Cheney Attacks Obama For Prosecuting CIA Agents, Something That Is Not Happening

If the CIA operatives were out of line they get their arses kicked. What's the big deal?
If the CIA operatives were out of line they get their arses kicked. What's the big deal?

a) there already was an investigation, b) in light of the events of last week, I'd say this reaches a level of egregious inanity here to fore unexplored.
If the CIA operatives were out of line they get their arses kicked. What's the big deal?

a) there already was an investigation, b) in light of the events of last week, I'd say this reaches a level of egregious inanity here to fore unexplored.

1) What was the result of that investigation?
2) Who carried out the investigation (which admin - Bush/Obama)?
3) Has more evidence come to light since that investigation?
If the CIA operatives were out of line they get their arses kicked. What's the big deal?

a) there already was an investigation, b) in light of the events of last week, I'd say this reaches a level of egregious inanity here to fore unexplored.

1) What was the result of that investigation?
2) Who carried out the investigation (which admin - Bush/Obama)?
3) Has more evidence come to light since that investigation?

All excellent questions that I hope Obama has answers for during the 2012 debates.


He's SOOOO Fucked.
If the CIA operatives were out of line they get their arses kicked. What's the big deal?

a) there already was an investigation, b) in light of the events of last week, I'd say this reaches a level of egregious inanity here to fore unexplored.

1) What was the result of that investigation?
2) Who carried out the investigation (which admin - Bush/Obama)?
3) Has more evidence come to light since that investigation?

1) nada
2)matters not, the IG is an independent authority
3) out of line would be what again?;)
a) there already was an investigation, b) in light of the events of last week, I'd say this reaches a level of egregious inanity here to fore unexplored.

1) What was the result of that investigation?
2) Who carried out the investigation (which admin - Bush/Obama)?
3) Has more evidence come to light since that investigation?

All excellent questions that I hope Obama has answers for during the 2012 debates.


He's SOOOO Fucked.

Well, he's only fucked if:

1) The GOP put up a decent candidate (they haven't)
2) Employment starts going up (it's not)
3) Interest rates start going crazy (they're not)
4) The debt starts getting a lot worse (it's not)

I think there will be a very good case made come early next year when the campaign starts for him to remain. If you look at the cold hard facts about the main indicators at election time, everything has gotten better since he took office.

Maybe not as fast as people want, and they did get worse initially, but when he gets the graphs out and shows interest rates, debt and unemployment, they'll be all tracking downward...and he can easily join the dots about the clusterfuck he inherited back to the Bush admin....
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Cheney exhibiting his contempt for the rule of law is no surprise.

But Obama has no authority to order an end to investigations if the findings of the investigations warrant indictments for the same reason.

Holder is obligated to prosecute those who violate the law – regardless of circumstances or intent.

Prosecuting attorney's actually decline to press charges for a variety of reasons as a matter of course.
Bush screwed up. he should have given these guys immunity. I can't believe he blew that.
Cheney exhibiting his contempt for the rule of law is no surprise.

But Obama has no authority to order an end to investigations if the findings of the investigations warrant indictments for the same reason.

Holder is obligated to prosecute those who violate the law – regardless of circumstances or intent.

Pure Bullshit.

The Investigations were closed. The Justice Department had already determined nobody was going to be prosecuted, and OBAMA got into office and ORDERED Eric Holder to RE OPEN the Investigations. Obama Was not Obligated to Re-Open a Closed Investigation.
Cheney exhibiting his contempt for the rule of law is no surprise.

But Obama has no authority to order an end to investigations if the findings of the investigations warrant indictments for the same reason.

Holder is obligated to prosecute those who violate the law – regardless of circumstances or intent.

Prosecuting attorney's actually decline to press charges for a variety of reasons as a matter of course.

He does not know what he is talking about. If Obama wanted the Investigations Stopped all it would take is one call to Holder. Clayton seems to not understand how the Executive Branch works.
Cheney may have a bone to pick with the President, who brushed off a 9/11 family member of a man who died in one of the towers when she asked him to please drop the lawsuits against CIA agents who got the information.

Cheney is a stellar American who doesn't let rats get away with rattery by giving them an ample piece of his mind. He feels empathy with the 9/11 families, and he's not letting President Obama get away with that kind of malarkey.

You go there, Dick Cheney!
Cheney exhibiting his contempt for the rule of law is no surprise.

But Obama has no authority to order an end to investigations if the findings of the investigations warrant indictments for the same reason.

Holder is obligated to prosecute those who violate the law – regardless of circumstances or intent.

Prosecuting attorney's actually decline to press charges for a variety of reasons as a matter of course.

He does not know what he is talking about. If Obama wanted the Investigations Stopped all it would take is one call to Holder. Clayton seems to not understand how the Executive Branch works.

It wouldn't matter if they knew anyway. THey'd still lie about it. Like that dude Zona bitching that a government employee who is being investigated for alleged crimes committed while on duty would be represented by a government supplied lawyer. How dumb can he be? That's standard operating procedure.
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How come right-wing 'patriots' have jingoistic names like "freedombecki"...
Cheney Attacks Obama For Prosecuting CIA Agents, Something That Is Not Happening « Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Former Vice President Dick Cheney attacked the Obama administration on Fox News Sunday for prosecuting CIA agents for using torture.

Only, President Obama announced that CIA agents that used harsh interrogation tactics would not be prosecuted, two years ago.

In an investigation headed by special prosecutor John Durham, it was determined that no charges would be filed in the destruction of CIA torture videotapes.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Yea, because we all know what Obama says and what Obama does are never two completely different things.


Funny cons had no problem when we investigated Saddam for WMD and found nothing.
holder may not find anything and close the cases.

So what...

The reality this is just more rightwing deflecting, because Obama got OBL on his watch and they didnt.
I'll go grab you guys some tissues for all the butt hurt.

The investigation was already closed..... Why is that so difficult to understand?

When...when did they close it? In 09? why is chaney saying anything about this now?

He means Bush's investigation was already closed. You see the left is ignoring the fact that the Justice Department under Bush INVESTIGATED the allegations of torture and found no credible reason to believe them. Holder reopened the cases because of political expedience not new facts.

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