Cheney Calls for full Release of Memos

Ire I will take that to mean you can't show how the two types of waterboarding were the exactly same. Because your post is void of any specifics and littered with generalizations.
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Biker your intent on getting into a pissing contest and it must really peturb you that I don't play along. My expertise in this area is called common sense.

Nope.......your experience in this area is called bullshit.

You DO know why they started waterboarding don't you? It was to get false confessions.
Biker your intent on getting into a pissing contest and it must really peturb you that I don't play along. My expertise in this area is called common sense.

Nope.......your experience in this area is called bullshit.

You DO know why they started waterboarding don't you? It was to get false confessions.

ROFLMNAO... Man that's just sad...

And this friends is what it looks like when US Citizens demand rights for terrorists...




She's a Troll... She either doesn't want to understand the difference... or she simply lacks the intellectual means to scale her understanding to this basic level.

It's not for me to tell you who to debate, but this idiot is not interested in a debate; she's only here to see herself post.

Thus she serves no purpose beyond stacking the thread with obtuse denials...

Ignore her and the problem is solved instantaneously...

And understand, I am not a proponent of casual use of ignore... but this member is a classic example of a sound and proper use of it.

Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".

I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

It's alright...

As PI never made a claim that Water-boarding 'resulted in the deaths of thousands of US Soldiers.' Such is a fabrication by an imbecile; a red herring which such an imbecile would use to obfuscate and dissemble... the function of the common troll.

What PI said was that the Imperial Japanese murdered thens of thousands of people through the implementation of unspeakably cruel torture... of every variety... ACTUAL TORTURE... breaking arms, legs, backs, necks... and much worse.

Dismissing the false premises which trolls use to derail the debate is an excellent method of countering them; it simply doesn't run them out of the debate; which is preferred; this brand of imbecile is counter productive to civil discourse.

...IGNORE!.... and it all... just goes away.
Biker your intent on getting into a pissing contest and it must really peturb you that I don't play along. My expertise in this area is called common sense.

Nope.......your experience in this area is called bullshit.

You DO know why they started waterboarding don't you? It was to get false confessions.

ROFLMNAO... Man that's just sad...

And this friends is what it looks like when US Citizens demand rights for terrorists...





someone should interrogate these motherfuckers....


Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".

I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

It's alright...

As PI never made a claim that Water-boarding 'resulted in the deaths of thousands of US Soldiers.' Such is a fabrication by an imbecile; a red herring which such an imbecile would use to obfuscate and dissemble... the function of the common troll.

What PI said was that the Imperial Japanese murdered thens of thousands of people through the implementation of unspeakably cruel torture... of every variety... ACTUAL TORTURE... breaking arms, legs, backs, necks... and much worse.

Dismissing the false premises which trolls use to derail the debate is an excellent method of countering them; it simply doesn't run them out of the debate; which is preferred; this brand of imbecile is counter productive to civil discourse.

...IGNORE!.... and it all... just goes away.

Hey Infinite Puberty, have you been having gay closet sex with Chucked Ass again? Reason I ask, is you are starting to talk in the 3rd person.

FWIW, Pol Pot came up with waterboarding as a way to get FALSE CONFESSIONS FROM INNOCENT PEOPLE so that he could continue to rule with an iron fist.

I'm starting to have serious doubts as to if you ever put on a uniform, even one for the Salvation Army.

As far as the rest of your post? Good Bushie whore.......using misdirection and fear to get people to agree with you.

3rd person, using Bush Jr. tactics for debate........I guess your sig line is no longer rhetorical, as you have now completed YOUR certification as a total idiot.
Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".

I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

It's alright...

As PI never made a claim that Water-boarding 'resulted in the deaths of thousands of US Soldiers.' Such is a fabrication by an imbecile; a red herring which such an imbecile would use to obfuscate and dissemble... the function of the common troll.

What PI said was that the Imperial Japanese murdered thens of thousands of people through the implementation of unspeakably cruel torture... of every variety... ACTUAL TORTURE... breaking arms, legs, backs, necks... and much worse.

Here's what PI *actually* said about the Japanese and waterboarding for those interested in accuracy:


Nope... there is not a single instance wherein ANY Japanese was prosecuted for All types of waterboarding... as there is ONLY ONE TYPE of waterboarding... with the distinction being the SEVERITY WITH WHICH IT IS APPLIED AND THE CAUTION TAKEN TO PROTECT THE INDIVIDUAL to which it is being applied.

Again, you want to equate the VICIOUS application used by the Japanese which resulted in the DEATHS of THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS... to the exacting and highly supervised protocols used by US Interrogators.

Which is beyond absurd...
I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

It's alright...

As PI never made a claim that Water-boarding 'resulted in the deaths of thousands of US Soldiers.' Such is a fabrication by an imbecile; a red herring which such an imbecile would use to obfuscate and dissemble... the function of the common troll.

What PI said was that the Imperial Japanese murdered thens of thousands of people through the implementation of unspeakably cruel torture... of every variety... ACTUAL TORTURE... breaking arms, legs, backs, necks... and much worse.

Here's what PI *actually* said about the Japanese and waterboarding for those interested in accuracy:


Nope... there is not a single instance wherein ANY Japanese was prosecuted for All types of waterboarding... as there is ONLY ONE TYPE of waterboarding... with the distinction being the SEVERITY WITH WHICH IT IS APPLIED AND THE CAUTION TAKEN TO PROTECT THE INDIVIDUAL to which it is being applied.

Again, you want to equate the VICIOUS application used by the Japanese which resulted in the DEATHS of THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS... to the exacting and highly supervised protocols used by US Interrogators.

Which is beyond absurd...

Oops...nothing like those pesky little facts :eusa_whistle:
Ire I will take that to mean you can't show how the two types of waterboarding were the exactly same. Because your post is void of any specifics and littered with generalizations.

It doesn't matter if they are exactly the same or one is worse then the other - they are both still torture. If you are stretching for a comparison that isn't torture take bobbing for apples.
You know.....there is a proverb that states "you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar".

Then.........ask someone who has actually LED someone into combat. They will tell you that a couple of smokes, some chow, and a medic has a MUCH GREATER influence on someone.

It's part of the survival instinct.

Cheney never served, and Bush Jr. was AWOL for most of his time in the National Guard.

Is it any wonder they think torture is a good idea?
You know.....there is a proverb that states "you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar".

Then.........ask someone who has actually LED someone into combat. They will tell you that a couple of smokes, some chow, and a medic has a MUCH GREATER influence on someone.

It's part of the survival instinct.

Cheney never served, and Bush Jr. was AWOL for most of his time in the National Guard.

Is it any wonder they think torture is a good idea?
gee, what a surprise, more complete partisan hackery from ABS
Biker your intent on getting into a pissing contest and it must really peturb you that I don't play along. My expertise in this area is called common sense.

Nope.......your experience in this area is called bullshit.

You DO know why they started waterboarding don't you? It was to get false confessions.

Now you know a complete stranger off the internet well enough to (make an ass out of you) assume you know their whole life experience.:cuckoo:
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Ire I will take that to mean you can't show how the two types of waterboarding were the exactly same. Because your post is void of any specifics and littered with generalizations.

It doesn't matter if they are exactly the same or one is worse then the other - they are both still torture. If you are stretching for a comparison that isn't torture take bobbing for apples.
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.
2. a method of inflicting such pain.
3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone.
4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony.
5. a cause of severe pain or anguish.

No it doesn't matter if one is worse than the other.:eusa_whistle:
Its just the definition of the torture, brainiac.
You know.....there is a proverb that states "you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar".

Then.........ask someone who has actually LED someone into combat. They will tell you that a couple of smokes, some chow, and a medic has a MUCH GREATER influence on someone.

It's part of the survival instinct.

Cheney never served, and Bush Jr. was AWOL for most of his time in the National Guard.

Is it any wonder they think torture is a good idea?

What was your rank?
My rank was E-6 when I retired. I also have 3 (count 'em......THREE) Navy Achievement Medals, all of which were pinned on me PERSONALLY by no less than an Admiral.

What you got ya ass clown, Tom Clancy reading idiot? Have YOU ever served?

It's a simple question............I'll wait.
Biker your intent on getting into a pissing contest and it must really peturb you that I don't play along. My expertise in this area is called common sense.

Nope.......your experience in this area is called bullshit.

You DO know why they started waterboarding don't you? It was to get false confessions.

Now you know a complete stranger off the internet well enough to (make an ass out of you) assume you know their whole life experience.:cuckoo:

Never assumed.......I asked and you failed to respond.

With crap like that, I'd have to figure you for a poser tourist asshole. What else ya got douchebag?
Nope.......your experience in this area is called bullshit.

You DO know why they started waterboarding don't you? It was to get false confessions.

Now you know a complete stranger off the internet well enough to (make an ass out of you) assume you know their whole life experience.:cuckoo:

Never assumed.......I asked and you failed to respond.

With crap like that, I'd have to figure you for a poser tourist asshole. What else ya got douchebag?

Like I explained earlier my grand father, father and two of my brothers served. My father is a disabled Vet. I have also passed the Bar in the state of Maryland. Now tell me the extent of your legal expertise?
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Now you know a complete stranger off the internet well enough to (make an ass out of you) assume you know their whole life experience.:cuckoo:

Never assumed.......I asked and you failed to respond.

With crap like that, I'd have to figure you for a poser tourist asshole. What else ya got douchebag?

Like I explained earlier my grand father, father and two of my brothers served. My father is a disabled Vet. I have also passed the Bar in the state of Maryland. Now tell me the extent of your legal expertise?

My legal expertise? 20 years in the Navy job entailed being a legal person from time to time whenever enlisted people had to go stand in front of the Captain. I was responsible for the preparation before, and after, as well as docking pay if they were busted.

Which is to say, my legal experience beats the fuck outta your military experience. Second hand info is poor at best, and wrong at worst. Just because you're related to someone that served doesn't mean your Tom Clancy ideas of the military are correct.

Oh yeah..........instead of calling you jreeves, I'm just gonna call you HeySkeeve.......much easier that way, especially when you're such a fucking cockroach.

And......based on your avatar, I'm betting you're a pretty shitty lawyer as well.
Never assumed.......I asked and you failed to respond.

With crap like that, I'd have to figure you for a poser tourist asshole. What else ya got douchebag?

Like I explained earlier my grand father, father and two of my brothers served. My father is a disabled Vet. I have also passed the Bar in the state of Maryland. Now tell me the extent of your legal expertise?

My legal expertise? 20 years in the Navy job entailed being a legal person from time to time whenever enlisted people had to go stand in front of the Captain. I was responsible for the preparation before, and after, as well as docking pay if they were busted.

Which is to say, my legal experience beats the fuck outta your military experience. Second hand info is poor at best, and wrong at worst. Just because you're related to someone that served doesn't mean your Tom Clancy ideas of the military are correct.

Oh yeah..........instead of calling you jreeves, I'm just gonna call you HeySkeeve.......much easier that way, especially when you're such a fucking cockroach.

And......based on your avatar, I'm betting you're a pretty shitty lawyer as well.


20 Years in the Navy... OH GOD that's precious... Ya spent 20 years skating through one gold-brick 'busy-work' joke after another... Your words confess with every post your stark intellectual limitations... and that you retired from the Naval service says more about how the US Military managed DESPITE you being there, more than 'due to it.'

You've asserted that the US advances these techniques to cull false confessions, where there is NOTHING TO CONFESS TO... They're presumed guilty... we don't need them to confess to a damn thing. We OWN THEM, lock, stock; and barrel...

We aren't prosecuting them; there are no show trials coming up where some prosecutor is going to hold up a signed confession...

There were no plans to prosecute those idiots of violations of criminal sanctions... They're being interrogated to cull information which we're using to track down their leftist comrades so we can kill and capture them...

Although, if a false confession is what one wants... one will get it, through the use of these techniques... which REFUTES your asinine assertion, in that IF someone can be induced to LIE to save themselves, they'll sure as hell go through the truth to get to that point.

Like I explained earlier my grand father, father and two of my brothers served. My father is a disabled Vet. I have also passed the Bar in the state of Maryland. Now tell me the extent of your legal expertise?

My legal expertise? 20 years in the Navy job entailed being a legal person from time to time whenever enlisted people had to go stand in front of the Captain. I was responsible for the preparation before, and after, as well as docking pay if they were busted.

Which is to say, my legal experience beats the fuck outta your military experience. Second hand info is poor at best, and wrong at worst. Just because you're related to someone that served doesn't mean your Tom Clancy ideas of the military are correct.

Oh yeah..........instead of calling you jreeves, I'm just gonna call you HeySkeeve.......much easier that way, especially when you're such a fucking cockroach.

And......based on your avatar, I'm betting you're a pretty shitty lawyer as well.


20 Years in the Navy... OH GOD that's precious... Ya spent 20 years skating through one gold-brick 'busy-work' joke after another... Your words confess with every post your stark intellectual limitations... and that you retired from the Naval service says more about how the US Military managed DESPITE you being there, more than 'due to it.'

You've asserted that the US advances these techniques to cull false confessions, where there is NOTHING TO CONFESS TO... They're presumed guilty... we don't need them to confess to a damn thing. We OWN THEM, lock, stock; and barrel...

We aren't prosecuting them; there are no show trials coming up where some prosecutor is going to hold up a signed confession...

There were no plans to prosecute those idiots of violations of criminal sanctions... They're being interrogated to cull information which we're using to track down their leftist comrades so we can kill and capture them...

Although, if a false confession is what one wants... one will get it, through the use of these techniques... which REFUTES your asinine assertion, in that IF someone can be induced to LIE to save themselves, they'll sure as hell go through the truth to get to that point.


Sure, so now the Navy will decide if Bush administration officials were guilty of any crimes? No, dumbass it will be civilian courts that ultimately decide the fate of Bush administration and CIA officials....priceless

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