Chicago blacks fed up with democrats

34 views and no comments? whats the matter libs, does losing your base scare you?
I'll comment. It's probably far too late for Chicago. It has been a bastion of corruption for Democrats for so many years - I can't see any way (with the possible exception of a nuke) that Chicago will ever change. It's in that city's DNA to be corrupt and evil.

Same thing with Detroit.

ANY city that the Democrats have controlled for years is pretty much doomed to poverty, filth, murder, corruption, etc etc. It's the way they work.
I'll comment. It's probably far too late for Chicago. It has been a bastion of corruption for Democrats for so many years - I can't see any way (with the possible exception of a nuke) that Chicago will ever change. It's in that city's DNA to be corrupt and evil.

Same thing with Detroit.

ANY city that the Democrats have controlled for years is pretty much doomed to poverty, filth, murder, corruption, etc etc. It's the way they work.

yes, and about half of the country wants that same result for the entire nation. Ignorance is destroying our country.
Come on dems and libs, lets hear you address these blacks in Chicago who are coming out against dems and liberal policies.

Lets hear it. Can you fools admit that you base is shrinking because of Obama's incompetence, or do you just put your hands over your eyes and say the dem/lib mantra over and over as instructed by your handlers?
Liberals, the disasters that just keep on giving us comedy gold. All while they think they are the smart ones.
The Democrat base will be fine as long as republicans keep opening their mouths :thup:

The problem is whatever CONSERVATIVES say is relegated to buffoonery by the main stream media and the entertainment industry.

That is where most of THOSE PEOPLE get their information. If they ever get the actual truth, it is very limited.

They certainly do not put on Fox News. They certainly do not listen to conservative radio. Nearly all of them are fed never ending shit from the propagandists that need their votes in order to acquire and maintain power.

They are too wrapped up in the notion that they are nothing but the perpetual victim in order to change their thinking.

The race baiting profiteers are way too dependent on keeping the grievances of the black people front and center. Did we think that the election of a black president would quiet the profiteers down? No, they only got louder.

Cases like Michael Brown (in crucial election years) are nothing but political opportunities for the race profiteers. Does not matter what the facts are, so long as they perpetuate the mythical narrative. They did their job with the help of the left wing media, and is is established. Those of us reporting and stating the truth are relegated as mouth breathing knuckle draggers.

The left should not receive any respect, whatsoever.
The Democrat base will be fine as long as republicans keep opening their mouths :thup:

The problem is whatever CONSERVATIVES say is relegated to buffoonery by the main stream media and the entertainment industry.

That is where most of THOSE PEOPLE get their information. If they ever get the actual truth, it is very limited.

They certainly do not put on Fox News. They certainly do not listen to conservative radio. Nearly all of them are fed never ending shit from the propagandists that need their votes in order to acquire and maintain power.

They are too wrapped up in the notion that they are nothing but the perpetual victim in order to change their thinking.

The race baiting profiteers are way too dependent on keeping the grievances of the black people front and center. Did we think that the election of a black president would quiet the profiteers down? No, they only got louder.

Cases like Michael Brown (in crucial election years) are nothing but political opportunities for the race profiteers. Does not matter what the facts are, so long as they perpetuate the mythical narrative. They did their job with the help of the left wing media, and is is established. Those of us reporting and stating the truth are relegated as mouth breathing knuckle draggers.

The left should not receive any respect, whatsoever.
I don't respect the left whatsoever.
The Democrat base will be fine as long as republicans keep opening their mouths :thup:

Hmmm, so you admit that the chicago blacks in that clip are republican voters? your dem base is shrinking, the american public is not as stupid as you think they are, african americans are not as stupid as you dems think they are. they are fed up with being pandered to and used as pawns in your silly power grabs.
The Democrat base will be fine as long as republicans keep opening their mouths :thup:

Hmmm, so you admit that the chicago blacks in that clip are republican voters? your dem base is shrinking, the american public is not as stupid as you think they are, african americans are not as stupid as you dems think they are. they are fed up with being pandered to and used as pawns in your silly power grabs.

I never admitted that :wink:

Just because someone's not a fan of what the Democrats are doing doesn't mean they're going to abandon them and vote for the greater of 2 evils. :thup:
The Democrat base will be fine as long as republicans keep opening their mouths :thup:

I'll comment. It's probably far too late for Chicago. It has been a bastion of corruption for Democrats for so many years - I can't see any way (with the possible exception of a nuke) that Chicago will ever change. It's in that city's DNA to be corrupt and evil.

Same thing with Detroit.

ANY city that the Democrats have controlled for years is pretty much doomed to poverty, filth, murder, corruption, etc etc. It's the way they work.

yes, and about half of the country wants that same result for the entire nation. Ignorance is destroying our country.

It's actually funny, but when I first registered as a republican (in 1970) I was a democrat until that - the voter registration lady looked at me like I had fish growing out of my ears..she says "Sir, are you SURE!?!?" And I said "Yes Ma'am, I'm quite sure". She took the card and walked off shaking her head. White folks make me laugh. Guess Jim don't have enough sense to stay quiet and do what he told...... :)

Remained Republican until the end of Ronald Reagans terms then left the republican party - (Independent). I am proud to say that as of 2 months ago, I returned to the republican party. We either STAND or we FALL.

"Stewart! It's time for you to make your STAND!" - Mother Abigail "The Stand" Stephen King.
Most of what the far right says is buffoonery.

says the resident buffoon. Actually Jake (rightwinger) you and your left wing socialists are losing the american people. Obama has destroyed your socialist agenda by exposing its flaws and lies, Those people in the clip are real people expressing real feelings. Obama has FAILED them, liberalism has FAILED them, they know it and are sick of being lied to.
Redfish, you are such a blowfish.

The American younger generations detest what you and your colleagues on the fringes of American society and sanity stand for.

Obama has failed, yes, and so did Bush
Redfish, you are such a blowfish.

The American younger generations detest what you and your colleagues on the fringes of American society and sanity stand for.

Obama has failed, yes, and so did Bush

all presidents have failed at some aspect of the job. The difference is the amount of failure, lying to the american people, and putting ideology ahead of the country.

BTW, this is not about Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, Carter, Ford, Washington, or Lincoln. Its about Obama and a portion of his constituency leaving him.
Redfish, you are such a blowfish.

The American younger generations detest what you and your colleagues on the fringes of American society and sanity stand for.

Obama has failed, yes, and so did Bush

and YOU are the fringer, you on the far left are out of touch with the american people, young and old. Your liberal ideology has failed, the american people know it, and next tuesday will prove it.
It would definitely be a step in the right direction if many blacks woke up to the message, but I doubt we'll see much deflection next Tuesday. Some may just not show up but those that do vote will likely remain overwhelming stuck on stupid with votes for dimocrats.
I've said it for years, most African Americans are good Church-Going people who hold Conservative beliefs and values. They have little to nothing in common with Communists/Progressives. The Republican Party is actually a better fit for them. It represents their core beliefs and values.

The big problem is, they're still stuck in that 'Perpetual Victimhood' thing. Once they let that go, many African Americans will naturally gravitate to the Republican Party. I truly believe that.

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