Cheney Calls for full Release of Memos

Now missy, there is no reason to start fabricating and lying. That only makes they hole you're in deeper. You've been caught in two fabrications already in just this thread this afternoon; lying more isn't going to help you.

I never said I didn't accept the Webster's definition. That kind of lie is called a "straw man".

You said: "...Torture is a concept wherein gruesome crimes are committed against the defenseless..."

And as your own definitions proved, that was something you just pulled out of your ass.

"...Torture is a concept wherein gruesome crimes are committed against the defenseless..." is not a citation of a reference definition, it is a statement wherein I laid out my understanding of torture... A statement which seeks to apply valid context to the meaning of the word, as it applies to SADISTIC CRUELTY...

In other words, you just pulled that definition of torture out of your ass to suit your argument. That was what I thought.

Had you admitted that 4 posts ago you would have saved everyone some time.


Here we see the member FLAT IGNORING ENTIRE ARGUMENTS... She desperate is she to maintain her little point that she can't bring herself to address the relevant argument...

She's a TROLL...
Given that the CIA destroyed the tapes of the interrogations, we don't really know what they did do they?

Interesting that they should choose to do that.

Given that no one associated with the interrogations have reported anything close to beatings or the such. Leaves the mentally impaired like yourself struggling to find something where nothing exists. Remember Obama's own director of intelligence states the interrogations were useful.
beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward

Now show me where the CIA used these procedures in their interrogations?

What - do you have reading comprehension problems or something? Water torture.

Yes would include using tubes to pour water directly in the stomach and beatings in between water submersions. Now can you show me where the CIA ever beat any high level terrorists or pumped water into their stomachs?
Puberty.....if you support torture, then you're not American.

You're a Taliban posing fucking asshole.

Of course when logic confounds your little mind, name call, that will show everyone your high level of intelligence.....:cuckoo:
...Torture is a concept wherein gruesome crimes are committed against the defenseless...

LMAO! Where'd you come up with that definition. Other than pulling it out your ass, I mean.

Aren't you the one that defines 'torture' as reading the posts of your ideological opposition on message boards?

If you want the Webster's definition:

tor·ture [táwrchər]
(past and past participle tor·tured, present participle tor·tur·ing, 3rd person present singular tor·tures)
1. inflicting of pain: infliction of severe physical pain on somebody, e.g. as punishment or to persuade somebody to confess or recant something
2. methods of inflicting pain: the methods used to inflict physical pain on people
3. anguish: mental or physical anguish

Which brings us back to what? Context...

You actually used the word toture to defining the same activity which everyone on this board willingly subjects ourselves to, through the simple process of participation; and you want to use the same word to define the unspeakable acts purpetrated by the Imperial Japanese against their presumed enemies in WW2... and the SAME word to describe slaps to the face of MASS MURDERERS who possess information which is being sought to SAVE INNOCENT LIVES...

If you set aside context and simply determine that any act which induces pain is 'torture'... and declare torture to be illegal, you just outlawed the physical fitness business... and RAP... Whose going to clean out the worlds sewers? Whose going to listen to Rosie Odonell, or that smug little Janeane Garofalo... (who for some strange reason... pushes my horn-dog button... and while I am a happily married man of nearly 30 years... It's the most twisted, inexplicable thing... that little wench just appeals to me... then she speaks... and I'm good for a few months... but, using your I'd 'torture that little minx ... oh yeah... ) Um... never mind... Now where was I? Oh yes... Context and how important it is....

Get the picture?

Everytime a doctor operates to rid disease, he is committing torture on his patient....:lol:
LMAO! Where'd you come up with that definition. Other than pulling it out your ass, I mean.

Aren't you the one that defines 'torture' as reading the posts of your ideological opposition on message boards?

If you want the Webster's definition:

tor·ture [táwrchər]
(past and past participle tor·tured, present participle tor·tur·ing, 3rd person present singular tor·tures)
1. inflicting of pain: infliction of severe physical pain on somebody, e.g. as punishment or to persuade somebody to confess or recant something
2. methods of inflicting pain: the methods used to inflict physical pain on people
3. anguish: mental or physical anguish

Which brings us back to what? Context...

You actually used the word toture to defining the same activity which everyone on this board willingly subjects ourselves to, through the simple process of participation; and you want to use the same word to define the unspeakable acts purpetrated by the Imperial Japanese against their presumed enemies in WW2... and the SAME word to describe slaps to the face of MASS MURDERERS who possess information which is being sought to SAVE INNOCENT LIVES...

If you set aside context and simply determine that any act which induces pain is 'torture'... and declare torture to be illegal, you just outlawed the physical fitness business... and RAP... Whose going to clean out the worlds sewers? Whose going to listen to Rosie Odonell, or that smug little Janeane Garofalo... (who for some strange reason... pushes my horn-dog button... and while I am a happily married man of nearly 30 years... It's the most twisted, inexplicable thing... that little wench just appeals to me... then she speaks... and I'm good for a few months... but, using your I'd 'torture that little minx ... oh yeah... ) Um... never mind... Now where was I? Oh yes... Context and how important it is....

Get the picture?

Everytime a doctor operates to rid disease, he is committing torture on his patient....:lol:

That was kind of the feeling I was getting my shin stiched up, I wouldn't have told that mf anything to get him to stop.
I haven't heard of any cases in which US soldiers were killed from waterboarding. Cite that waterboarding resulted in the DEATHS of THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS? Or is this another "fact" you've just pulled out of your ass?


Do whuh?

What color is the sky in your world? Aren't you the gal that VOCIFEROUSLY DENIED equating the US techniques of coersive interrogation with those used by the Imperial Japanese and found youserfelf humiliated by the litany of posts wherein you are found doing just that?

What form of delusion are you suffering that provides your lack of sufficient decency to refrain from even discussing this issue in public?

And FTR: you're demanding a citation in support of an assertion which you've not demonstrated as having been advanced...

Now find go do something which might generate some measure of self esteem... and out of my sense of fairness... here's a clue: THIS AIN'T THAT...

It was another so-called *fact* you pulled out of your ass. I thought so, miss.
Of course the Japanese were on the same level as the CIA....
The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People
In the early morning hours of December 13, 1937 Japanese troops stormed into Nanking, and started rounding up thousands of Chinese residents for execution. The nightmare had officially begun. The Japanese used several ways to dispose of the Chinese prisoners, including dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire, using them for bayonet practice, and decapitation (which seemed to be the preferred method). The massacre received wide attention by the media in Japan. Some of the soldiers engaged in killing competitions near Nanking to further harden their resolve to butcher unarmed men, women and children. Two lieutenants in particular, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda went on beheading frenzies to see which of them would be the first to kill 100 people. Their pictures were shown in the December 7, 1937 edition of the Japan Advertiser. The bold headline read, "Contest to kill first 100 Chinese with sword extended when both fighters exceed mark." The paper later reported that Mukai said the competition was "fun." Thousands of others were dumped into ditches in the ground or into the Yangtze River. It was as if a race of demons had taken over the city.

Read more: "The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People" - The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People

Do whuh?

What color is the sky in your world? Aren't you the gal that VOCIFEROUSLY DENIED equating the US techniques of coersive interrogation with those used by the Imperial Japanese and found youserfelf humiliated by the litany of posts wherein you are found doing just that?

What form of delusion are you suffering that provides your lack of sufficient decency to refrain from even discussing this issue in public?

And FTR: you're demanding a citation in support of an assertion which you've not demonstrated as having been advanced...

Now find go do something which might generate some measure of self esteem... and out of my sense of fairness... here's a clue: THIS AIN'T THAT...

It was another so-called *fact* you pulled out of your ass. I thought so, miss.
Of course the Japanese were on the same level as the CIA....
The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People
In the early morning hours of December 13, 1937 Japanese troops stormed into Nanking, and started rounding up thousands of Chinese residents for execution. The nightmare had officially begun. The Japanese used several ways to dispose of the Chinese prisoners, including dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire, using them for bayonet practice, and decapitation (which seemed to be the preferred method). The massacre received wide attention by the media in Japan. Some of the soldiers engaged in killing competitions near Nanking to further harden their resolve to butcher unarmed men, women and children. Two lieutenants in particular, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda went on beheading frenzies to see which of them would be the first to kill 100 people. Their pictures were shown in the December 7, 1937 edition of the Japan Advertiser. The bold headline read, "Contest to kill first 100 Chinese with sword extended when both fighters exceed mark." The paper later reported that Mukai said the competition was "fun." Thousands of others were dumped into ditches in the ground or into the Yangtze River. It was as if a race of demons had taken over the city.

Read more: "The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People" - The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People

Interesting, though I've read about Nanking before. Do you have a point or are you just sharing general information?

Do whuh?

What color is the sky in your world? Aren't you the gal that VOCIFEROUSLY DENIED equating the US techniques of coersive interrogation with those used by the Imperial Japanese and found youserfelf humiliated by the litany of posts wherein you are found doing just that?

What form of delusion are you suffering that provides your lack of sufficient decency to refrain from even discussing this issue in public?

And FTR: you're demanding a citation in support of an assertion which you've not demonstrated as having been advanced...

Now find go do something which might generate some measure of self esteem... and out of my sense of fairness... here's a clue: THIS AIN'T THAT...

It was another so-called *fact* you pulled out of your ass. I thought so, miss.
Of course the Japanese were on the same level as the CIA....
The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People
In the early morning hours of December 13, 1937 Japanese troops stormed into Nanking, and started rounding up thousands of Chinese residents for execution. The nightmare had officially begun. The Japanese used several ways to dispose of the Chinese prisoners, including dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire, using them for bayonet practice, and decapitation (which seemed to be the preferred method). The massacre received wide attention by the media in Japan. Some of the soldiers engaged in killing competitions near Nanking to further harden their resolve to butcher unarmed men, women and children. Two lieutenants in particular, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda went on beheading frenzies to see which of them would be the first to kill 100 people. Their pictures were shown in the December 7, 1937 edition of the Japan Advertiser. The bold headline read, "Contest to kill first 100 Chinese with sword extended when both fighters exceed mark." The paper later reported that Mukai said the competition was "fun." Thousands of others were dumped into ditches in the ground or into the Yangtze River. It was as if a race of demons had taken over the city.

Read more: "The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People" - The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People

Indeed... of course the least among us who delcare that they define torture to be reading the words of your opposition... they use the SAME WORD to define that which you've so ably advanced above and the same word to define inducing stress onto those who actively engaged in the MURDER OF AS MANY INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS AS IS WITHIN THE AMPLE MEANS.
It was another so-called *fact* you pulled out of your ass. I thought so, miss.
Of course the Japanese were on the same level as the CIA....
The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People
In the early morning hours of December 13, 1937 Japanese troops stormed into Nanking, and started rounding up thousands of Chinese residents for execution. The nightmare had officially begun. The Japanese used several ways to dispose of the Chinese prisoners, including dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire, using them for bayonet practice, and decapitation (which seemed to be the preferred method). The massacre received wide attention by the media in Japan. Some of the soldiers engaged in killing competitions near Nanking to further harden their resolve to butcher unarmed men, women and children. Two lieutenants in particular, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda went on beheading frenzies to see which of them would be the first to kill 100 people. Their pictures were shown in the December 7, 1937 edition of the Japan Advertiser. The bold headline read, "Contest to kill first 100 Chinese with sword extended when both fighters exceed mark." The paper later reported that Mukai said the competition was "fun." Thousands of others were dumped into ditches in the ground or into the Yangtze River. It was as if a race of demons had taken over the city.

Read more: "The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People" - The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People

Interesting, though I've read about Nanking before. Do you have a point or are you just sharing general information?

The Nanking is true torture and one of the reasons they were charged with war crimes.
Of course the Japanese were on the same level as the CIA....
The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People
In the early morning hours of December 13, 1937 Japanese troops stormed into Nanking, and started rounding up thousands of Chinese residents for execution. The nightmare had officially begun. The Japanese used several ways to dispose of the Chinese prisoners, including dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire, using them for bayonet practice, and decapitation (which seemed to be the preferred method). The massacre received wide attention by the media in Japan. Some of the soldiers engaged in killing competitions near Nanking to further harden their resolve to butcher unarmed men, women and children. Two lieutenants in particular, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda went on beheading frenzies to see which of them would be the first to kill 100 people. Their pictures were shown in the December 7, 1937 edition of the Japan Advertiser. The bold headline read, "Contest to kill first 100 Chinese with sword extended when both fighters exceed mark." The paper later reported that Mukai said the competition was "fun." Thousands of others were dumped into ditches in the ground or into the Yangtze River. It was as if a race of demons had taken over the city.

Read more: "The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People" - The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People

Interesting, though I've read about Nanking before. Do you have a point or are you just sharing general information?

The Nanking is true torture and one of the reasons they were charged with war crimes.
good luck getting him to understand the difference
Of course the Japanese were on the same level as the CIA....
The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People
In the early morning hours of December 13, 1937 Japanese troops stormed into Nanking, and started rounding up thousands of Chinese residents for execution. The nightmare had officially begun. The Japanese used several ways to dispose of the Chinese prisoners, including dousing them with gasoline and setting them on fire, using them for bayonet practice, and decapitation (which seemed to be the preferred method). The massacre received wide attention by the media in Japan. Some of the soldiers engaged in killing competitions near Nanking to further harden their resolve to butcher unarmed men, women and children. Two lieutenants in particular, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda went on beheading frenzies to see which of them would be the first to kill 100 people. Their pictures were shown in the December 7, 1937 edition of the Japan Advertiser. The bold headline read, "Contest to kill first 100 Chinese with sword extended when both fighters exceed mark." The paper later reported that Mukai said the competition was "fun." Thousands of others were dumped into ditches in the ground or into the Yangtze River. It was as if a race of demons had taken over the city.

Read more: "The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People" - The Rape of Nanking: Japanese Soldiers Torture and Kill 300,000 People

Interesting, though I've read about Nanking before. Do you have a point or are you just sharing general information?

The Nanking is true torture and one of the reasons they were charged with war crimes.

Sure. So what.
Interesting, though I've read about Nanking before. Do you have a point or are you just sharing general information?

The Nanking is true torture and one of the reasons they were charged with war crimes.
good luck getting him to understand the difference

She's a Troll... She either doesn't want to understand the difference... or she simply lacks the intellectual means to scale her understanding to this basic level.

It's not for me to tell you who to debate, but this idiot is not interested in a debate; she's only here to see herself post.

Thus she serves no purpose beyond stacking the thread with obtuse denials, which she advances after having completely ignored entire arguments... which establishes her Troll bonafides...

Ignore her and the problem is solved instantaneously...

And understand, I am not a proponent of casual use of ignore... but this member is a classic example of a sound and proper use of it.
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I haven't heard of any cases in which US soldiers were killed from waterboarding. Cite that waterboarding resulted in the DEATHS of THOUSANDS OF US TROOPS? Or is this another "fact" you've just pulled out of your ass?

The Nanking is true torture and one of the reasons they were charged with war crimes.
good luck getting him to understand the difference

She's a Troll... She either doesn't want to understand the difference... or she simply lacks the intellectual means to scale her understanding to this basic level.

It's not for me to tell you who to debate, but this idiot is not interested in a debate; she's only here to see herself post.

Thus she serves no purpose beyond stacking the thread with obtuse denials...

Ignore her and the problem is solved instantaneously...

And understand, I am not a proponent of casual use of ignore... but this member is a classic example of a sound and proper use of it.

Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".
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good luck getting him to understand the difference

She's a Troll... She either doesn't want to understand the difference... or she simply lacks the intellectual means to scale her understanding to this basic level.

It's not for me to tell you who to debate, but this idiot is not interested in a debate; she's only here to see herself post.

Thus she serves no purpose beyond stacking the thread with obtuse denials...

Ignore her and the problem is solved instantaneously...

And understand, I am not a proponent of casual use of ignore... but this member is a classic example of a sound and proper use of it.

Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".

I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.
She's a Troll... She either doesn't want to understand the difference... or she simply lacks the intellectual means to scale her understanding to this basic level.

It's not for me to tell you who to debate, but this idiot is not interested in a debate; she's only here to see herself post.

Thus she serves no purpose beyond stacking the thread with obtuse denials...

Ignore her and the problem is solved instantaneously...

And understand, I am not a proponent of casual use of ignore... but this member is a classic example of a sound and proper use of it.

Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".

I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

I see -- I was thrown off because you posted your cite in response to my post asking PI for a cite to support his assertion that waterboarding caused thousands of US deaths.

Normally when someone asks for a citation to support a factual assertion, what is posted in response is something that provides support for the assertion; and not irrelevant data about an unrelated point.

Hence my questions "So what?"

We still haven't seen any backup from PI for his assertion that thousands died from waterboarding.
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Am I missing something? How does a cite to Nanking back up PI's claim that waterboarding resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers?

Were thousands of US soldiers waterboarded to death in Nanking? Not that I've ever heard, or in the cite Reeves gave.

Or maybe asking those kinds of questions is "trolling".

I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

I see -- I was thrown off because you posted your cite in response to my post asking PI for a cite to support his assertion that waterboarding caused thousands of US deaths.

Normally when someone asks for a citation to support a factual assertion, what is posted in response is something that provides support for the assertion; and not irrelevant data about an unrelated point.

Hence my questions "So what?"

We still haven't seen any backup from PI for his assertion that thousands died from waterboarding.

Nor have we seen any backup to your assertion that the Japanese were convicted of war crimes for the same things that the CIA employed in enhanced interrogations. Lets see specifics now, show exactly how the Japanese carried out their waterboardings in the same way the CIA did their waterboardings.
Okay jreeves, tell us........have you ever served in the military, or are you just some Tom Clancy reading asshole with an opinion (not based in fact or experience) that thinks torture is a good idea?

Remember idiot, this is a question that is being asked of you by a 20 year vet.
I wasn't backing up PI or anybody else in my post, just trying to point out the obvious. Which is that the Japanese committed atrocities that were unrelated to waterboarding.

I see -- I was thrown off because you posted your cite in response to my post asking PI for a cite to support his assertion that waterboarding caused thousands of US deaths.

Normally when someone asks for a citation to support a factual assertion, what is posted in response is something that provides support for the assertion; and not irrelevant data about an unrelated point.

Hence my questions "So what?"

We still haven't seen any backup from PI for his assertion that thousands died from waterboarding.

Nor have we seen any backup to your assertion that the Japanese were convicted of war crimes for the same things that the CIA employed in enhanced interrogations. Lets see specifics now, show exactly how the Japanese carried out their waterboardings in the same way the CIA did their waterboardings.

I've posted links and backup several times, from a variety of sources showing the CIA used controlled drowning water torture as the Japanese were prosecuted for.

You're just playing games to deflect from your own failure. I'll repost the link for anyone else that wants to see them.
Biker your intent on getting into a pissing contest and it must really peturb you that I don't play along. My expertise in this area is called common sense.

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