Check out this view of the L.A. protests

I have just read that after Speaker Pelosi knelt, she could not get up without assistance.

What a stupid comment. She's 80 years old. When you're 80, you probably won't be able to get up from a kneeling position without assistance either.

1. Why was it stupid. He was repeating what he heard.
2. If she's that feeble maybe she needs to retire.
3. I'll bet they could get her up if they goosed her with one of those fucking impeachment pens.
4. Are you an asshole ?

Do you think the overweight and old President could kneel on one knee for 8 minutes and get back up on his own? Or even walk from one hole on the golf course to the next one?

In general, bodies fizzle, before the mind....

Why would anyone in their right mind knee for 8 minutes?

Some stunt to show how long Chauvin kneed Floyd...

We know how long he kneed Floyd.

Did she accomplished anything by that?

It wasn't just her...

And to me, it was silly and a waste of time...though I didn't watch it, and truly do not know their purpose.... just saw a small clip of it on the news...

Actually every one else got quit lying.
Yep a lot of people, most all unemployed, and able to march each day.....

And very concerning.....corona virus will kill them.
So THAT'S why Democrats want them to protest.......because they want them all to die.

LMAO Looks like a lot of grand standing to me. Those dumbasses didn't know the dead man and you can bet none of them give a shit about him at all. Just bowing to look good. What a pack of morons.
Meanwhile in Cary, NC... leftist cucks are washing the feet of the protest organizers and asking for forgiveness.

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There's nothing lower than a self-loather.

The state of leftist mind...


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