Cheap Oil Is An Economic Time Bomb For America!

Really? And what evidence do you have that Obama interfered with the spot market where they sell the world's oil? In fact, what evidence do you have that he interfered with our energy policy with regard to oil? You do realize that when all those fracking wells were drilled that he did absolutely nothing to stop them, right? You didn't know this? Huh.

He drastically reduced drilling on federal land. That's the only place he has control.

Good. I'm glad he did. That didn't stop the fracking, though, did it? of course it didn't. Nor did it stop other more convention methods from being used. The fact is that we are in an oil bubble. And when it bursts (actually, it already has), you losers will no doubt blame Obama for that as well. Oh look...

So your argument is that he wasn't able to totally shut down all drilling? Really?
Obama tried to interfere in the free market and reduce the supply. Obama thought he could destroy the fossil fuel industry, but consumers want the products that come from oil. American know-how and can-do spirit got what they wanted.

Other than the utter disaster that was the BP Gulf of Mexico debacle, what wells did Obama personally order shut down? The only way Obama could have influenced the oil supply was by order all our wells shut down, which probably could not be done, or bomb the Saudis, which no one in Congress would ever allow. The spot market is as free a market as exists anywhere.

This has already been explained to you several times. He greatly reduced the number of oil leases. That means reduced drilling and reduced production.

Even if that were true, the oil is still flowing like ripple wine in a French whorehouse. Next.
He drastically reduced drilling on federal land. That's the only place he has control.

Good. I'm glad he did. That didn't stop the fracking, though, did it? of course it didn't. Nor did it stop other more convention methods from being used. The fact is that we are in an oil bubble. And when it bursts (actually, it already has), you losers will no doubt blame Obama for that as well. Oh look...

So your argument is that he wasn't able to totally shut down all drilling? Really?
Obama tried to interfere in the free market and reduce the supply. Obama thought he could destroy the fossil fuel industry, but consumers want the products that come from oil. American know-how and can-do spirit got what they wanted.

Other than the utter disaster that was the BP Gulf of Mexico debacle, what wells did Obama personally order shut down? The only way Obama could have influenced the oil supply was by order all our wells shut down, which probably could not be done, or bomb the Saudis, which no one in Congress would ever allow. The spot market is as free a market as exists anywhere.

This has already been explained to you several times. He greatly reduced the number of oil leases. That means reduced drilling and reduced production.

Even if that were true, the oil is still flowing like ripple wine in a French whorehouse. Next.

That's true, despite Obama's attempts to stifle production. The oil is flowing from private land where no federal leases are required. However, now he's trying to shut down drilling via regulation.
Obama was the sole cause of the increase in oil prices, but he definitely aggravated the situation. On the other hand, it's clear he had nothing to do with the decrease in prices. Obama didn't want the price to decrease. He state quite plainly that he wanted higher oil prices, at least he wanted higher gas prices.

Fracking is what caused the price of oil to plunge. It was the free market operating as it always has. That's why all the libturds in this forum hate it so much.

If it was the free market operating as it always has, how do you justify accusing Obama for the price of oil? Looks like you didn't think very long before you posted your response?

Obama tried to interfere in the free market and reduce the supply.

That's how I justify it.

Anyone with a brain knows that Obama has been waging war on fossil fuels. The problem is that he lost.

Really? And what evidence do you have that Obama interfered with the spot market where they sell the world's oil? In fact, what evidence do you have that he interfered with our energy policy with regard to oil? You do realize that when all those fracking wells were drilled that he did absolutely nothing to stop them, right? You didn't know this? Huh.

Hahaha......Democrat presidents have been grabbing millions of acres of land all across the country turning it into national parks and putting it off-limits to drilling.

Carter, Clinton And Obama Land Grabs
Posted by John Hitchcock on 2011/06/03

Here is one of many reasons why merely defeating Obama isn’t good enough. Only a Conservative President will suffice. From Right Pundits, March 2010:

Clinton and Carter were grab happy – Carter for land, Clinton for land…and other things. According to a Washington Times article by Sen. Jim Demit, Carter snagged 50 million acres in Alaska, despite strong opposition from the state, and Clinton snatched 5.9 million acres across the country creating 19 new national monuments.

But Obama has big plans for his 10 million acres. He’s going to save the prairie chickens in New Mexico, a “center of climate change scientific research” in Nevada, and an oil-rich plot of land in Colorado because it’s under the threat of being developed for actual usage.

Clinton’s land grab stole 1.7 million acres from Utah — land that has a massive “clean coal” field, which could produce 100 million tons of clean coal over 45 years. And it was purely political.

Michelle Malkin has been keeping up with the Obama Administration’s land grabbing and Independence-minded people fighting to put a stop to it.

Since day one of the Obama administration, I’ve chronicled Loathsome Cowboy Ken Salazar’s War on the West, War on Jobs, and War on Science/Rule of Law. The last straw was his attempted Wild Lands grab. GOP leaders rose up with farmers, ranchers, and Western governors to stop the scheme in its tracks. Utah and Alaska have filed suit. Wyoming joined the litigation this week.

And now, Salazar has officially announced the backpedal:

“On December 22, 2010, I issued Secretarial Order 3310 to address the BLM’s management of wilderness resources on lands under its jurisdiction. Under Secretarial Order 3310, I ordered the BLM to use the public resource management planning process to designate certain lands with wilderness characteristics as “Wild Lands.”

On April 14, 20II, the United States Congress passed the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 (Pub. L. 112-10)(2011 CR), which includes a provision (Section 1769) that prohibits the use of appropriated funds to implement, administer, or enforce Secretarial Order 3310 in Fiscal Year 2011.

I am confirming today that, pursuant to the 2011 CR, the BLM will not designate any lands as ‘Wild Lands.'”

Carter Clinton And Obama Land Grabs Truth Before Dishonor
Obama Land Grab 10M Acres from Montana to New Mexico UPDATE Video added Right Pundits

So, no Republican president ever created a national park, natural wildlife preserve, or otherwise set aside Federal lands for preservation or else placed in the public trust? No Republicans, ever? EVER? And since we are currently the largest oil exporter on the planet (which is why the Saudis are trying to keep the prices so low - because our oil is expensive to pull out of the ground), something Obama definitely influenced, what, again, is your point?

And since we are currently the largest oil exporter on the planet

Largest producer, not exporter.

something Obama definitely influenced

What did he do, specifically, to increase our domestic oil production?
We should be moving away from oil. I like paying less for gas.
Screw that. Oil is the best, most concentrated form of energy we have. Why should we move away from a superior form of energy to inferior forms of energy?
Wow, another "Obama is a Muslim" Looney. I hate that for you.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope".

Q: Did Obama write that he would "stand with the Muslims" and that he nurses a "pervasive sense of grievance and animosity" toward whites?

A: No. A widely circulated e-mail fabricates some quotes from Obama’s books and twists others.

Obama 8217 s 8216 Dreams of My Father 8217
There are always downsides, but the positives outweigh the negatives.
(1) It going to hedge off inflation that has been exploding for years. Every trip to the grocery store is an indication of this. Prices of commodities will go down.
(2) Shipping cost are going down, saving companies billions.
(3) With the billions being saved companies are hiring.
(4) Cheap oil, is fueling the economy
(5) Consumers are saving $100s a month on their bottomline
(6) It's like a economic nuclear bomb to our enemies: Russia, Venezuela and Iran.

(1) Smaller oil companies will go out of business, but the bigger ones will be going strong.
(2) Some harder to reach oil won't be sought, because it's more expensive to go after.
(3) High paying oil worker jobs are being lost.
(4) I heard an oil executive couldn't pay his billion dollar divorce settlement. <== OK I see this as positive. Fuck that guy!
It is really surprising that the American people are not hearing from national politicians or economic leaders that the dramatic drop in oil prices the world is seeing holds potential grave danger for America's economy and calls for government action protection. The major concerns aren't being properly appreciated...
We need high prices to protect us from high prices?
Gas should never have gotten above $2 a gallon....we've always had all the oil we needed. Now it's a war and one we better win because the Saudis are using our money to spend on terrorism against us. Far as I can tell, the frackers can hang in there at $40...the arabs are trying to drive them under but can't because fracking is cheap and getting cheaper. My bet is that the arabs back down.....Putin will be overthrown if we can hang in another year without a production drop....lay off further expansion for a year....then go back at's the only way we'll ever pay down $20T of Barry's debt.
There has been 140 earthquakes in Texas in the last month because of fracking. Don't drink the water.
Don't ya just love the con propaganda of "$20 trillion of "Barry's" debt"? When the national debt is only $18 trillion, which was ran up by the last three con POTUS's. Goebbels propaganda is the prototype for the cons.

Don't ya just love the con propaganda of "$20 trillion of "Barry's" debt"? When the national debt is only $18 trillion, which was ran up by the last three con POTUS's.

Sorry, when Bush left, the debt was $10.6 trillion.
That's not counting the $1.2 trillion deficit for FY 2008, or the cost of the trillion dollars he bailed out Wall Street with, or the cost of the $5 trillion to bring the economy back from the shambles he left Obama with....But you knew that, didn't you.
I guess you don't watch Fox News. They make the same claim that it is a bad thing. Hypocrite.

I guess you don't either. Because they don't "make the claim that it's a bad thing." They have people from BOTH SIDES and they talk to them. Some of them say its good, some say it's bad. But you show me where FOX NEWS THE STATION has pushed that low oil prices are bad. You can't. Why?

Because you're lying.
Gas should never have gotten above $2 a gallon....we've always had all the oil we needed. Now it's a war and one we better win because the Saudis are using our money to spend on terrorism against us. Far as I can tell, the frackers can hang in there at $40...the arabs are trying to drive them under but can't because fracking is cheap and getting cheaper. My bet is that the arabs back down.....Putin will be overthrown if we can hang in another year without a production drop....lay off further expansion for a year....then go back at's the only way we'll ever pay down $20T of Barry's debt.
There has been 140 earthquakes in Texas in the last month because of fracking. Don't drink the water.
Don't ya just love the con propaganda of "$20 trillion of "Barry's" debt"? When the national debt is only $18 trillion, which was ran up by the last three con POTUS's. Goebbels propaganda is the prototype for the cons.

Don't ya just love the con propaganda of "$20 trillion of "Barry's" debt"? When the national debt is only $18 trillion, which was ran up by the last three con POTUS's.

Sorry, when Bush left, the debt was $10.6 trillion.

That's not counting the $1.2 trillion deficit for FY 2008, or the cost of the trillion dollars he bailed out Wall Street with, or the cost of the $5 trillion to bring the economy back from the shambles he left Obama with....But you knew that, didn't you.

or the cost of the trillion dollars he bailed out Wall Street with,

The bank TARP, spent while Bush was President, was paid back, at a big profit, under Obama.
So to be accurate, we should credit the spending back to Bush, and back out the repayment from Obama's numbers.
But you didn't know that, did you?
Obviously, you don't. Do you really think FNC ever has anything positive to say when we have a President of a darker hue? Economic doom and gloom is on its way according to FNC pundits.
You, of course, know that this is a lie.
:lol: No, not a lie.
If not a lie, then ignorance.
Obviously, you don't watch Fox News..or you are a lemming that thinks opinons are fact.
Obviously, -you- do not watch FNC, or you'd know your statement is false.
And so, you are either lying, or you are ignorant.
Feel free to choose which.
Look. Low gas prices means a stronger than expected economic recovery.

Now the trick is fooling enough voters into thinking Obama had anything to do with it.
New technologies are fueling the growth in oil and gas drilling and Obama isn`t running for office. What will you do with your life when he`s gone?

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