Chic Fila Moves to Third Spot in Popularity of Fast Food Chains

They cut all fundig to homophobic groups and so the boycott ended. This was years ago. Some may still not like Chick Fil A but the boycott in general is long over.
"As of April 2018, Chick Fil-A reportedly continues to donate to anti-LGBT groups." Chick-fil-A same-sex marriage controversy - Wikipedia
Your "facts" leave something to be desired as usual.

And in San Francisco, Boston and Chicago city officials have all
vowed to block Chick fil A franchises in their cities despite these law professors all calling that an anti Constitutional stance.
"UCLA law professor and blogger Eugene Volokh observed, "[D]enying a private business permits because of such speech by its owner is a blatant First Amendment violation."

Echoing those views were Glenn Greenwald of Salon, professor John Turley of George Washington University, Adam Schwartz, a senior attorney with the ACLU, and Michael C. Dorf, the Robert S. Stevens Professor of Law at Cornell University Law School."
So is the boycott over? Not entirely. These comments from city officials have never been rescinded.
Maye they started back up. Too bad gay marriage os settled so it diesn’t matter. I see no reason to boycott anymore. The important thing is at the time they stopped and said their donations were a mistake, and then gay marriage was legalized across the land a year or 2 later.

The libtard boycotts were a complete failure…..

On the first big boycott I made it a point to TRY

and eat there, problem was I couldn’t get within

a thousand feet of the place due to the traffic jam

trying to get in…. I LOVE CHICK-FIL-A………..

President Trump Loves it TOO…….

Bite that TARDS………..
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard :rolleyes:

Apparently, however, the lib leaders haven't got the word out to their minions. Otherwise, in Leftist Enclaves like Rider University, they wouldn't still be banning the restaurant
I don't really care what Rider University does. If you choose to be butthurt, go right ahead.
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard
The stated goal of the boycott was to punish Chick fill A for their anti gay marriage stance and hopefully, drive them out of business.
Well, mission not accomplished! I don't know why you can't let go of this issue but clearly the boycott was only marginally successful at best. Chick fill A is alive and thriving.
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard
The stated goal of the boycott was to punish Chick fill A for their anti gay marriage stance and hopefully, drive them out of business.
Well, mission not accomplished! I don't know why you can't let go of this issue but clearly the boycott was only marginally successful at best. Chick fill A is alive and thriving.
Yeaaaaahh, no. They stopped homophobic donations and the boycott ended but for some outliers. I eat there from time to time, though I think Wendy's has a better spicy chicken sandwich and Popeyes has better chicken tenders and fries.
Yeaaaaahh, no. They stopped homophobic donations and the boycott ended but for some outliers. I eat there from time to time, though I think Wendy's has a better spicy chicken sandwich and Popeyes has better chicken tenders and fries.
Well as earlier provided Chick fill A is not quite out of the donation business but you have your way.
Ending donations to anti gay rights sources was only part of the boycott's goals but I can't be bothered with a long back and forth over this non issue.
Yeaaaaahh, no. They stopped homophobic donations and the boycott ended but for some outliers. I eat there from time to time, though I think Wendy's has a better spicy chicken sandwich and Popeyes has better chicken tenders and fries.
Well as earlier provided Chick fill A is not quite out of the donation business but you have your way.
Ending donations to anti gay rights sources was only part of the boycott's goals but I can't be bothered with a long back and forth over this non issue.
As there is no current movement to boycott Chick Fil A I argue that it was 100% of the boycott's goals. If students at some Universities want to deny them still then fine. And now that the gay marriage issue is settled and over, I really don't care that the ownership is wasting their money.
The boycott ended years ago. Keep up.
So you reinforce the thread theme that left wing attempts to put Chick fila out of business were a spectacular failure.
I guess you aren't totally useless, after all.
They cut all fundig to homophobic groups and so the boycott ended. This was years ago. Some may still not like Chick Fil A but the boycott in general is long over.
They are not politically correct, that is always a good thing
Yeaaaaahh, no. They stopped homophobic donations and the boycott ended but for some outliers. I eat there from time to time, though I think Wendy's has a better spicy chicken sandwich and Popeyes has better chicken tenders and fries.
Well as earlier provided Chick fill A is not quite out of the donation business but you have your way.
Ending donations to anti gay rights sources was only part of the boycott's goals but I can't be bothered with a long back and forth over this non issue.
As there is no current movement to boycott Chick Fil A I argue that it was 100% of the boycott's goals. If students at some Universities want to deny them still then fine. And now that the gay marriage issue is settled and over, I really don't care that the ownership is wasting their money.

The Gay Marriage issue is hardly "settled and over", the whole shit storm can be revisited at any time and most Americans oppose this atrocity. VP Pence is a hawk on the issue, if he were to accede to power, I would expect and immediate executive order on this issue to resolve it in a different way
Yeaaaaahh, no. They stopped homophobic donations and the boycott ended but for some outliers. I eat there from time to time, though I think Wendy's has a better spicy chicken sandwich and Popeyes has better chicken tenders and fries.
Well as earlier provided Chick fill A is not quite out of the donation business but you have your way.
Ending donations to anti gay rights sources was only part of the boycott's goals but I can't be bothered with a long back and forth over this non issue.
As there is no current movement to boycott Chick Fil A I argue that it was 100% of the boycott's goals. If students at some Universities want to deny them still then fine. And now that the gay marriage issue is settled and over, I really don't care that the ownership is wasting their money.

The Gay Marriage issue is hardly "settled and over", the whole shit storm can be revisited at any time and most Americans oppose this atrocity. VP Pence is a hawk on the issue, if he were to accede to power, I would expect and immediate executive order on this issue to resolve it in a different way
Lol Polish retard doesn't know how the U.S. government works
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard

The stated goal of the boycott was to punish Chick fill A for their anti gay marriage stance and hopefully, drive them out of business.
Well, mission not accomplished! I don't know why you can't let go of this issue but clearly the boycott was only marginally successful at best. Chick fill A is alive and thriving.
Not just alive and thriving, CLIMBING in popularity since it made its stance about traditional marriage public.
I don't know what you retards thought the boycott was about. They completely halted donations to anti-gay marriage groups and the boycott ended. If you see that as a "failure," then go ahead, retard

The stated goal of the boycott was to punish Chick fill A for their anti gay marriage stance and hopefully, drive them out of business.
Well, mission not accomplished! I don't know why you can't let go of this issue but clearly the boycott was only marginally successful at best. Chick fill A is alive and thriving.
Not just alive and thriving, CLIMBING in popularity since it made its stance about traditional marriage public.

The good food as nothing to do with it. It must b/c they don’t support gay marriage. Target has been doing quite well. Is that b/c people support their tranny bathroom decision? I bet your standard suddenly shifts.
Not just alive and thriving, CLIMBING in popularity since it made its stance about traditional marriage public.
Yes indeed. I don't know how anyone can call that a success from a pro gay marriage perspective but honesty has never been a trait the left possesses.
Everything in moderation.

Their pineapple shake is over 2000 calories. And if you add a couple chicken biscuits or sandwiches and a waffle fry that'll put a feller over 4000 calories in one meal. The sodium is kind of a downer but if you're bulking or even cutting that's an easy cheat. And it's cheaper and less time than filet.
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A cult always labels stubborn people who won’t recruit “deplorables”. One should consider that this label was hurled by a deviant sex addict. Consider the source.

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