Chicago-area police officer shot, sparking manhunt

Seriously, CC, get real here. Noone denies there are a few bad apples (police) out there, but nothing such as blm suggests, and the likes of you do. They are few and far between compared to the outstanding officers out there, having to worry even more each day will they be ambushed, just to keep others safe. I can't imagine the fear their families must be feeling when they walk out the door for their shifts.
Violence is increasing in cities throughout the US. When will you talk about that? I know, never because it doesn't support the Dem/progressive agenda.
And I don't see a group defending those whites either.

Why not? Have you been told they were all bad people and deserved it? 100%? I'm just waiting for you guys to say the obvious conclusion here, cops dont make mistakes and dont have feelings. Because no matter what, feelings arent considered like cops dont have any and MAY over react

South Carolina officer shoots unarmed white teen during pot bust

“He was a uniformed officer, he was in a marked vehicle, was out of his vehicle on foot approaching the suspect vehicle — weapon drawn given it was a narcotics-type violation,” Seneca Police Chief John Covington said to CNN affiliate WHNS in Greenville. He added that the officer is now on administrative leave.

A small amount of marijuana was found in the front passenger’s compartment in Hammond’s car.

“He was a 19-year-old, 121-pound kid killed basically for a joint,” Bland said.

You seem to be over reacting. Saying things like "cops are being hunted" "cops fear they are being ambushed". Really? How many cops have been ambushed? How many cops have been "hunted"?.

It seems obvious from the many reports where a cop got shot he/she didn't follow procedure when making road stops and feeling the need to escalate the situation. These situations could usually be handled without a shooting if they retreat and call for backup.

Actually there was 2 cops that was lured in and ambushed / hunted. It was by these two


I want Gramps to know that those, despite his vision are indeed white people
And they too should get death. But that is completely irrelevant to the problems YOU and others like you refuse to acknowledge
And you know this, how?
You know how families feel when officers are being vilified, such as in the youtube above?
It is one thing to want to see justice win out when a few cops step outside of their oath to protect and serve. It is quite another to immediately assess an incident before a page of ink even has time to dry. Showing support for either side before facts are known is called vilifying and it creates chaos rather than solutions.
Seriously, CC, get real here. Noone denies there are a few bad apples (police) out there, but nothing such as blm suggests, and the likes of you do. They are few and far between compared to the outstanding officers out there, having to worry even more each day will they be ambushed, just to keep others safe. I can't imagine the fear their families must be feeling when they walk out the door for their shifts.
Violence is increasing in cities throughout the US. When will you talk about that? I know, never because it doesn't support the Dem/progressive agenda.
And I don't see a group defending those whites either.

Why not? Have you been told they were all bad people and deserved it? 100%? I'm just waiting for you guys to say the obvious conclusion here, cops dont make mistakes and dont have feelings. Because no matter what, feelings arent considered like cops dont have any and MAY over react

South Carolina officer shoots unarmed white teen during pot bust

“He was a uniformed officer, he was in a marked vehicle, was out of his vehicle on foot approaching the suspect vehicle — weapon drawn given it was a narcotics-type violation,” Seneca Police Chief John Covington said to CNN affiliate WHNS in Greenville. He added that the officer is now on administrative leave.

A small amount of marijuana was found in the front passenger’s compartment in Hammond’s car.

“He was a 19-year-old, 121-pound kid killed basically for a joint,” Bland said.

You seem to be over reacting. Saying things like "cops are being hunted" "cops fear they are being ambushed". Really? How many cops have been ambushed? How many cops have been "hunted"?.

It seems obvious from the many reports where a cop got shot he/she didn't follow procedure when making road stops and feeling the need to escalate the situation. These situations could usually be handled without a shooting if they retreat and call for backup.
Seriously, CC, get real here. Noone denies there are a few bad apples (police) out there, but nothing such as blm suggests, and the likes of you do. They are few and far between compared to the outstanding officers out there, having to worry even more each day will they be ambushed, just to keep others safe. I can't imagine the fear their families must be feeling when they walk out the door for their shifts.
Violence is increasing in cities throughout the US. When will you talk about that? I know, never because it doesn't support the Dem/progressive agenda.
And I don't see a group defending those whites either.

Why not? Have you been told they were all bad people and deserved it? 100%? I'm just waiting for you guys to say the obvious conclusion here, cops dont make mistakes and dont have feelings. Because no matter what, feelings arent considered like cops dont have any and MAY over react

South Carolina officer shoots unarmed white teen during pot bust

“He was a uniformed officer, he was in a marked vehicle, was out of his vehicle on foot approaching the suspect vehicle — weapon drawn given it was a narcotics-type violation,” Seneca Police Chief John Covington said to CNN affiliate WHNS in Greenville. He added that the officer is now on administrative leave.

A small amount of marijuana was found in the front passenger’s compartment in Hammond’s car.

“He was a 19-year-old, 121-pound kid killed basically for a joint,” Bland said.

You seem to be over reacting. Saying things like "cops are being hunted" "cops fear they are being ambushed". Really? How many cops have been ambushed? How many cops have been "hunted"?.

It seems obvious from the many reports where a cop got shot he/she didn't follow procedure when making road stops and feeling the need to escalate the situation. These situations could usually be handled without a shooting if they retreat and call for backup.

Actually there was 2 cops that was lured in and ambushed / hunted. It was by these two


I want Gramps to know that those, despite his vision are indeed white people
And they too should get death. But that is completely irrelevant to the problems YOU and others like you refuse to acknowledge
And whats that?
Seriously, CC, get real here. Noone denies there are a few bad apples (police) out there, but nothing such as blm suggests, and the likes of you do. They are few and far between compared to the outstanding officers out there, having to worry even more each day will they be ambushed, just to keep others safe. I can't imagine the fear their families must be feeling when they walk out the door for their shifts.
Violence is increasing in cities throughout the US. When will you talk about that? I know, never because it doesn't support the Dem/progressive agenda.
Why not? Have you been told they were all bad people and deserved it? 100%? I'm just waiting for you guys to say the obvious conclusion here, cops dont make mistakes and dont have feelings. Because no matter what, feelings arent considered like cops dont have any and MAY over react

South Carolina officer shoots unarmed white teen during pot bust

“He was a uniformed officer, he was in a marked vehicle, was out of his vehicle on foot approaching the suspect vehicle — weapon drawn given it was a narcotics-type violation,” Seneca Police Chief John Covington said to CNN affiliate WHNS in Greenville. He added that the officer is now on administrative leave.

A small amount of marijuana was found in the front passenger’s compartment in Hammond’s car.

“He was a 19-year-old, 121-pound kid killed basically for a joint,” Bland said.

You seem to be over reacting. Saying things like "cops are being hunted" "cops fear they are being ambushed". Really? How many cops have been ambushed? How many cops have been "hunted"?.

It seems obvious from the many reports where a cop got shot he/she didn't follow procedure when making road stops and feeling the need to escalate the situation. These situations could usually be handled without a shooting if they retreat and call for backup.

Actually there was 2 cops that was lured in and ambushed / hunted. It was by these two


I want Gramps to know that those, despite his vision are indeed white people
And they too should get death. But that is completely irrelevant to the problems YOU and others like you refuse to acknowledge
And whats that?
I rest my case. I have never seen a head burried so deep in the sand as yours.

So they went for his gun....and he tried to use pepper spray.

They got his he's dead.

I can't even comment right now I'm so infuriated by this.

So they went for his gun....and he tried to use pepper spray.

They got his he's dead.

I can't even comment right now I'm so infuriated by this.

Wait for the facts

I am. I'm asking.

These facts can't be accurate. If they were going for his gun...then they were unarmed...which means they aren't a deadly threat.
People bitch about a militarized police force at the same time cops are being hunted. Dont Taz Me will surely be along to do one of two things.
Delete yet another of my posts or minimize the severity of whats going on with his paranoid delusions.

Why do you keep saying cops are being hunted and when cops kill someone you just oopsie?

Usually when a cop gets killed it's because of an apprehention gone wrong. If the perpetrator is killed it's usually because they resisted.
Why not? Have you been told they were all bad people and deserved it? 100%? I'm just waiting for you guys to say the obvious conclusion here, cops dont make mistakes and dont have feelings. Because no matter what, feelings arent considered like cops dont have any and MAY over react

South Carolina officer shoots unarmed white teen during pot bust

“He was a uniformed officer, he was in a marked vehicle, was out of his vehicle on foot approaching the suspect vehicle — weapon drawn given it was a narcotics-type violation,” Seneca Police Chief John Covington said to CNN affiliate WHNS in Greenville. He added that the officer is now on administrative leave.

A small amount of marijuana was found in the front passenger’s compartment in Hammond’s car.

“He was a 19-year-old, 121-pound kid killed basically for a joint,” Bland said.
Your ISOLATED incidents pale in comparison to the epidemic you all have created.

Look at all that outrage you're displaying! I mean, its like you dont give a shit...another white kid dead. And you jerk off to it
This thread is not about your diversion jackass.
I was outraged when cops killed the cig dude in NY. I was outraged when they killed the little boy on the playground. I expressed it REPEATEDLY on this forum. So why don't you shove your bullshit up your racist black ass.
The "little boy" was wandering around pointing what looked exactly like a hand gun at innocent people walking past.
The "little boy" would have been 'offed' by a Tree Dweller gang member sooner or later anyway.
They shot him INSTANTLY

No excuse for it and i wil not debate it further
Total fucking bullshit lie.
The "little boy" had the handgun in his waistband when the cops drove up and (it's on audio tape and that's why there were no charges brought against the cops) ordered the "little boy" to put his hands on his head. Instead of doing what he was told the "little boy" reached for the gun in his waistband. The instant the "little boy's" hand touched the hand gun the cop shot the "little boy".
End of fucking story.
Cops are on the front line dealing with sub-human scum. Only people who are subhuman scum need have any fear of the cops.
You get stopped by a cop. Demonstrate you are not going to act like subhuman scum and the cop 99.99999% of the time is HAPPY to say "have a nice day" and you're on your way.
Your ISOLATED incidents pale in comparison to the epidemic you all have created.

Look at all that outrage you're displaying! I mean, its like you dont give a shit...another white kid dead. And you jerk off to it
This thread is not about your diversion jackass.
I was outraged when cops killed the cig dude in NY. I was outraged when they killed the little boy on the playground. I expressed it REPEATEDLY on this forum. So why don't you shove your bullshit up your racist black ass.
The "little boy" was wandering around pointing what looked exactly like a hand gun at innocent people walking past.
The "little boy" would have been 'offed' by a Tree Dweller gang member sooner or later anyway.
They shot him INSTANTLY

No excuse for it and i wil not debate it further
Total fucking bullshit lie.
The "little boy" had the handgun in his waistband when the cops drove up and (it's on audio tape and that's why there were no charges brought against the cops) ordered the "little boy" to put his hands on his head. Instead of doing what he was told the "little boy" reached for the gun in his waistband. The instant the "little boy's" hand touched the hand gun the cop shot the "little boy".
End of fucking story.
Cops are on the front line dealing with sub-human scum. Only people who are subhuman scum need have any fear of the cops.
You get stopped by a cop. Demonstrate you are not going to act like subhuman scum and the cop 99.99999% of the time is HAPPY to say "have a nice day" and you're on your way.

Tamir Rice report: No proof police officer shouted warning before shooting

Tamir Rice report: No proof officer warned before shots -

You dont have to lie bro...

So they went for his gun....and he tried to use pepper spray.

They got his he's dead.

I can't even comment right now I'm so infuriated by this.

Looks like this cop was a thief and a criminal who staged his own death. What you say now?
Cop killers are despised by cops.

I'm sure the perps are hoping plenty of people are around when the cops catch em.

Otherwise they might all be "killed" while arrested.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of killers.

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