Chic Fila Moves to Third Spot in Popularity of Fast Food Chains

One of America's downfalls is fast food...of any type. Parents here's a tip. Cook for your kids. Do not feed them fast food even for a treat. The stuff is harmful. Fact.

Make them cook their own food. Fast food's okay every now and then, though.
People's memories aren't that dim. They remember Chic Fil-a famously taking a stand for traditional marriage. If the food is so-so, the popularity of the chain then can be attributed to sympathetic patronage. Anyone on the left who denies this in moderates is going to fall into the failure of 2016 all over again.
I very rarely eat any fast food, but I if I do I go to Chik Fil A. Not for political reasons though, I just find them extremely well run, with friendly service, and decent food, for fast food.
They cut all fundig to homophobic groups and so the boycott ended. This was years ago. Some may still not like Chick Fil A but the boycott in general is long over.
"As of April 2018, Chick Fil-A reportedly continues to donate to anti-LGBT groups." Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia
Your "facts" leave something to be desired as usual.

And in San Francisco, Boston and Chicago city officials have all
vowed to block Chick fil A franchises in their cities despite these law professors all calling that an anti Constitutional stance.
"UCLA law professor and blogger Eugene Volokh observed, "[D]enying a private business permits because of such speech by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation."

Echoing those views were Glenn Greenwald of Salon, professor John Turley of George Washington University, Adam Schwartz, a senior attorney with the ACLU, and Michael C. Dorf, the Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School."
So is the boycott over? Not entirely. These comments from city officials have never been rescinded.
Maye they started back up. Too bad gay marriage os settled so it diesn’t matter. I see no reason to boycott anymore. The important thing is at the time they stopped and said their donations were a mistake, and then gay marriage was legalized across the land a year or 2 later.

The libtard boycotts were a complete failure…..

On the first big boycott I made it a point to TRY

and eat there, problem was I couldn’t get within

a thousand feet of the place due to the traffic jam

trying to get in…. I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A………..

President Trump Loves it TOO…….

Bite that TARDS………..
I very rarely eat any fast food, but I if I do I go to Chik Fil A. Not for political reasons though, I just find them extremely well run, with friendly service, and decent food, for fast food.
Well you're in a minority. I'd never heard of the place before but now when I'm near one I'll make it a point to dine there. I know quite a few people who have said the same thing. Definitely politically motivated. I voted for a dem president candidate ever since 1980s
Why did Libs throw the activists against Chick Fil A under the bus? Courageous people like CFO Adam Smith fought for Gay Marriage at Chick Fil A, and lost their jobs. Why didn't the DNC or Act Up or Code Pink hire Mr. Smith after his homophobic employer fired him?
Adam Mark Smith still unemployed and on food stamps after being fired for berating Chick-fil-A staff | Daily Mail Online
I hope he thinks every day about his bullying of some innocent minimum wage drone just to make himself feel like a big man. I'm sure he has lots of time now to think about it.
Chick-fil-a is hiring!
They cut all fundig to homophobic groups and so the boycott ended. This was years ago. Some may still not like Chick Fil A but the boycott in general is long over.
"As of April 2018, Chick Fil-A reportedly continues to donate to anti-LGBT groups." Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia
Your "facts" leave something to be desired as usual.

And in San Francisco, Boston and Chicago city officials have all
vowed to block Chick fil A franchises in their cities despite these law professors all calling that an anti Constitutional stance.
"UCLA law professor and blogger Eugene Volokh observed, "[D]enying a private business permits because of such speech by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation."

Echoing those views were Glenn Greenwald of Salon, professor John Turley of George Washington University, Adam Schwartz, a senior attorney with the ACLU, and Michael C. Dorf, the Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School."
So is the boycott over? Not entirely. These comments from city officials have never been rescinded.
Maye they started back up. Too bad gay marriage os settled so it diesn’t matter. I see no reason to boycott anymore. The important thing is at the time they stopped and said their donations were a mistake, and then gay marriage was legalized across the land a year or 2 later.

The libtard boycotts were a complete failure…..

On the first big boycott I made it a point to TRY

and eat there, problem was I couldn’t get within

a thousand feet of the place due to the traffic jam

trying to get in…. I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A………..

President Trump Loves it TOO…….

Bite that TARDS………..
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard :rolleyes:
They cut all fundig to homophobic groups and so the boycott ended. This was years ago. Some may still not like Chick Fil A but the boycott in general is long over.
"As of April 2018, Chick Fil-A reportedly continues to donate to anti-LGBT groups." Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia
Your "facts" leave something to be desired as usual.

And in San Francisco, Boston and Chicago city officials have all
vowed to block Chick fil A franchises in their cities despite these law professors all calling that an anti Constitutional stance.
"UCLA law professor and blogger Eugene Volokh observed, "[D]enying a private business permits because of such speech by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation."

Echoing those views were Glenn Greenwald of Salon, professor John Turley of George Washington University, Adam Schwartz, a senior attorney with the ACLU, and Michael C. Dorf, the Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School."
So is the boycott over? Not entirely. These comments from city officials have never been rescinded.
Maye they started back up. Too bad gay marriage os settled so it diesn’t matter. I see no reason to boycott anymore. The important thing is at the time they stopped and said their donations were a mistake, and then gay marriage was legalized across the land a year or 2 later.

The libtard boycotts were a complete failure…..

On the first big boycott I made it a point to TRY

and eat there, problem was I couldn’t get within

a thousand feet of the place due to the traffic jam

trying to get in…. I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A………..

President Trump Loves it TOO…….

Bite that TARDS………..
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard :rolleyes:

Apparently, however, the lib leaders haven't got the word out to their minions. Otherwise, in Leftist Enclaves like Rider University, they wouldn't still be banning the restaurant

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