Chic Fila Moves to Third Spot in Popularity of Fast Food Chains

Chick-fil-A beats every other fast food place hands down in one important category. When you see one, first stop at the nearby McDonalds and Burger King, Wendys, etc. next door/across the street and eyeball their work staffs, see and hear their front line folks tasked with making your dining visit a pleasant experience. Then go into the Chick-fil-A and check out their staff of workers. Case closed.
Chik Fil A is the most well run fast food chain in the world. Their employees are always friendly, professional, and will go out of their way to make sure your meal is the exact way you want it. More dipping sauces? No problem, now many do you want?
Simply the best fast food restaurant company by far.

The food is good, the service is excellent, and the stores are very clean.

The drive-thru lines can be up to 40-50 cars long. The lines are so long, they snake out onto a commercial street, risking accidents.
Is the chicken there chemical free? I think a pure organic fast food place that doesnt fry everything and serves certified organic dishes has a huge market as people wake up to the dangers of eating fast food on a weekly basis.
They cut all fundig to homophobic groups and so the boycott ended. This was years ago. Some may still not like Chick Fil A but the boycott in general is long over.
"As of April 2018, Chick Fil-A reportedly continues to donate to anti-LGBT groups." Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia
Your "facts" leave something to be desired as usual.

And in San Francisco, Boston and Chicago city officials have all
vowed to block Chick fil A franchises in their cities despite these law professors all calling that an anti Constitutional stance.
"UCLA law professor and blogger Eugene Volokh observed, "[D]enying a private business permits because of such speech by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation."

Echoing those views were Glenn Greenwald of Salon, professor John Turley of George Washington University, Adam Schwartz, a senior attorney with the ACLU, and Michael C. Dorf, the Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School."
So is the boycott over? Not entirely. These comments from city officials have never been rescinded.
Maye they started back up. Too bad gay marriage os settled so it diesn’t matter. I see no reason to boycott anymore. The important thing is at the time they stopped and said their donations were a mistake, and then gay marriage was legalized across the land a year or 2 later.

The libtard boycotts were a complete failure…..

On the first big boycott I made it a point to TRY

and eat there, problem was I couldn’t get within

a thousand feet of the place due to the traffic jam

trying to get in…. I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A………..

President Trump Loves it TOO…….

Bite that TARDS………..
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard :rolleyes:

Hey BlackFag….

If Wikipedia can be believed you have your facts wrong..

Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia
Obergefell was not arrived at legally. A Justice was required to recuse herself from that case & she didn’t. So the Hearing was unlawful.
Haha....ooooookay! Let me check:

Nope, wrong. Still legal, still in effect.
Not if a State openly challenged it. It may be Ruled legal at some point but in this country we don’t do justice illegally.

Given facts & cause, any federal enforcement effort to make states issue gay marriage licenses who simply stopped doing so would lose upon challenge to the authority they’d cite (Obergefell). Obergefell is the proverbial sieve that cannot hold water.
Obergefell was not arrived at legally. A Justice was required to recuse herself from that case & she didn’t. So the Hearing was unlawful.
Haha....ooooookay! Let me check:

Nope, wrong. Still legal, still in effect.
Not if a State openly challenged it. It may be Ruled legal at some point but in this country we don’t do justice illegally.

Given facts & cause, any federal enforcement effort to make states issue gay marriage licenses who simply stopped doing so would lose upon challenge to the authority they’d cite (Obergefell). Obergefell is the proverbial sieve that cannot hold water.
Haha, good luck with that....sorry pal, gay marriage is legal and is a right, and, barring this country turning into a theocracy, we're not going backward on that one. I have some advice: if you don't like gay marriage, then don't get gay married.
Kids who want moms & dads out of marriage don’t like gay marriage. And since the Court said in Obergefell that marriage benefits kids, we have a problem.
Simply the best fast food restaurant company by far.

The food is good, the service is excellent, and the stores are very clean.

The drive-thru lines can be up to 40-50 cars long. The lines are so long, they snake out onto a commercial street, risking accidents.
That is the case in Fredericksburg as well, but they have so much capacity in the parking lot that they dont get into the main street that I have noticed. Very friendly staff, very clean restaurants.

If only they had some beef.
Chic Fila is Christian. Eventually it will win 1st spot.
It certainly gave a venue for the silent scream from pragmatic & alarmed middle voters that the polls were misrepresenting on the topic of gay marriage.

I mean yeah, technically if you survey people in Boystown Chicago or West Hollywood to get “a random selection” of Americans, your poll will technically be a poll of Americans. Just not an accurate one. But don’t let that stop you from publishing it as fact! :popcorn:

And the lines wrapped around and around Chic Fil-a until they sold out of every drumstick, shake & coffee creamer.....
Kids who want moms & dads out of marriage don’t like gay marriage. And since the Court said in Obergefell that marriage benefits kids, we have a problem.
Well, I would say that little steaming nugget has about as much chance as do any of your legal arguments, haha
Gay people can take a little consolation in the fact that the president of Chik-Fil-A is, without a doubt, a self loathing closet faggot.
Gay people can take a little consolation in the fact that the president of Chik-Fil-A is, without a doubt, a self loathing closet faggot.
And you state this as fact based on your intimate knowledge of self loathing closet faggots?
Yes, ones like you. You guys are always the first to bring up gay sex out of nowhere. You squawk the loudest about gay people...and we all know do you...
Yes, ones like you. You guys are always the first to bring up gay sex out of nowhere. You squawk the loudest about gay people...and we all know do you...
You called this man a for sure closeted self loathing faggot....not me!

So who brought up the issue?
And who squawked about gay people? Not me!

Your comments could be seen by your standards as your cry for help in a coming out
all of your own. Way to go, RuPaul.

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