Chauvin’s lawyer seeks new trial, hearing to impeach verdict

Police do arrest people for crimes they are later cleared of, or found not guilty of. The police certainly had a justifiable reason to at the min to detain George here. That is not even something that the State argued.

I agree. They had every right to question him.

They didn't have a right to KILL HIM.
I don't disagree. Hence why we have them charged. Those charged are still entitled to a fair trial.
Wow- you are delusional. Trump didn't defeat Isis, the Iranians did. The the Iranians told the Iraqis that we needed to go. I'm not sure how you guys can look at handing Iraq and Syria over to the Iranians is a good thing.

Well, the same people who vote for a guy who has run dozens of businesses into the ground and calls him a business genius.

Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses during his career. He had five professional bankruptcies during that time. That's a 1% failure rate any CEO would love to have on their record. Besides spending time with the most beautiful women in the world, becoming a household name, flying around on his own airliner, he also became a multi-billionaire.

Uh, yeah, really, it did none of those things.

You see, dirty little secret. Most undocumented immigrants don't sneak across the border. They get here on valid visas and overstay their welcome.

And Trump addressed that as well. But even Politifact documented that Trump was right. Most of the heroin that enters this country comes from that border. Now.....I'm all for ending the VISA program and keeping everybody out of this country. Are you?

Uh, guy, the number of border crossings drops every summer, because it's too hot to be wandering around the desert.

There was also this little thing called "Covid" in the Spring of 2020.. probably a major reason why people didn't cross the border. No jobs to be had and lots of sick people.

In fact, Border crossings increased in 2018 and 2019.

Because reduced demand reduced production, and they are only getting back up to speed now.

Under Trump during our most active economic times, gasoline under Trump never hit $3.00 a gallon. Under Dementia, when unemployment went up .1% to 6.1%, and we fell short 750,000 jobs that were predicted, gasoline is now (in my area) $2.85 per gallon, and way above $4.00 a gallon in Commiefornia.

It has nothing to do with economic activity since our economy still is in the tank. It has to do with stopping exploration and new drilling on public lands, and the immediate halt of the Keystone pipeline.

Uh, no, guy. What brought us up was Trump cut taxes for rich people. Here, check this out. Obama brought us from 1.5 Trillion annual deficits to a deficit of 500 Billion... and Trump shot them right back up to Trillion dollar deficits before we got the 3 Trillion dollar covid deficit.

You better look at your chart again. This time focus on when the Republicans took over Congress and when it was handed back to the commies. All appropriation bills originate in the House.

Um, yeah, he signed a contract for 100MM doses, which isn't enough. He had a very poor distribution system resulting in less than 10 million people getting their shots by december.

That's because there was no production until they got an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. It's been on the incline since, and the trajectory hasn't changed since Dementia got in. Bottom line is (as I predicted) the commies and MSM are going to try to credit Dementia for all of Trump's great work. When you sign a contract with a company, you have to pay them up front for the product whether you take delivery of the product or not. That's why Trump had the contracts designed for a guaranteed 100 million doses with an obligation from these companies to provide another 500 million on demand. Those 500 million would be paid ONLY if we exercised that rider and will use them.

Well, the fact he slashed funding to the forest service didn't help. (not that this had much of an effect on an already wrecked economy.) His bungled virus response did have an effect, as did his unncessary trade war with China.

Trade wars and Covid had nothing to do with forest fires. Correct, there is nothing Trump could have done. California has been on fire for many years before Trump took office because the enviro-kooks refuse to allow the cleanup of dead wood, and still do in spite of everything. As far as Covid is concerned, Trump did an excellent job. You on the left can't point to anything he "did" that was wrong. All you can do is cry about things Trump said. The only people that Fd this up so badly was Cuomo in New York and Newsome in California which is why there is such a strong recall effort taking place this moment.

Because it was nowhere near 200K, and we have vaccinations for the flu.

Correct, we have vaccinations for the flu, but not for Covid until late last year. That means DumBama is more culpable with the flu than Trump was with Covid.
She is when she's part of a mob of 1000 other maniacs.

She was the first one in and unarmed. Why was she the only one who was shot?

Yes, he had a heart attack right after a mob of angry people attacked him. Just like George Floyd had a heart attack right after being choked for nine minutes. And , no, no wait. Tamir Rice had a heart attack right before the bullet hit the heart.

No, he went back to the station and died of two strokes in succession with each other. A stroke is not a heart attack, and caused by undetected health conditions.

Guy, you have it completely reversed. If the bills actually were fake, then you'd have seen the MN PD put them on the air as being tested by experts showing the misprint in the Treasury Secretary's signature.

They don't need to be tested by experts. If a store clerk can identify a phony bill, anybody can. Furthermore if it were real, the MSM would have broadcasted that 24/7 to try and get the animals more riled up, more destruction, and more deaths. It's what they live for.

I posted evidence of my claim, now you post yours. I'd stick around, but it's global warming here in Cleveland and I've got a lot of things I want to get done outside.
I don't disagree. Hence why we have them charged. Those charged are still entitled to a fair trial.

I agree. A fair trial is. Whoops, we watched the tape, guilty as sin.

That's a fair trial.
Under Trump during our most active economic times, gasoline under Trump never hit $3.00 a gallon. Under Dementia, when unemployment went up .1% to 6.1%, and we fell short 750,000 jobs that were predicted, gasoline is now (in my area) $2.85 per gallon, and way above $4.00 a gallon in Commiefornia.

Again, guy, you don't get to claim victory on where the score was in the fifth inning. In the ninth Inning, they should have invoked a slaughter rule on Trump.
Donald Trump owned or operated over 500 businesses during his career. He had five professional bankruptcies during that time. That's a 1% failure rate any CEO would love to have on their record. Besides spending time with the most beautiful women in the world, becoming a household name, flying around on his own airliner, he also became a multi-billionaire.

Uh, actually, no CEO with SIX bankruptcies would be put back in charge of a company again. No board of directors would be that reckless.

And Trump addressed that as well. But even Politifact documented that Trump was right. Most of the heroin that enters this country comes from that border. Now.....I'm all for ending the VISA program and keeping everybody out of this country. Are you?

Nope. We need their talent and labor... Old lazy white fucks like you on disability aren't going to pull the wagon.

It has nothing to do with economic activity since our economy still is in the tank. It has to do with stopping exploration and new drilling on public lands, and the immediate halt of the Keystone pipeline.

Again, had no real effect on the world oil supply. Gasoline spikes every spring... and when there is a Democrat in charge, you all act like the fucking sky is falling.

That's because there was no production until they got an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. It's been on the incline since, and the trajectory hasn't changed since Dementia got in. Bottom line is (as I predicted) the commies and MSM are going to try to credit

yup, you get credit when you do the job right. It's amazing.

Trade wars and Covid had nothing to do with forest fires. Correct, there is nothing Trump could have done. California has been on fire for many years before Trump took office because the enviro-kooks refuse to allow the cleanup of dead wood, and still do in spite of everything.

Most of the forest fires happened on FEDERAL land, not state forests. Trump slashed spending for the Forest Service. In fact, he cut 948 MILLION from the forest service.

Correct, we have vaccinations for the flu, but not for Covid until late last year. That means DumBama is more culpable with the flu than Trump was with Covid.

Um, no, because 200K over 8 years isn't as bad as 500K in one year. Man, are you fucking stupid.

She was the first one in and unarmed. Why was she the only one who was shot?

Because the rest of them got the idea. "Oh, wait, they'll shoot our asses."

They don't need to be tested by experts. If a store clerk can identify a phony bill, anybody can. Furthermore if it were real, the MSM would have broadcasted that 24/7 to try and get the animals more riled up, more destruction, and more deaths. It's what they live for.

Uh, huh. You see, black people don't get upset unless someone tells them to.

Unlike you, listening to hate radio all day getting upset. How has it been for you since Faggot Limbaugh started pushing up daisies?
maybe for leftist mobs...not in the united states. i know that pesky Constitution gets in the way of your lynchings..

Hey, we'll go through all the motions of a trial... But same problem.

They murdered this guy and it was caught on tape. Some of the tape they took themselves.
maybe for leftist mobs...not in the united states. i know that pesky Constitution gets in the way of your lynchings..

Hey, we'll go through all the motions of a trial... But same problem.

They murdered this guy and it was caught on tape. Some of the tape they took themselves.
ah yes...leftist show trials...stalin did them too...

no we have actual fair trials in our society i know that bothers you
Uh, actually, no CEO with SIX bankruptcies would be put back in charge of a company again. No board of directors would be that reckless.

And yet he was hired hundreds of times with the bankruptcies. You don't know anything about business.

Nope. We need their talent and labor... Old lazy white fucks like you on disability aren't going to pull the wagon.

And worthless fucks with severe mental instability aren't either.

Again, had no real effect on the world oil supply. Gasoline spikes every spring... and when there is a Democrat in charge, you all act like the fucking sky is falling.

Cause and effect. It's really pretty simple. Pro energy President, prices go down. Anti energy President, prices increase.

Most of the forest fires happened on FEDERAL land, not state forests. Trump slashed spending for the Forest Service. In fact, he cut 948 MILLION from the forest service.

More made up horseshit from OCD:

“It is clear this administration is focused on accelerating active forest management on federal lands, however, its approach continues to leave out adequate funding for active management on state and private lands, which constitute nearly two-thirds of the nation’s forestland,” said Greg Josten, NASF president and South Dakota state forester. “Given the boundary-less nature of forest pests, disease, and wildfire, additional investments in state and private forests are needed in order for all forests to be healthy, resilient, and productive across all boundaries.”

The administration’s FY 2021 budget calls for just a handful of cuts to the USDA Forest Service’s full budget—an improvement over past years’ recommendations—but nearly all of those proposed cuts would be made to state and private forestry programs.

Um, no, because 200K over 8 years isn't as bad as 500K in one year. Man, are you fucking stupid.

I would say you are the one who is fucken stupid.

200,000 Americans die from an infection we have vaccines for under a commie President--not his fault.
500,000 Americans die from an unknown virus we have no defense against under a real American President--his fault.

Because the rest of them got the idea. "Oh, wait, they'll shoot our asses."

They got the idea? Then why did they continue to enter?

Uh, huh. You see, black people don't get upset unless someone tells them to.

Unlike you, listening to hate radio all day getting upset. How has it been for you since Faggot Limbaugh started pushing up daisies?

It's been fine. Given the terrible shape we are in since Dementia, I think more people will be coming to our side. Limbaugh was more than a man, Limbaugh was a movement, and that movement won't stop.

I can't wait for the commies to greatly increase taxes on our job creators, the wealthy in our country, stop fracking, trying to get PR and DC as states, expanding the courts which over 80% of Americans are against, defunding the police, putting us deeper into debt for more Democrat pork. It will be great.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete ass out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
ah yes...leftist show trials...stalin did them too...

no we have actual fair trials in our society i know that bothers you

I agree this is a show trial. If this wasn't so high profile, these guys would have had lawyers who would have had the good sense to plead them out.

You know, like 90% of poor criminals do when they are caught red handed.

If there is a real injustice, it's that a lot of poor people are forced to plead out because they don't have the resources of the DA and the police to prove they committed a crime.

These pieces of human filth were caught red handed doing exactly what they were accused of, and the only reason they are getting a show trial is the state wants to make an example of them, and their FOP lawyers fight tooth and nail against any reform.
And yet he was hired hundreds of times with the bankruptcies. You don't know anything about business.

No, guy, he wasn't hired. He started businesses, got a bunch of suckers to sign on, and then proceeded to scam them out of their money.

And he was dead broke by the Oughts, until the Russians started bankrolling him.

Cause and effect. It's really pretty simple. Pro energy President, prices go down. Anti energy President, prices increase.

Except not really. Bush was Big Oil's bitch. He even started unnecessary wars for them. And Gas still shot up in 2006.

The administration’s FY 2021 budget calls for just a handful of cuts to the USDA Forest Service’s full budget—an improvement over past years’ recommendations—but nearly all of those proposed cuts would be made to state and private forestry programs.

Did you just sit here and blame CA for the forest fires on federal land, and then you think it's okay Hump cut state funding.

Do you do special exercises to remain this stupid?

200,000 Americans die from an infection we have vaccines for under a commie President--not his fault.
500,000 Americans die from an unknown virus we have no defense against under a real American President--his fault.

12K a year die from a flu despite shots we have and government taking the right attitudes. Really not a legitimately elected presidents fault.

500K die from a disease a year because an illegitimate president - not elected and twice impeached - called it a hoax, told people it was no big deal, held super-spreader events, admitted he lied about how serious it was because he didn't want to spook the markets. Totally his fault.

It's been fine. Given the terrible shape we are in since Dementia, I think more people will be coming to our side. Limbaugh was more than a man, Limbaugh was a movement, and that movement won't stop.

Yeah, guy, here's the thing. After Biden fixes the economy and Covid, you guys are going to need some other fake cultural issue to feed on.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete ass out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh

Which is what we did when Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a "slut" and demonstrated he didn't really know how lady parts work. He pretty much stopped being a thing after that.

I'm sure the Dominican Rent Boys are still in mourning.
ah yes...leftist show trials...stalin did them too...

no we have actual fair trials in our society i know that bothers you

I agree this is a show trial. If this wasn't so high profile, these guys would have had lawyers who would have had the good sense to plead them out.

You know, like 90% of poor criminals do when they are caught red handed.

If there is a real injustice, it's that a lot of poor people are forced to plead out because they don't have the resources of the DA and the police to prove they committed a crime.

These pieces of human filth were caught red handed doing exactly what they were accused of, and the only reason they are getting a show trial is the state wants to make an example of them, and their FOP lawyers fight tooth and nail against any reform.
He offered to plea but the DA said no. because he wanted a show trial.
He offered to plea but the DA said no. because he wanted a show trial.

Um yeah, I just said that, Corky. Did I use too many big words for you?

Chauvin knew he was guilty...but just pleading him out wasn't good enough. We had to show the country we can hold thug cops accountable. (Something we don't do nearly enough of.)
He offered to plea but the DA said no. because he wanted a show trial.

Um yeah, I just said that, Corky. Did I use too many big words for you?

Chauvin knew he was guilty...but just pleading him out wasn't good enough. We had to show the country we can hold thug cops accountable. (Something we don't do nearly enough of.)
Yep. the DA wanted a trial...I certainly have no problems with that, but when you do that it can't be a show trial, it has to be a fair trial...and when you have Congresswomen, and DNC brown shirts threatening to continue violence, burn businesses etc if they don't get the results they want, and BLM Brownshirts lying their way on to the jury...that is a show trial, and frankly shows the world we are no better then China and other leftist regimes.
Yep. the DA wanted a trial...I certainly have no problems with that, but when you do that it can't be a show trial, it has to be a fair trial...and when you have Congresswomen, and DNC brown shirts threatening to continue violence, burn businesses etc if they don't get the results they want, and BLM Brownshirts lying their way on to the jury...that is a show trial, and frankly shows the world we are no better then China and other leftist regimes.

Uh, guy it was a completely fair trial.

The evidence proved Chauvin was guilty. If anything, Chauvin got a lot of breaks. the jury didn't get to hear about that 14 year old he nearly strangled in the same way, but the jury got to hear about the other time Geo. Floyd got pulled over for a DUI. (Where amazingly, the cops didn't feel a need to kill him and he totally didn't die spontaneously.)

The problem Chauvin always had was THIS.

Yep. the DA wanted a trial...I certainly have no problems with that, but when you do that it can't be a show trial, it has to be a fair trial...and when you have Congresswomen, and DNC brown shirts threatening to continue violence, burn businesses etc if they don't get the results they want, and BLM Brownshirts lying their way on to the jury...that is a show trial, and frankly shows the world we are no better then China and other leftist regimes.

Uh, guy it was a completely fair trial.

The evidence proved Chauvin was guilty. If anything, Chauvin got a lot of breaks. the jury didn't get to hear about that 14 year old he nearly strangled in the same way, but the jury got to hear about the other time Geo. Floyd got pulled over for a DUI. (Where amazingly, the cops didn't feel a need to kill him and he totally didn't die spontaneously.)

The problem Chauvin always had was THIS.

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sorry when a jury is threatened and when a juror lies it’s not fair
sorry when a jury is threatened and when a juror lies it’s not fair

Except the Jury wasn't threatened, and the juror didn't lie.

They asked him if he supported BLM. He said he did. They asked him if he participated in any demonstrations in Minneaopolis. He said he didn't. They didn't ask him if he participated in a march to memorialize Dr. King, because, man, that would have been a bad look.
sorry when a jury is threatened and when a juror lies it’s not fair

Except the Jury wasn't threatened, and the juror didn't lie.

They asked him if he supported BLM. He said he did. They asked him if he participated in any demonstrations in Minneaopolis. He said he didn't. They didn't ask him if he participated in a march to memorialize Dr. King, because, man, that would have been a bad look.
Huh? We have video of Mad Max, and we know the juror lied, because he said he didn't attend any protest for George, and we know that to be false because there is clear photographed evidence of it.

He didn't attend a Dr. King rally...he attend the "Get Off Our Necks" protest/rally...the one announced and planned at the George's funeral.

I am not sure if that will be enough for the Courts to grant a new trial or not, but those are clear facts.
They asked him if he supported BLM. He said he did. They asked him if he participated in any demonstrations in Minneaopolis. He said he didn't. They didn't ask him if he participated in a march to memorialize Dr. King, because, man, that would have been a bad look.

What did I tell you about trying to win debates with lies OCD? You people never learn a thing.

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