Chechens raped Muscovy again "Kadyrov: Send ashes of Stalin in Georgia - millions of "Russians" brea


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Chechens raped Muscovystrong1111! again. Muscovites see Koba as their best czar in history, Kadyrov siad dump him in Georgia...LOL))) such losers. if they dont do so , he will do it personally, no one will stop him.




"Kadyrov: Send ashes of Stalin in Georgia - millions of Russians breathe freely

The head of chechnya ramzan kadyrov has decided to once again demonstrate that the framework region "shake". The head of the chechen republic, went on about journalists and touched on historical topics, raising the question of the "reburial" of joseph stalin. In an interview with news agency "interfax" kadyrov has declared that the ashes of stalin to be sent to the reburial in georgia. Kadyrov: with regard to the remains of stalin, it is necessary to show goodwill and give them to georgia, to his country, was buried. Georgia was part of the Soviet Union, which was led by joseph stalin.

Therefore it would be logical and fair if georgia will have the opportunity to bury him, and millions of people in Russia take a deep breath, knowing that the spirit of stalin left Russia. After that, the journalists of "interfax" asked kadyrov, as it relates to the figure of nikita khrushchev and that the soviet leader was a monument, for example, in Moscow. Kadyrov said that he was "not particularly interested in what was negative pages in the biography of khrushchev". The head of chechnya added that Russia needs at the federal level to make a decision about the naming khrushchev any object, the creation of the monument. According to ramzan kadyrov, he knows that khrushchev did a lot for the chechen and ingush peoples. In the interview, kadyrov said that he said the soviet leaders for the reason that he about it asked the journalists. Kadyrov: i ask, i answer.


Kadyrov: Send ashes of Stalin in Georgia - millions of Russians breathe freely

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