Check out this california teacher being pulled over.

Take the chit out of your ears. He told her several times that she was pulled over because she was using her phone to video tape him while driving. Apparently, against the law in that state.
Mny states now have laws against being on the phone whilst driving.

  • Handheld Cellphone Use: 30 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands prohibit all drivers from using handheld cellphones while driving. All are primary enforcement laws — an officer may cite a driver for using a handheld cellphone without any other traffic offense taking place.
  • All Cellphone Use: No state bans all cellphone use for all drivers, but 36 states and D.C. ban all cellphone use by novice drivers, and 23 states and D.C. prohibit it for school bus drivers.
  • Text Messaging: Washington was the first state to pass a texting ban in 2007. Currently, 48 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands ban text messaging for all drivers. All but five have primary enforcement. Of the two states without an all-driver texting ban, one prohibits text messaging by novice drivers.

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