Chevy Volt Sales on Fire...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
2,869, I mean they're selling well.

And some aren't even bursting into flames. But Volt owners can get loaner cars of other models from Government Motors if they're afraid their Volts might go up in smoke. At least while the official federal investigation of burning Volts is underway.

Hmmm...wonder what happens if the investigative arm of the government finds its Government Motors arm is selling dangerous cars? Those scared folks gonna be able to keep the loaners? And how would price differentials be handled if the loner is worth more or less than the pricey Volt? Ah, government doing what government does best. Sticking its nose into something and screwing it up.

GM offering loaner cars to worried Chevrolet Volt owners
hummm, from the link;

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced Friday that it has opened a formal investigation into the Volt. It said it was taking the action after several tests in which the car's lithium-ion battery heated up or caught fire after a severe crash. But the fire didn't break out immediately. In some cases, it took weeks, leading to warnings for tow operators and storage yards to make sure the cars are parked away from buildings or other vehicles. No injuries or fires in customers' vehicles have been reported.

so that begs the questions- wheres NBC? they going to do a Pinto on fire video and the gov. beat the crap out of Toyota just a year ago over,what appears to be a false issue.:eusa_eh:
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Not aware of NBC torching a Pinto, but their Dateline crew once fired up a (now) Government Motors pickup truck.

NBC vs. GM: The Peacock Stumbles : Television: The public confession is one of the low moments at a network whose recent history has been tainted by disappointments and public-relations debacles.
February 11, 1993|HOWARD ROSENBERG

It was a General Motors pickup that exploded in flames. But it's the reputation of NBC News that's up in smoke.

In a statement read by "Dateline NBC" co-anchors Jane Pauley and Stone Phillips Tuesday night, the network ate humble peacock, acknowledging that its unscientific crash testing of two GM pickups in a Nov. 16 segment of the weekly news program was "inappropriate and does not support the position that GMC trucks are defective."
From the link - "Reuss says letters to 5,329 owners with the offer are going out starting today."..."GM has made more than 11,000 of the $39,995 cars."

WTF!!!!!! - We saved GM because Obama promised their volts will make America prosper. Yet they only managed to sell 5,329 of them!!!! Whats even more disturbing is there must be an equal number of unsold volts sitting arround rotting on lots around the country!!! To top that the governments stupid GM investment has lost us billions.

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