------there would be physical damage if the knee had killed the violent criminal. There was no damage from the knee-----but there was plenty of documented damage from the drug abuse.
Damn you’re gullible. You honestly think it was just a coincidence that he had a drug induced heart attack at the exact time a cop was kneeling on his neck and he was pleading because he couldn’t breath?! Let’s just ignore the fact that the cop kept his knee on that mans lifeless body for minutes. Fuck that cop, he’s gonna have plenty of time to think about all of it behind bars
No fuck you boing boing boy. The prosecution even quit saying his knee was on druggie Floyd’s neck after the other body cam footage destroyed that arguments. Now it’s the “neck area”. Thanks for showing you didn’t watch a damn thing.
I saw all the little semantics the defense tried. But there’s a video showing everything that happened so we all saw that cop kill that man as he laid there begging for his life and then died while that cop remained on top of him. Off to jail with the pig and another failed argument for you to chalk up to the big bad deep state or whomever else’s you're surely gonna blame for being wrong again.
Sorry fuckwit. YOU fail to state that the prosecution changed their story. Your video (from ONE angle idiot) got countered by police body cam footage. Another point you fail at. Your blithering and blubbering about a video while ignoring all the other evidence shows you to be a hack who doesn’t care about justice. See asshole, doxxing jurors is not necessary if you have a case. Turn again loser.
I don’t need angles. I don’t care if his knee was on his neck or upper back or back area or whatever you want to call it. That argument is a distraction and irrelevant. Nobody is claiming strangulation. You can’t seem to make an argument without childish insults. That shows you speak with emotion over intellect. Try stepping it up a bit if you want to land some substantial.
And there we have it. The typical libtard reactions of “I don’t care” about facts, just feels. You don’t care are about facts asshole. Where did I say strangulation boy? You have to invent shit because you can’t defend your pathetic whining. You’re the one who needs to step up. You made no coherent argument, just screeching about one angle from a video. But you don’t care about truth.
typical dumbass, you need to lie to make an argument. I didn’t say I don’t care about facts. Facts are great as long as they are relevant. You were bringing up irrelevant facts as I pointed out and now you’re responding by lying about my words. I never claimed you said strangulation but that’s what would make the knee on the neck issue relevant which you were trying to steer the discussion towards. You following? Doubt it.
Now backpedaling. Your words “I don t care about another angle”. YOUR WORDS. You didn’t care about ALL the evidence. Just what you wanted to see. You’re jumping all over the place inserting random bullshit to cover your ignorance. Your words again. “Nobody is claiming strangulation”. I never mentioned it so why deflect to that? Seems you’re the one lost here. As usual.
Yes I don’t care about the other angle showing something that is not relevant to anything substantial in this debate. Did you not understand that? Did you think when I said I don’t care about another angle you thought I meant I don’t care about facts? Are you that dumb?

Why would I care about polluting the discussing with irrelevant things? You brought up another angle to try and pin point where the cops knee was exactly sitting. That doesn’t matter so why would I care. Knee can be on his neck, back or back areas. Doesn’t matter. Now I’m repeating myself because you don’t seem to understand basic shit. Do you get it now?
And again you show your blatant idiocy. You don’t WANT to see any other angle because it destroys your fairy tale. You are an idiot. You don’t give a damn about facts, just your worthless opinion. The jury gets ALL information dumbfuck. Understand that idiot? You don’t understand simple rules about how trials work. You’re just embarrassing yourself as usual.
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I'll bet you 100:1 that he's found innocent.

If you win, I give you $10. If I win, you give me $1,000.

What do you say?
Since I respect your predictions after the nighmare election count, that doesn't sound good to me at all. You think they'll find him not guilty of even manslaughter?
If murder was in his heart, I hope he's convicted. But either way it turns out, I think the BLM and antifa assholes will find an excuse to riot.
I'm betting money. Second degree murder, third degree or manslaughter, most likely one of the latter two. But Chauvin is not innocent. Nine minutes on the man's neck? Come on man.

How to watch Derek Chauvin trial, closing arguments, verdict | Charlotte Observer
I am betting a hung jury. The evidence is over-whelmingly in support of his innocence and the media distorted to the narrative once again. However, the black jurors already made up there minds (blacks see no irony convicting an innocent man simply because of his race, so hypocritical) and a few white jurors will convict out of cowardness; however, there will be at least 3 brave white jurors that vote not guilty
There is no distortion there is a video. The cop sat on the handcuffed man for 10 minutes as he pled it for his life and then he died and the cop kept sitting on him. Murder. Simple
Floyd killed himself with drugs. Foaming at the mouth is not caused by physical constraint. Toxicology reports show lethal concentration of fentanyl. Floyd ate too much of it and died.

Damn too bad you can't get a Doctor to say that in Court. Can you post the ME's testimony that said that he what he died from or even the ER Doctor's.
No proof of intent. My guess is manslaughter.
You haven’t read the charges carefully- intent to murder isn’t required, it’s a felony murder rule charge.
What is the felony?

If Chauvin is found guilty of anything there will be an immediate appeal on grounds of jury intimidation. The verdict will be tossed.
He committed felony assault which resulted in death. That’s murder under the felony murder rule.
And no, as a former prosecutor/defense attorney with a quarter century in the game, I don’t see grounds for successful appeal in this case. A conviction will certainly be followed by appeals and Nelson will throw the kitchen sink at it, but none of the issues raised in recent days and in yesterday’s post closing conversation with the judge are likely to be seen by an appellate court as sufficient basis to overturn the conviction. Not failure to sequester the jury prior to deliberations, not the statements of prosecution during closing, and not a general comment from a congressperson that absent a conviction activists will have to keep being activists on the issue of police abuse of force.

But, I’m only a former prosecutor/defense attorney with a law degree from a top 15 and a quarter century of experience and education/training. Law experts educated at USMessageBoard law school certainly know better.
I'm betting money. Second degree murder, third degree or manslaughter, most likely one of the latter two. But Chauvin is not innocent. Nine minutes on the man's neck? Come on man.

How to watch Derek Chauvin trial, closing arguments, verdict | Charlotte Observer

I agree. Manslaughter is what I was thinking. He certainly didn't mean to kill the guy but he wasn't in any hurry to get his knee of the guys throat either.

The guy was high on fentanyl so who know what the jury will come back with??
Listen to the closing argument at 6:00:00 ;
that's the case in a nutshell.

Closing arguments are opinion and nothing more. They often do not even reflect the evidence. Irrelevant and not part of the trial.

Spoken by someone with zero real world experience of trial - or someone incapable of grasping how trials work. Sure closings don’t matter - that’s why argument at trial was long ago abolished.
FYI, most defenses at trial hinge utterly on the defense attorney’s ability to spin the evidence and appeal to emotion in closing. You think you’re being cute, but Chauvin’s best hope at acquittal or a hung jury/mistrial was Nelson’s closing.
Damn you’re gullible. You honestly think it was just a coincidence that he had a drug induced heart attack at the exact time a cop was kneeling on his neck and he was pleading because he couldn’t breath?! Let’s just ignore the fact that the cop kept his knee on that mans lifeless body for minutes. Fuck that cop, he’s gonna have plenty of time to think about all of it behind bars
He should have had to sit there in orange and shackled the same way most
defendants have to.
NO, defendants NEVER sit in orange and shackled during a trial. Sitting in orange and being shackled would be highly prejudicial to the defendant. It doesn’t happen in front of a jury. Being dressed in regular clothes and not cuffed supports the presumption of innocence enshrined in our constitution.
Actually, that is all you were allowed to see. Presumably, the jury saw ALL the evidence, and will make a just decision.
If you were watching the trial, what evidence do you believe you didn't see?
The video that we have all seen at least a thousand times only serves to inflame emotions and suppress logic. There is NO WAY a man survives for 9 minutes if the aggressor WANTS to kill. He would have been dead within a minute. Chauvin was out of line and the other officers should have intervened. They were newbies afraid of challenging the experienced guy, who was being an idiot.
By your own account here this amounts to, at least manslaughter.
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