Cheering Klinghoffer's Murder?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
O'Sullivan's First Law states not only a truth about the direction of society, but explains the reason, as well:
"O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. "

That means that such folks push society Leftward. The The Metropolitan Opera need be added to the list.

1. " [The Opera] 'The Death of Klinghoffer' focused on an incident aboard the Italian tourist ship Achille Lauro in 1985, when a disabled Jewish passenger was slain by members of the Palestine Liberation Front. The terrorists ... shot Leon Klinghoffer in his wheelchair, then dumped the body overboard. All this was portrayed in melodramatic arias and choruses, with much emphasis given to the Palestinian party line.

2. .... Lisa and Ilsa Klinghoffer, daughters of the deceased: “We are outraged at the exploitation of our parents and the coldblooded murder of our father as the centerpiece of a production that appears to us to be anti-Semitic.” In response, composer John Adams, and librettist Alice Goodman insisted that they were only trying to give “equal voice” to Israel and the PLO.

a. ... their title gave the show away. It was not The Murder of Klinghoffer, or The Assassination of Klinghoffer, or The Execution of Klinghoffer. It was The Death of Klinghoffer, as if the 67-year-old had suffered cardiac arrest or succumbed to an asthma attack while on the sea.

3. In 2009, a scaled-down version went on at the Juilliard School of Music, but was condemned in Juilliard’s own periodical as “a political statement made by the composer to justify an act of terrorism by four Palestinians.” The school’s president disagreed. .... “have to be responsible for maintaining an environment in which challenging, as well as comforting, works of art are presented to the public.”

4. Only someone with extraordinary naiveté could imagine that a production of The Death of Klinghoffer could be staged in New York City in 2014 without a similar....reaction. ... that’s a fair description of the Metropolitan Opera’s general manager, Peter Gelb. The New York Post ran an op-ed by Ronn Torossian headlined “Metropolitan Opera romanticizes one NYer’s murder.”

5. .... in composing The Death of Klingoffer [Adams] tried to understand the hijackers and their motivations, and to look for humanity in the terrorists. What humanity can—or should—be found in the murders of innocents? .... One terrorist chorus begins, “Whenever poor men/ are gathered they can/ find Jews getting fat/ You know how to cheat/ the simple, exploit/ the virgin, pollute/ Where you have been exploited/ Defame those you cheated/ and break your own law/ with idolatry.”

6. [Gelb] canceled plans to televise the opera. The broadcasts “would be inappropriate at this time of rising anti-Semitism, particularly in Europe.”

a. This was too much for the New York Times. Its editorial, “The Met’s Bad Decision on a Controversial Opera,” castigated the general manager. “Mr. Gelb calls his decision a compromise, a bowing to the wishes of the Klinghoffer daughters and other Jewish critics of the John Adams opera. It is, in fact, a step backward for both the Met and for Mr. Gelb, who has championed the work of Mr. Adams, including this opera, which has been widely praised.”
Operatic Naivete by Stefan Kanfer, City Journal 24 June 2014

The Left finds ways to express its hatred of Israel....and of Jewish folks.
And now we can see it on stage.
".... The Death Of Klinghoffer. The 1991 work — an oratorio nearly devoid of action — recounts the 1985 takeover by pro-Palestinian terrorists of the cruise ship Achille Lauro and the subsequent murder of Leon Klinghoffer, whose crime was to be a Jew and whose punishment was to be shot and tossed overboard with his wheelchair like so much garbage."
With Gary Oldman, 'The Death Of Klinghoffer' And Abe Foxman: No One Wins -

Thankfully, the United States had a real President, one who took quick action:

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I don't quite understand your point, nor can I decipher the OP to find anything resembling a coherent thought.

I tried to look this up (The Death of Klinghoffer) and it actually has very good reviews.

Are you saying that this production should not have been made? Why? I think that they call that freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a protected, constitutional right.

I'm corn-fussed.
I don't quite understand your point, nor can I decipher the OP to find anything resembling a coherent thought.

I tried to look this up (The Death of Klinghoffer) and it actually has very good reviews.

Are you saying that this production should not have been made? Why? I think that they call that freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a protected, constitutional right.

I'm corn-fussed.

"I'm corn-fussed."

Couldn't agree more.
I generally never take the word of anyone when rating a performance...It is something you must experience in person..
I don't quite understand your point, nor can I decipher the OP to find anything resembling a coherent thought.

I tried to look this up (The Death of Klinghoffer) and it actually has very good reviews.

Are you saying that this production should not have been made? Why? I think that they call that freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a protected, constitutional right.

I'm corn-fussed.

"I'm corn-fussed."

Couldn't agree more.

It's a testament to your long-winded and unintelligible OP.

I have no idea what you dislike about "The Death of Klinghoffer" aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered.

By stating "The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world", implies that capital and the love of capital organize and the Western society.

The Christian impulse, in contrast, is organized on the principles of love God and love thy Neighbor.

The principles of O'Sullivan and PC, thus, are not ones moral, caring people wish to follow.
I generally never take the word of anyone when rating a performance...It is something you must experience in person..

Is the same true when observing a murder?

Did you actually see any of these performances?

Do you even know anything about them?
You read a couple of right-wing blogs and all of the sudden you're an expert?


No, you moron,....I'm waiting for the sit-com based on the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
I don't quite understand your point, nor can I decipher the OP to find anything resembling a coherent thought.

I tried to look this up (The Death of Klinghoffer) and it actually has very good reviews.

Are you saying that this production should not have been made? Why? I think that they call that freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a protected, constitutional right.

I'm corn-fussed.

"I'm corn-fussed."

Couldn't agree more.

It's a testament to your long-winded and unintelligible OP.

I have no idea what you dislike about "The Death of Klinghoffer" aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered.


"...unintelligible..." to the unintelligent.

"...aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered."

Silly me....I get that same uncontrollable emotion every single time an innocent cripple is shot in the head in front of his wife, and thrown into the ocean.

I don't know how to explain it.

What kind of imbecile are you?
By stating "The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world", implies that capital and the love of capital organize and the Western society.

The Christian impulse, in contrast, is organized on the principles of love God and love thy Neighbor.

The principles of O'Sullivan and PC, thus, are not ones moral, caring people wish to follow.

1. Well, let's take a moment and consider the principles to which the Left, and Jakal in particular, subscribe:

a. Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]
New Soviet man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] :
"The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will"
New Soviet man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. “Culture is a stubborn opponent. The Soviet Union attempted to create the New Soviet Man with gulags, psychiatric hospitals, and firing squads for seventy years and succeeded only in producing a more corrupt culture.”
Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 198

d. Progressives have a similar view: human nature is plastic; politics is a means of perfecting man!

2. And, after the slaughter of over 100 million human beings, we still find morons like Jakal praising the view.

3. The Left aims to replace "One nation under God," with "One nation under government."

Unless the fool Jakal would like to deny the atheism of the Left?
Maybe one day we will see a movie about the Death of Ariel Castro and how the poor man was victimized by three white bitches until he was driven to kill himself.
"I'm corn-fussed."

Couldn't agree more.

It's a testament to your long-winded and unintelligible OP.

I have no idea what you dislike about "The Death of Klinghoffer" aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered.


"...unintelligible..." to the unintelligent.

"...aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered."

Silly me....I get that same uncontrollable emotion every single time an innocent cripple is shot in the head in front of his wife, and thrown into the ocean.

I don't know how to explain it.

What kind of imbecile are you?

Ok, it was bad - I get it. Now, can you explain for the TV audience why your panties are in a bunch over it?

Were they glorifying his death? You never indicated "the why" you only yammered on about a bunch of boring crap that I did not feel the pressing need to subject myself to.

Political Chick - does it bother you when non-Jews are murdered in plays or the in movies? Why is this one so hard for you to take? Someone gets the fifth crewman treatment about ever three minutes in the movies, but this one upsets you to the point of starting a thread about it?

Sounds like a bunch of hypocritical, PC, BS to me.
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It's a testament to your long-winded and unintelligible OP.

I have no idea what you dislike about "The Death of Klinghoffer" aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered.


"...unintelligible..." to the unintelligent.

"...aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered."

Silly me....I get that same uncontrollable emotion every single time an innocent cripple is shot in the head in front of his wife, and thrown into the ocean.

I don't know how to explain it.

What kind of imbecile are you?

Ok, it was bad - I get it. Now, can you explain for the TV audience why your panties are in a bunch over it?

Were they glorifying his death? You never indicated "the why" you only yammered on about a bunch of boring crap that I did not feel the pressing need to subject myself to.

Political Chick - does it bother you when non-Jews are murdered in plays or th in movies? Why is this one so hard for you to take? Someone gets the fifth crewman treatment about ever three minutes in the movies, but this one upsets you to the point of starting a thread about it?

Sounds like a bunch of hypocritical, PC, BS to me.

1. "You never indicated "the why"...

I've explained it ...what....twice already?

How stupid can you be?

I shouldn't say that- you seem to take it as a challenge.

2. This was in the OP: " “a political statement made by the composer to justify an act of terrorism by four Palestinians.”

I can't help you any more than that.
"...unintelligible..." to the unintelligent.

"...aside from the fact that a Jewish guy was murdered."

Silly me....I get that same uncontrollable emotion every single time an innocent cripple is shot in the head in front of his wife, and thrown into the ocean.

I don't know how to explain it.

What kind of imbecile are you?

Ok, it was bad - I get it. Now, can you explain for the TV audience why your panties are in a bunch over it?

Were they glorifying his death? You never indicated "the why" you only yammered on about a bunch of boring crap that I did not feel the pressing need to subject myself to.

Political Chick - does it bother you when non-Jews are murdered in plays or th in movies? Why is this one so hard for you to take? Someone gets the fifth crewman treatment about ever three minutes in the movies, but this one upsets you to the point of starting a thread about it?

Sounds like a bunch of hypocritical, PC, BS to me.

1. "You never indicated "the why"...

I've explained it ...what....twice already?

How stupid can you be?

I shouldn't say that- you seem to take it as a challenge.

2. This was in the OP: " “a political statement made by the composer to justify an act of terrorism by four Palestinians.”

I can't help you any more than that.

I think that you are wrong in your preliminary synopses of what this opera was about.

It was a just a piece about what had happened and instead of ever having gone to see it, you jumped right onto the "it sucks" bandwagon like so many other fans of right-wing radio garbage.

Seriously - you have not even seen a single performance, so you CANNOT POSSIBLY EVEN PRETEND to understand why you hate it.

One rabbi and opera fan saw “The Death of Klinghoffer” in 2003 and has tickets to see it again in November. He found the opera provocative, but only in the way that art should be provocative.

“The opera should remind a new generation, or a generation that has become unaware, of the events of 1985 and the Achille Lauro and the Palestinian Liberation Front,” says Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, who works as vice president for philanthropy at the World Union for Progressive Judaism. “Here was a wanton murder of a helpless human being. Trying to portray both sides and show they’re not monsters, but human beings who did foul, awful things to advance their cause, shows that it was a horrific event. If by producing this those questions are raised again, is that a bad thing? Discussions need to be had.”

He says that he’s eager to see it again. “I want to be provoked again, and see what my reactions are now, 11 years after I saw it last time.”
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Ok, it was bad - I get it. Now, can you explain for the TV audience why your panties are in a bunch over it?

Were they glorifying his death? You never indicated "the why" you only yammered on about a bunch of boring crap that I did not feel the pressing need to subject myself to.

Political Chick - does it bother you when non-Jews are murdered in plays or th in movies? Why is this one so hard for you to take? Someone gets the fifth crewman treatment about ever three minutes in the movies, but this one upsets you to the point of starting a thread about it?

Sounds like a bunch of hypocritical, PC, BS to me.

1. "You never indicated "the why"...

I've explained it ...what....twice already?

How stupid can you be?

I shouldn't say that- you seem to take it as a challenge.

2. This was in the OP: " “a political statement made by the composer to justify an act of terrorism by four Palestinians.”

I can't help you any more than that.

I think that you are wrong in your preliminary synopses of what this opera was about.

It was a just a piece about what had happened and instead of ever having gone to see it, you jumped right onto the "it sucks" bandwagon like so many other fans of right-wing radio garbage.

Seriously - you have not even seen a single performance, so you CANNOT POSSIBLY EVEN PRETEND to understand why you hate it.

One rabbi and opera fan saw “The Death of Klinghoffer” in 2003 and has tickets to see it again in November. He found the opera provocative, but only in the way that art should be provocative.

“The opera should remind a new generation, or a generation that has become unaware, of the events of 1985 and the Achille Lauro and the Palestinian Liberation Front,” says Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, who works as vice president for philanthropy at the World Union for Progressive Judaism. “Here was a wanton murder of a helpless human being. Trying to portray both sides and show they’re not monsters, but human beings who did foul, awful things to advance their cause, shows that it was a horrific event. If by producing this those questions are raised again, is that a bad thing? Discussions need to be had.”

He says that he’s eager to see it again. “I want to be provoked again, and see what my reactions are now, 11 years after I saw it last time.”


I made no comment about the artistic quality.

Mine was based on the political aspect.

You are so dense that light must bend around you.
1. "You never indicated "the why"...

I've explained it ...what....twice already?

How stupid can you be?

I shouldn't say that- you seem to take it as a challenge.

2. This was in the OP: " “a political statement made by the composer to justify an act of terrorism by four Palestinians.”

I can't help you any more than that.

I think that you are wrong in your preliminary synopses of what this opera was about.

It was a just a piece about what had happened and instead of ever having gone to see it, you jumped right onto the "it sucks" bandwagon like so many other fans of right-wing radio garbage.

Seriously - you have not even seen a single performance, so you CANNOT POSSIBLY EVEN PRETEND to understand why you hate it.

One rabbi and opera fan saw “The Death of Klinghoffer” in 2003 and has tickets to see it again in November. He found the opera provocative, but only in the way that art should be provocative.

“The opera should remind a new generation, or a generation that has become unaware, of the events of 1985 and the Achille Lauro and the Palestinian Liberation Front,” says Rabbi Gary Bretton-Granatoor, who works as vice president for philanthropy at the World Union for Progressive Judaism. “Here was a wanton murder of a helpless human being. Trying to portray both sides and show they’re not monsters, but human beings who did foul, awful things to advance their cause, shows that it was a horrific event. If by producing this those questions are raised again, is that a bad thing? Discussions need to be had.”

He says that he’s eager to see it again. “I want to be provoked again, and see what my reactions are now, 11 years after I saw it last time.”


I made no comment about the artistic quality.

Mine was based on the political aspect.

You are so dense that light must bend around you.

What specifically? You never saw it - how do you know that it was offensive?

If you had seen the opera and had pointed out specifics, I could see your point.

As it stands, you only made this thread, because this story was already floating around and you decided to cash in.

It's like when a former member wrote a piece on the Movie "Noah." He had never seen it and was only being a good soldier and hating on it because those where his marching orders.

I did not like it for a different reason - the movie really sucked.

I can live with an honest opinion. I can't understand that you made a thread with no actual knowledge of the subject matter, only to further your right-wing agenda.

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