Chavez reduced poverty, unepmployment and debt while office uisng socialist policies

So why are Republicans insisting that cuts and extreme austerity is the only answer when its likely to make more problems?

Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

Chavez didn't reduce poverty; he merely distributed it around. He only narrowed the income gap between rich and poor because he made the rich poorer, not the poor richer. The poor loved him because he continuously promised them free stuff (like a house), even if he never produced it. Kind of sounds like where the U.S. is heading.
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?

He did none of that. But then again you're not bright enough to decipher through the propaganda machines.
Its also not surprising that the op would agree with a corrupt system that accused the US of infecting their dead thug tyrant with cancer.
Thw wingnuts are using strawmen to avoid my main point, what dictator gives free health care and access to higher education, lowers the income disparity gap, poverty by more than 50%, unemployment and the national debt? Something isn't right, when did the GOP's brand of capitalism ever do that?

And if he does it by squashing the free press and treading on human rights it's OK with a fucking fascist control freak like you.

Where's the proof of that? There is an opposition party in VZ a true dictator wouldn't allow that, stop bullshitting.

Venezuela: Chávez?s Authoritarian Legacy | Human Rights Watch
Venezuela is also a massive exporter of oil and natural gas. Being in OPEC allows you to have basically any type of policy and seem to be effective, because you can just throw petro dollars at the problem.

nevermind the massive murder rate, suppression of dissenting opinion, and massive personality cult that was the result of his rule. Yeah, just ignore all that crap.

Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

Chavez didn't reduce poverty; he merely distributed it around. He only narrowed the income gap between rich and poor because he made the rich poorer, not the poor richer. The poor loved him because he continuously promised them free stuff (like a house), even if he never produced it. Kind of sounds like where the U.S. is heading.

sounds like the author of the OP wants to live in a socialist state and be a slave to a dictatorial government. Great!! move to north korea, it should be just what you want.
Lies, all lies, we have a high murder rate, incarceration, highly divided country based on political views that is so divisive we can't even govern ourselves whats new? The people there loved Chavez because he lowered poverty, narrowed income equality and diverted much of the country's wealth towards helping the poor, yeah, what a dictator.

Chavez didn't reduce poverty; he merely distributed it around. He only narrowed the income gap between rich and poor because he made the rich poorer, not the poor richer. The poor loved him because he continuously promised them free stuff (like a house), even if he never produced it. Kind of sounds like where the U.S. is heading.


"The government lacks policies to distribute revenues among the poorest strata of the Venezuelan population. The claims that they were the most favored sector of the population are a myth," said España.

"We found that the quality of life of the households in extreme poverty has worsened. Ten years ago, 9 percent of the families in extreme poverty lived in houses with earth floor; the percentage has increased to 22 percent. At the same time, the proportion of households lacking running water increased from 40 percent to 60 percent," said the professor.

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