Chavez reduced poverty, unepmployment and debt while office uisng socialist policies


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?
Venezuela: Chávez?s Authoritarian Legacy | Human Rights Watch
(New York) – Hugo Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.

After enacting a new constitution with ample human rights protections in 1999 – and surviving a short-lived coup d’état in 2002 – Chávez and his followers moved to concentrate power. They seized control of the Supreme Court and undercut the ability of journalists, human rights defenders, and other Venezuelans to exercise fundamental rights.

By his second full term in office, the concentration of power and erosion of human rights protections had given the government free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who criticized the president or thwarted his political agenda. In recent years, the president and his followers used these powers in a wide range of prominent cases, whose damaging impact was felt by entire sectors of Venezuelan society.

Many Venezuelans continued to criticize the government. But the prospect of reprisals – in the form of arbitrary or abusive state action – forced journalists and human rights defenders to weigh the consequences of disseminating information and opinions critical of the government, and undercut the ability of judges to adjudicate politically sensitive cases.

Sorry but there is no reason to admire Chavez.
Venezuela: Chávez?s Authoritarian Legacy | Human Rights Watch
(New York) – Hugo Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.

After enacting a new constitution with ample human rights protections in 1999 – and surviving a short-lived coup d’état in 2002 – Chávez and his followers moved to concentrate power. They seized control of the Supreme Court and undercut the ability of journalists, human rights defenders, and other Venezuelans to exercise fundamental rights.

By his second full term in office, the concentration of power and erosion of human rights protections had given the government free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who criticized the president or thwarted his political agenda. In recent years, the president and his followers used these powers in a wide range of prominent cases, whose damaging impact was felt by entire sectors of Venezuelan society.

Many Venezuelans continued to criticize the government. But the prospect of reprisals – in the form of arbitrary or abusive state action – forced journalists and human rights defenders to weigh the consequences of disseminating information and opinions critical of the government, and undercut the ability of judges to adjudicate politically sensitive cases.

Sorry but there is no reason to admire Chavez.

Ok, we did waterboarding which you Republicans supported, are you any better? Fuck outta here, this post has jack shit to do with my OP.
Venezuela: Chávez?s Authoritarian Legacy | Human Rights Watch
(New York) – Hugo Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.

After enacting a new constitution with ample human rights protections in 1999 – and surviving a short-lived coup d’état in 2002 – Chávez and his followers moved to concentrate power. They seized control of the Supreme Court and undercut the ability of journalists, human rights defenders, and other Venezuelans to exercise fundamental rights.

By his second full term in office, the concentration of power and erosion of human rights protections had given the government free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who criticized the president or thwarted his political agenda. In recent years, the president and his followers used these powers in a wide range of prominent cases, whose damaging impact was felt by entire sectors of Venezuelan society.

Many Venezuelans continued to criticize the government. But the prospect of reprisals – in the form of arbitrary or abusive state action – forced journalists and human rights defenders to weigh the consequences of disseminating information and opinions critical of the government, and undercut the ability of judges to adjudicate politically sensitive cases.

Sorry but there is no reason to admire Chavez.

Ok, we did waterboarding which you Republicans supported, are you any better? Fuck outta here, this post has jack shit to do with my OP.
He just blew the entire premise of this ridiculous thread completely out of the fucking water.


Ok, we did waterboarding which you Republicans supported, are you any better? Fuck outta here, this post has jack shit to do with my OP.
He just blew the entire premise of this ridiculous thread completely out of the fucking water.


You Rangers still have shit for brains, some of you that is, with your military minstates, his post had jack shit to do with my OP.
Ok, we did waterboarding which you Republicans supported, are you any better? Fuck outta here, this post has jack shit to do with my OP.
He just blew the entire premise of this ridiculous thread completely out of the fucking water.


You Rangers still have shit for brains, some of you that is, with your military minstates, his post had jack shit to do with my OP.
If you can't see how his post had everything to do with the premise of your OP, then there's no use in even discussing it.

Besides, there's been at least ten threads on the subject, ever since that fat bastard croaked, and your same premise has been thoroughly debunked in each one of them.
Venezuela: Chávez?s Authoritarian Legacy | Human Rights Watch
(New York) – Hugo Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.

After enacting a new constitution with ample human rights protections in 1999 – and surviving a short-lived coup d’état in 2002 – Chávez and his followers moved to concentrate power. They seized control of the Supreme Court and undercut the ability of journalists, human rights defenders, and other Venezuelans to exercise fundamental rights.

By his second full term in office, the concentration of power and erosion of human rights protections had given the government free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who criticized the president or thwarted his political agenda. In recent years, the president and his followers used these powers in a wide range of prominent cases, whose damaging impact was felt by entire sectors of Venezuelan society.

Many Venezuelans continued to criticize the government. But the prospect of reprisals – in the form of arbitrary or abusive state action – forced journalists and human rights defenders to weigh the consequences of disseminating information and opinions critical of the government, and undercut the ability of judges to adjudicate politically sensitive cases.

Sorry but there is no reason to admire Chavez.

Ok, we did waterboarding which you Republicans supported, are you any better? Fuck outta here, this post has jack shit to do with my OP.

I'm not a republican. Never have been.

Try and step out of your two dimensional thinking for a while and you might learn something.
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.
Basically, Chavez was the Jim Jones of world leaders.....A trait shared by many socialist leaders throughout history.
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

So whats our problem?
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

Is that the best you got?

So Venezuela is not a member of OPEC, and does not have access to Petro dollars?

So thier murder rate is not exponentially high? He did not suppress dissent? He did not create a personality cult?

Roman Emperors used bread and circuses to buy off the masses. Thats the same thing Chavez did, mixed with a little anti-americanism so he could always say "Look out!!! If I go away the big bad americans will come for you!!! BOOGA BOOGA!!"
Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

Is that the best you got?

So Venezuela is not a member of OPEC, and does not have access to Petro dollars?

So thier murder rate is not exponentially high? He did not suppress dissent? He did not create a personality cult?

Roman Emperors used bread and circuses to buy off the masses. Thats the same thing Chavez did, mixed with a little anti-americanism so he could always say "Look out!!! If I go away the big bad americans will come for you!!! BOOGA BOOGA!!"

This is irrelevant, I know people from Venezuela and they dispute it, my topic isn't about Chavez in that regard, its about him lowering poverty, narrowing income equality, lowring unemployment, providing free access to health care and education, all while lowering the nation's debt, Republicans say "socialism" is all bad, well it work under Chavez.
It's amazing how reducing all those thing to you makes them go up.
Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

Is that the best you got?

So Venezuela is not a member of OPEC, and does not have access to Petro dollars?

So thier murder rate is not exponentially high? He did not suppress dissent? He did not create a personality cult?

Roman Emperors used bread and circuses to buy off the masses. Thats the same thing Chavez did, mixed with a little anti-americanism so he could always say "Look out!!! If I go away the big bad americans will come for you!!! BOOGA BOOGA!!"

This is irrelevant, I know people from Venezuela and they dispute it, my topic isn't about Chavez in that regard, its about him lowering poverty, narrowing income equality, lowring unemployment, providing free access to health care and education, all while lowering the nation's debt, Republicans say "socialism" is all bad, well it work under Chavez.

And all you have to do is harrass, arrest, and suppress those who oppose you. So Chavez is your favorite authoritarian tinpot, I get it. You cant ignore the things he had to do to make his socialist "paradise" and the fact it is only propped up on oil money. If oil prices ever go down for a significant period of time, the venezuelan economy goes to shit.

It only worked because of Oil Money.
So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

They love him because he gave them free shit. As for the actual economic performance, it sucked. VZ is poorer today and its successful educated people have fled because they were demonized by the regime.
No wonder assholes like you love Obama.
Is that the best you got?

So Venezuela is not a member of OPEC, and does not have access to Petro dollars?

So thier murder rate is not exponentially high? He did not suppress dissent? He did not create a personality cult?

Roman Emperors used bread and circuses to buy off the masses. Thats the same thing Chavez did, mixed with a little anti-americanism so he could always say "Look out!!! If I go away the big bad americans will come for you!!! BOOGA BOOGA!!"

This is irrelevant, I know people from Venezuela and they dispute it, my topic isn't about Chavez in that regard, its about him lowering poverty, narrowing income equality, lowring unemployment, providing free access to health care and education, all while lowering the nation's debt, Republicans say "socialism" is all bad, well it work under Chavez.

And all you have to do is harrass, arrest, and suppress those who oppose you. So Chavez is your favorite authoritarian tinpot, I get it. You cant ignore the things he had to do to make his socialist "paradise" and the fact it is only propped up on oil money. If oil prices ever go down for a significant period of time, the venezuelan economy goes to shit.

It only worked because of Oil Money.

Strawman, I'm talking about his debt reduction, lowering of unemployment, narrowing income equality and free access to health care and education that have made the country better, you're talking about bullshit that doesn't apply.

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