Chavez reduced poverty, unepmployment and debt while office uisng socialist policies

This is why people are leaving in droves?
[ame=]Caracas Ciudad de Despedidas - YouTube[/ame]
This is irrelevant, I know people from Venezuela and they dispute it, my topic isn't about Chavez in that regard, its about him lowering poverty, narrowing income equality, lowring unemployment, providing free access to health care and education, all while lowering the nation's debt, Republicans say "socialism" is all bad, well it work under Chavez.

And all you have to do is harrass, arrest, and suppress those who oppose you. So Chavez is your favorite authoritarian tinpot, I get it. You cant ignore the things he had to do to make his socialist "paradise" and the fact it is only propped up on oil money. If oil prices ever go down for a significant period of time, the venezuelan economy goes to shit.

It only worked because of Oil Money.

Strawman, I'm talking about his debt reduction, lowering of unemployment, narrowing income equality and free access to health care and education that have made the country better, you're talking about bullshit that doesn't apply.

So one can by a tyrant to a portion of ones people, as long as you take care of another portion of said population?

Got it. And you still havent answered the fact that this is only possible due to oil money.

Also still havent answered the whole rampant murder thing....

Hack. and a gutless no rep turned on one at that.

Shall I fit you for your pink tutu wussy boy?
And all you have to do is harrass, arrest, and suppress those who oppose you. So Chavez is your favorite authoritarian tinpot, I get it. You cant ignore the things he had to do to make his socialist "paradise" and the fact it is only propped up on oil money. If oil prices ever go down for a significant period of time, the venezuelan economy goes to shit.

It only worked because of Oil Money.

Strawman, I'm talking about his debt reduction, lowering of unemployment, narrowing income equality and free access to health care and education that have made the country better, you're talking about bullshit that doesn't apply.

So one can by a tyrant to a portion of ones people, as long as you take care of another portion of said population?

Got it. And you still havent answered the fact that this is only possible due to oil money.

Also still havent answered the whole rampant murder thing....

Hack. and a gutless no rep turned on one at that.

Shall I fit you for your pink tutu wussy boy?

Still chewing straws, I rest my case, socialism does work.
Strange how the wing nuts know all about Venezuela without even going there and seeing and talking to the people who better off due to Chavez's programs. :clap2:

Nicolas Maduro Chavez's Vice President said:

"Our people will never again see the bourgeoisie plundering this country," Maduro said, adding, "Better to be dead than traitors to the people and to Chavez!"

And in the United States :
Citgo expects to help more than 400,000 Americans this year with a 100-gallon donation of heating oil and said that in addition to providing assistance to private citizens, Citgo would also provide assistance to 250 homeless shelters.

Venezuela’s generosity towards its northern neighbor began in 2005, after Hurricane Katrina had ravaged the Gulf Coast, when Citgo donated $1 million to disaster relief and President Hugo Chavez offered to send food, water, fuel, and other humanitarian assistance. Chavez was not taken up on his offer by the U.S. administration. That same year, in response to a call by 12 U.S. Senators for oil companies and oil producing nations to donate heating oil to help ease the pain of high prices caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Venezuela rose to the occasion once again. Despite criticism from the American government, the program has continued each winter since.
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Chavez was a dictator. Plain and simple.

He natioinalized all industry in VZ. He went after anyone who didn't agree with him. He took over the SC in VZ. All of the newpapers and news stations. In effect he ruled the whole of the country. He was a dictator with no one able to run against him.

Fail&Go thinks he was the greatest. No surprise there.
Yes...Chavez created such a paradise in Venezuela that citizens leave the country whenever possible because they feel so guilty for having living in such luxury and peace while the rest of the world suffers.
Strawman, I'm talking about his debt reduction, lowering of unemployment, narrowing income equality and free access to health care and education that have made the country better, you're talking about bullshit that doesn't apply.

So one can by a tyrant to a portion of ones people, as long as you take care of another portion of said population?

Got it. And you still havent answered the fact that this is only possible due to oil money.

Also still havent answered the whole rampant murder thing....

Hack. and a gutless no rep turned on one at that.

Shall I fit you for your pink tutu wussy boy?

Still chewing straws, I rest my case, socialism does work.

Just like fascism works, for a time. In the end it comes crashing down because it relies on stifiling creativity, and punishing citizens who will not go along with the program.

And I think a powder blue tutu is more to your liking.
Viva la revolucion !!!

Proletariat arise !

If only we could be more like a venezuelan socialist
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?

And if he does it by squashing the free press and treading on human rights it's OK with a fucking fascist control freak like you.
The world is glad that mindless ape has departed for good..............

Surely its a
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?

And if he does it by squashing the free press and treading on human rights it's OK with a fucking fascist control freak like you.

The ends justify the means: The progressive mantra for everything from taxation, to gun control.
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?

And if he does it by squashing the free press and treading on human rights it's OK with a fucking fascist control freak like you.

Where's the proof of that? There is an opposition party in VZ a true dictator wouldn't allow that, stop bullshitting.
Venezuela: Chávez?s Authoritarian Legacy | Human Rights Watch
(New York) – Hugo Chávez’s presidency (1999-2013) was characterized by a dramatic concentration of power and open disregard for basic human rights guarantees.

After enacting a new constitution with ample human rights protections in 1999 – and surviving a short-lived coup d’état in 2002 – Chávez and his followers moved to concentrate power. They seized control of the Supreme Court and undercut the ability of journalists, human rights defenders, and other Venezuelans to exercise fundamental rights.

By his second full term in office, the concentration of power and erosion of human rights protections had given the government free rein to intimidate, censor, and prosecute Venezuelans who criticized the president or thwarted his political agenda. In recent years, the president and his followers used these powers in a wide range of prominent cases, whose damaging impact was felt by entire sectors of Venezuelan society.

Many Venezuelans continued to criticize the government. But the prospect of reprisals – in the form of arbitrary or abusive state action – forced journalists and human rights defenders to weigh the consequences of disseminating information and opinions critical of the government, and undercut the ability of judges to adjudicate politically sensitive cases.

Sorry but there is no reason to admire Chavez.

But to progressives anything goes if it takes out those who disagree.
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

If VZ weren't propped up with enormous oil revenues they'd be the miserable shithole that Cuba is now.

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