‘Cheap manufacturing be damned’: Sentiment builds for moving U.S. companies out of China

We can't untangle from China who also happens to be OUR biggest market for OUR products.

What we can do is pressure for changes, particularly intellectual property theft and other things. Make it a bit more equitable.
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the worlds biggest army and congress needs to craft legislation to stop ALL manufacturing in China.

Also Trump needs to stop playing footsie with the Chinese president. No economic deal is worth the threat that China poses.

Do not get mad at what I am about to write but do you remember taking me to task about my opinion of China and how we should not be trading with them?

Remember how you told me about your Christmas Presents and you thought how stupid I was for being so defiant against any trade with China?

Now maybe you can understand why I hate them so much!

It ain't the 1st time Grandpa murked himself.

I actually enjoy Grandpa and we get on each other nerve and into tiffs and I understand he thought with his pocketbook but we must understand our enemies and China Government knows they have us where they want us...
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We can't untangle from China who also happens to be OUR biggest market for OUR products.

What we can do is pressure for changes, particularly intellectual property theft and other things. Make it a bit more equitable.

I strongly disagree Coyote and we ( America ) must unhook from the Chinese crap goods!

You should read about the poisonous stuff they sell to us and if you want to inspect their government ran factories we must first gain permission and give them time to cover their crimes up...
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the worlds biggest army and congress needs to craft legislation to stop ALL manufacturing in China.

Also Trump needs to stop playing footsie with the Chinese president. No economic deal is worth the threat that China poses.
Already addressed everything in your post on another thread
Except I disagree about trade, no trade with China...in or out...period
and no products made in other countries for Chinese owned businesses allowed into the U.S.
Maybe we should wait until this Covid 19 shit is over. 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients imported into US come from China.

Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the worlds biggest army and congress needs to craft legislation to stop ALL manufacturing in China.

Also Trump needs to stop playing footsie with the Chinese president. No economic deal is worth the threat that China poses.

Do not get mad at what I am about to write but do you remember taking me to task about my opinion of China and how we should not be trading with them?

Remember how you told me about your Christmas Presents and you thought how stupid I was for being so defiant against any trade with China?

Now maybe you can understand why I hate them so much!
I don't remember any single conversation lol.

I have argued with people hundreds of times since Christmas. NOTHING on this board is important enough for me to cement it into memory. That kind of nonsense is for trolls and lonely people. No offense intended but your opinion, or any on this board is not something I deem worthy of committing to memory.
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the worlds biggest army and congress needs to craft legislation to stop ALL manufacturing in China.

Also Trump needs to stop playing footsie with the Chinese president. No economic deal is worth the threat that China poses.

Do not get mad at what I am about to write but do you remember taking me to task about my opinion of China and how we should not be trading with them?

Remember how you told me about your Christmas Presents and you thought how stupid I was for being so defiant against any trade with China?

Now maybe you can understand why I hate them so much!
I don't remember any single conversation lol.

I have argued with people hundreds of times since Christmas. NOTHING on this board is important enough for me to cement it into memory. That kind of nonsense is for trolls and lonely people. No offense intended but your opinion, or any on this board is not something I deem worthy of committing to memory.

So if I point it out you will call me a troll for pointing out how your opinion changed about China?

Oh, a true loser is a man that can not admit he is wrong, which did you ever noticed you are never wrong?

I remember the conversation because you and Golfing Gator were so positive that China trade was so important and remember that Samsung TV and that Minecraft Game?

Yeah, everyone is a troll but you, right?
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the worlds biggest army and congress needs to craft legislation to stop ALL manufacturing in China.

Also Trump needs to stop playing footsie with the Chinese president. No economic deal is worth the threat that China poses.

Do not get mad at what I am about to write but do you remember taking me to task about my opinion of China and how we should not be trading with them?

Remember how you told me about your Christmas Presents and you thought how stupid I was for being so defiant against any trade with China?

Now maybe you can understand why I hate them so much!
I don't remember any single conversation lol.

I have argued with people hundreds of times since Christmas. NOTHING on this board is important enough for me to cement it into memory. That kind of nonsense is for trolls and lonely people. No offense intended but your opinion, or any on this board is not something I deem worthy of committing to memory.

So if I point it out you will call me a troll for pointing out how your opinion changed about China?

Oh, a true loser is a man that can not admit he is wrong, which did you ever noticed you are never wrong?

I remember the conversation because you and Golfing Gator were so positive that China trade was so important and remember that Samsung TV and that Minecraft Game?

Yeah, everyone is a troll but you, right?
Samsung is indeed made in Asia but most of it is outside of China.

But please, feel free to show me what the hell you're talking about. If you're going to assign a position/statement to me then obviously you need to offer the source of such a claim.
I have been anti china vehemently for some time now. Obviously if you want to prove me a hypocrite you have my entire posting history to dig though to achieve that goal. HAVE AT IT
Trade is fine but no more manufacturing in China.
We are building the Chinese Communist Partys military and tech sectors with American greed and it needs to stop. We are funding the worlds biggest army and congress needs to craft legislation to stop ALL manufacturing in China.

Also Trump needs to stop playing footsie with the Chinese president. No economic deal is worth the threat that China poses.

Wish I had that old 'winner' button.

Any who don't believe that we are at war with that nation, our media aside, need to read this book:

I believe our workforce of today could work circles around any other nations manufacturing force. Provide them a good solid wage and good benefits(insurance, sick time, vacation) and those jobs could be successfully done here.
I believe our workforce of today could work circles around any other nations manufacturing force. Provide them a good solid wage and good benefits(insurance, sick time, vacation) and those jobs could be successfully done here.

Then go for it. Start your own company, overpay all your workers, and then try to sell your product that's the highest price in the store. Good luck with that one.
It is past time to bring the jobs back. At the very least no more production in nations that could or do pose a risk to our national security

That's easier said than done. Americans are obsessed with low prices. We don't care where it comes from, how many Americans are out of jobs, how low of quality it is, just give it to us at the lowest cost possible.

Until we can collectively change that attitude when it comes to consuming, we will always be dependent on other countries for our goods, and yes, even medications.
It is past time to bring the jobs back. At the very least no more production in nations that could or do pose a risk to our national security

That's easier said than done. Americans are obsessed with low prices. We don't care where it comes from, how many Americans are out of jobs, how low of quality it is, just give it to us at the lowest cost possible.

Until we can collectively change that attitude when it comes to consuming, we will always be dependent on other countries for our goods, and yes, even medications.
That attitude is easily changed by forcing the change.
Short term pain<long term stability
It is past time to bring the jobs back. At the very least no more production in nations that could or do pose a risk to our national security

That's easier said than done. Americans are obsessed with low prices. We don't care where it comes from, how many Americans are out of jobs, how low of quality it is, just give it to us at the lowest cost possible.

Until we can collectively change that attitude when it comes to consuming, we will always be dependent on other countries for our goods, and yes, even medications.
That attitude is easily changed by forcing the change.
Short term pain<long term stability

Like I said, good luck with that one. When Trump instituted tariffs, look at how those pro-American worker Democrats complained about it raising the prices of our goods. Those tariffs made our products a little more competitive, and they hated it.
and cheap labor from anywhere too

showing that, once again, Trump was correct

we need to make our own stuff and never be reliant on ANY other country for the things we need

that includes oil from the ME as well



American companies that produce essential goods in China should plan to shift their operations back to the United States or other Western countries, according to a senior Republican lawmaker.

“We're staring into a significant, significant crisis of supply chain,” Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner told the Washington Examiner. “Cheap labor or cheap manufacturing be damned if you are reliant on them for your life and livelihood.”

Gardner’s warning was spurred by the shortage of hospital masks in the United States, a dearth driven by Beijing’s refusal to allow American companies that make the products in China to ship them out of the country amid the coronavirus pandemic. And he’s not alone in that sentiment, raising the possibility that anger over China’s self-interested response to the coronavirus outbreak could produce one of the most dramatic alterations of global economics in decades.

“Because of the coronavirus problem, people are recognizing that any supply chain that has single points of failure is incredibly vulnerable,” the Heritage Foundation’s Dean Cheng, a senior research fellow in the organization’s Asian Studies Center, told the Washington Examiner. “China is going to be very concerned about decoupling, offshoring, [or any] redirection of investments out of China.”

China is a nuclear power. This is a big gigantic factor. The world clearly not united as it should be against China. They are united against this country. This is a big problem.
I'm 100% for it. Regardless we have to continue exports to maintain our status as world power, otherwise we'd give that status to China. If countries were to become isolated, then yes, no country would complete with the USA, we'd be set.

I think we should also end foreigners owning U.S. real estate. That said millennial's already screwed the pooch on that one. Many figured they were above property ownership. They didn't take into account they'll be paying the Chinese rent in the form of 5Kish by their 60th B-days.
Isolated countries fail economically.

To be fair, there has never been an isolated country on a scale of the US.

AND, as we seen to be destined to be fucked by any trading partner, isolation could be a competitive policy.

THe choice seems to be either be the world's bitch, or take our ball and go home.
How do you mean? The USSR failed miserably. Pretty big country.

Failed because they tried to have a big empire AND we fought them.

Not because they were isolated.
Maybe we can ask Trump why he has not made his products here in US. What ever happened to the policy buy Americans hire Americans? Just saying.

if we made our products here. How can we compete overseas?

1. Sure. Go ask him.

2. Let's focus on competing in the AMERICAN market first. We are still the world's largest market. If everyone else wants to be a dick, then let's keep it for ourselves.

3. Once we do that, maybe we can talk to others about how we can set up some mutually beneficial trade.

1. I did Trump said. Fuck you. I’m a hypocrite do what I say and don’t fucking worry what I do where I make more money. He also said hire Americans while I hire foreigners because they are more expensive. I can’t find waitresses, cook etc here in Florida. BTW I just fired illegal immigrants that worked in my vineyards as late as last year. Three years after I won the election. See as president I’m good.

2 & 3. We are competing right now competitively. Look at the results economy is good and you are so proud of the low unemployment. Now you want to change that?

Right now. China just shipped us a plane load of urgently needed medical supplies in NY Arrived today. China bad. Just imagine if we don’t have these partners around the globe.

Right now. illegal immigrants are in full gear working in farms trying to keep up with the demands of panic buying. Just imagine if we don’t have these people helping you get your food to your table. Crisis will be worse.

Right now. Illegal immigrants are working in full gear helping Americans in convalescence home because there’s no body else wants or allowed to work there even the relatives. Just imagine if we don’t have these people. Crisis will be worse.

We ensure american workers are paid at least double what Chinese workers make..if not triple.

No. The Communist system and currency devaluation ensures that Chinese worked are paid one half, if not, one third of American workers...
Is that mean if we make our products here you are going to pay engineers $25/hour or microbiologist $28? While they are making way higher than that now?
While our kids are taking worthless courses.
It is past time to bring the jobs back. At the very least no more production in nations that could or do pose a risk to our national security

That's easier said than done. Americans are obsessed with low prices. We don't care where it comes from, how many Americans are out of jobs, how low of quality it is, just give it to us at the lowest cost possible.

Until we can collectively change that attitude when it comes to consuming, we will always be dependent on other countries for our goods, and yes, even medications.
That attitude is easily changed by forcing the change.
Short term pain<long term stability

Like I said, good luck with that one. When Trump instituted tariffs, look at how those pro-American worker Democrats complained about it raising the prices of our goods. Those tariffs made our products a little more competitive, and they hated it.

You made sense on your post #252.

But here it’s just doesn’t make sense.
Let me repeat again what I posted about Trump tariffs and trade wars. Not a single companies, technologies or any categories of businesses, big and small supported Trump TW. None nobody.
What made you think democrats are the only one complaining? Republicans cannot complain bcoz lots of them even denied even voting a moron. Like farmers that Trump made them welfare recipients. Now $40bn for 2020 $12b of that is coming from $2t stimulus. Wonder whatever to the billions$ that Trump bragged we made from tariffs?
We gain very little or none with Trump TW but it hurts profits of businesses.

By imposing TW how did we become more competitive? Really? How?

I'm 100% for it. Regardless we have to continue exports to maintain our status as world power, otherwise we'd give that status to China. If countries were to become isolated, then yes, no country would complete with the USA, we'd be set.

I think we should also end foreigners owning U.S. real estate. That said millennial's already screwed the pooch on that one. Many figured they were above property ownership. They didn't take into account they'll be paying the Chinese rent in the form of 5Kish by their 60th B-days.
Isolated countries fail economically.

To be fair, there has never been an isolated country on a scale of the US.

AND, as we seen to be destined to be fucked by any trading partner, isolation could be a competitive policy.

THe choice seems to be either be the world's bitch, or take our ball and go home.
How do you mean? The USSR failed miserably. Pretty big country.

Failed because they tried to have a big empire AND we fought them.

Not because they were isolated.
Maybe we can ask Trump why he has not made his products here in US. What ever happened to the policy buy Americans hire Americans? Just saying.

if we made our products here. How can we compete overseas?

1. Sure. Go ask him.

2. Let's focus on competing in the AMERICAN market first. We are still the world's largest market. If everyone else wants to be a dick, then let's keep it for ourselves.

3. Once we do that, maybe we can talk to others about how we can set up some mutually beneficial trade.

1. I did Trump said. Fuck you. I’m a hypocrite do what I say and don’t fucking worry what I do where I make more money. He also said hire Americans while I hire foreigners because they are more expensive. I can’t find waitresses, cook etc here in Florida. BTW I just fired illegal immigrants that worked in my vineyards as late as last year. Three years after I won the election. See as president I’m good.

2 & 3. We are competing right now competitively. Look at the results economy is good and you are so proud of the low unemployment. Now you want to change that?

Right now. China just shipped us a plane load of urgently needed medical supplies in NY Arrived today. China bad. Just imagine if we don’t have these partners around the globe.

Right now. illegal immigrants are in full gear working in farms trying to keep up with the demands of panic buying. Just imagine if we don’t have these people helping you get your food to your table. Crisis will be worse.

Right now. Illegal immigrants are working in full gear helping Americans in convalescence home because there’s no body else wants or allowed to work there even the relatives. Just imagine if we don’t have these people. Crisis will be worse.

1. So, that is your point? That the President is hypocritical for having his businesses hire foreigners? OK. A President who is hypocritical in pursuing American interests is better than one that is sincere in betraying American interests.

2. The macro economic numbers is hiding long term wage stagnation and seriously long term economic pain resulting from it, to the point that our lifespans are DECLINING.

3. If we didn't have these "partners" around the globe, we would A. have the capacity ourselves, and B. have better partners.
It is past time to bring the jobs back. At the very least no more production in nations that could or do pose a risk to our national security

Grampa, I’m in the medical instruments business. Like I posted several times 85% of my consumables are made in China. These are FDA approved products.

Right now bcoz of Coronavirus I am making some of them in Minnesota. one product alone cost $35 from China shipping included to $120 here.
If thousands of American businesses like me bring those jobs back. How can we compete overseas? How can we sell our products here? This year Tesla is making a move in to China.

I have to take that as a lost revenue bcoz I can’t change my prices till late November of
every year. Even then hospitals will not take that kind very high drastic change.

I’m glad it’s only temporary and most are now coming back to normal where my products are being made.

Just sharing you a real life experience about doing business in China.


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