Chelsea Clinton reaps $9 million from corporate board position

I don't begrudge anyone the ability to make money. It's the corruption and hypocrisy that generally piss people off the most about these rigged deals.
The problem with being born the son or daughter of a famous person is that it's hard to get out from under your parent's shadow. Any success Chelsea ever has will be looked at with suspicion, and there is no way for her to escape that. With that said, I'm pretty sure she's not worth $9 million on her own merits.
The best way to keep off the Arkancide hit list is to give a $9M no-show job to the Clinton mutt.
I've seen no indication that Chelsea is evil like her parents. But she must live with the burden that her parents ae evil.
I was hoping this was going to be a story about a crime being committed...

Instead its a post about a Trumper being triggered by how much a corporate board member is paid.....

I hope this means you are finally on Team Bernie now
She is another privileged person who could have been the lead in the movie..."Being There". She married into a convicted lying elected politician's family. One friggin promise Marjorie couldn't keep. One!

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