Cheney's daughter pregnant

This is far from an optimal situation for this baby, both because there will be no father, and because of the lesbian parenting situation. But- if my daughter were to be lesbain and went ahead and did this, I'm sure I would still love her and the baby. I would also try to have my husband and I and other relatives be a normalizing influence on the child as it grows. He/she is going to need it.
This is far from an optimal situation for this baby, both because there will be no father, and because of the lesbian parenting situation. But- if my daughter were to be lesbain and went ahead and did this, I'm sure I would still love her and the baby. I would also try to have my husband and I and othe relatives be a normalizing influence on the child as it grows. He/she is going to need it.

You mean you wouldn't have her burned at the stake?? :)
This is far from an optimal situation for this baby, both because there will be no father, and because of the lesbian parenting situation. But- if my daughter were to be lesbain and went ahead and did this, I'm sure I would still love her and the baby. I would also try to have my husband and I and other relatives be a normalizing influence on the child as it grows. He/she is going to need it.

That's different from "celebrating" the situation. Celebrating what their daughter did is what's wrong with this picture with regard to VP Cheney and wife. That's definitely conveying the wrong idea to the public and the conservative voters which he supposedly represents. Does he enjoy being the grandfather of a bastard? Where is his condemnation of her actions? Or at least a statement that he is unhappy about it in principle? This is leadership we don't need. :mad:
Why in the 9 hells would he bother displaying any negativity to the situation? The man's daughter is having a grandchild and any grandparent is usually THRILLED to have a grandchild, regardless of the situation at times.
Why in the 9 hells would he bother displaying any negativity to the situation? The man's daughter is having a grandchild and any grandparent is usually THRILLED to have a grandchild, regardless of the situation at times.

No, not all grandfathers are THRILLED to have a bastard grandchild with two lesbians raising it. What rock do you live under? The cutesy lavender one?:gay:

Why should he compromise his morals and beliefs because his daughter did? Or did he not have any to begin with? What a shining example of leadership for the conservative base he supposedly represents. :puke:
Wow, Angry immoral cons suck. Now go to sleep sonny.

How many posts and you're already being an asswipe? OK then, you can go fuck yourself now shit for brains. I'll be all over your ass from here on out if that's how you're going to be.

Just remember.... you started it.
That's different from "celebrating" the situation. Celebrating what their daughter did is what's wrong with this picture with regard to VP Cheney and wife. That's definitely conveying the wrong idea to the public and the conservative voters which he supposedly represents. Does he enjoy being the grandfather of a bastard? Where is his condemnation of her actions? Or at least a statement that he is unhappy about it in principle? This is leadership we don't need. :mad:

Yes, it is very different from celebrating it. It would be staying close to someone I love, and trying to make the best of a negative situation for the child's sake, even if my daughter made a decision with which I disagree.

The baby is innocent and deserves to feel love either way.
Yes, it is very different from celebrating it. It would be staying close to someone I love, and trying to make the best of a negative situation for the child's sake, even if my daughter made a decision with which I disagree.

The baby is innocent and deserves to feel love either way.
Exactly. Even if you disagree with the daughter's orientation and pregnancy through unnatural means (In Vitro), the child still deserves love. You can't call the situation a hopeless mess or the such.
Hopeless? no. But likely to have some problems. yes. Children have a right to be raised by a mother and father who are legally and lawfully married. Denying them this right is just going to cause alot of problems down the road.
No, not all grandfathers are THRILLED to have a bastard grandchild with two lesbians raising it. What rock do you live under? The cutesy lavender one?:gay:

Why should he compromise his morals and beliefs because his daughter did? Or did he not have any to begin with? What a shining example of leadership for the conservative base he supposedly represents. :puke:

So he should shun his daughter and grandchild for the sake of his political base? What kind of father or grandfather would he be then?
Lezbo Mary can go to hell in a hand basket, along with her immoraly concieved bastard child.

They'll surely rot in hell for this abomination.

I see you haven't mellowed any since I've been gone. He whom has not sinned may cast the first stone.
So he should shun his daughter and grandchild for the sake of his political base? What kind of father or grandfather would he be then?
Exactly. My boys are my life, and if one (or both) were gay, as conservative as my beliefs are, I could never push them away. My children mean far more to me than political leanings and group acceptance. Now if either one were gay, and wanted to adopt a child, I would not agree with it, and likely try to convince them otherwise, but they are adults, and if they want to persue a child through adoption, I will support them, even if I don't agree with it. Why? Because I am their only mother and I love them unconditionally. At that point, I would offer to be the female/mother influence on the child's life.

However, I am also bringing my boys up in a conservative home, so I am hoping that will be their same beliefs.
Yes, it is very different from celebrating it. It would be staying close to someone I love, and trying to make the best of a negative situation for the child's sake, even if my daughter made a decision with which I disagree.

The baby is innocent and deserves to feel love either way.

Yes, the baby is innocent. I feel sorry for this child. It's being born with a massive albatross around it's neck. What will it do outside the love of it's grandparents? The poor CHILD has to live with the circumstances surrounding it's birth. Mary Cheney should be so ashamed herself, I think what she's doing is VERY selfish. She's only thinking of herself, and not the HELL she's going to born this child into.
So he should shun his daughter and grandchild for the sake of his political base? What kind of father or grandfather would he be then?

He would be a man who stood up for his principles and his religious beliefs. He doesn't need to shun his daughter, but he needs to shun the sins of his daughter. And yes, as a political figure, he should do it for the political base that elected him as well as for himself...that is, if he is still the man we think we elected.

Libs seem to find this difference very hard to understand. They just accept others actions, whatever they may be. Unlike liberals, conservatives believe that condoning sinful actions is not the right thing to do. Libs don't like people being judgemental (unless it's them making the judgement;) ). So libs think conservatives want to throw out the baby with the bath water. Not true. The baby is entirely innocent....but his daughter is not.

Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Exactly. My boys are my life, and if one (or both) were gay, as conservative as my beliefs are, I could never push them away. My children mean far more to me than political leanings and group acceptance. Now if either one were gay, and wanted to adopt a child, I would not agree with it, and likely try to convince them otherwise, but they are adults, and if they want to persue a child through adoption, I will support them, even if I don't agree with it. Why? Because I am their only mother and I love them unconditionally. At that point, I would offer to be the female/mother influence on the child's life.

However, I am also bringing my boys up in a conservative home, so I am hoping that will be their same beliefs.
A conservative home doesn't always mean they'll come out that way. But I wish my mom had been that way for the first year and a half of hell (as I so lovingly call it).

It's good to see people put family above politics. Puts more faith in humanity.
A conservative home doesn't always mean they'll come out that way. But I wish my mom had been that way for the first year and a half of hell (as I so lovingly call it).

It's good to see people put family above politics. Puts more faith in humanity.
I think of it like this-I wasn't even really supposed to have kids, because learning from the two I have, my body doesn't support the creation of another life very well, so I view my boys as a true gift and blessing and nothing will change that view. I look SO forward to being a grandma (not too soon though!) that if this were the only way, then so be it. My heart is on my boys having lots of babies of their own, so I can spoil them the way my grandparents spoiled me (once they got over the issue of my mom being preggo at 16). My grandma even named me (my first name, anyway).

If you can't change the situation, you learn to accept it and take what you can get. I will do my damnedest to instill in my boys the importance of waiting until marriage to have children (or sex for that matter), but they are ultimately their own persons and will make their own choices, many of which will be mistakes. I will love them no matter what. I make sure they know and hear it every day.

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