Chicago BLM Activists Try to Show Off Their Tactics to the Police, It Doesn’t End Well


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Chicago BLM Activists Try to Show Off Their Tactics to the Police, It Doesn’t End Well

16 Aug 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama
BLM was back at it in Chicago on Saturday.
But the Chicago police were ready for them and they weren’t liking it at all.
The Chicago police had resolved that they weren’t going to let the massive looting that happened the prior weekend. So once again they lifted the bridges to prevent people from getting into the downtown and they employed tactics to break up the groups.
But what was pretty interesting with the Chicago ‘protest’ was that the Chicago police have video breaking down the tactics that the ‘protesters’ employed.
We saw tactics before by the Chicago radicals when the BLM/Antifa group attacked cops over the Columbus statue. Protesters slipping behind umbrellas and changing into Antifa gear and then distributing bricks/objects to ‘protesters’ to attack the cops with.
Video released by the police show the tactics they employed on Saturday. They start putting on ponchos and masks to protect against the anticipated pepper spray the cops will use when they attack the police. They’re using umbrellas to cover their actions, moving forward en masse with locked arms trying to break the police line and then attacking the cops with the umbrellas and with at least one skateboard.
Twenty four were arrested, four for felonies. 17 officers were injured in the violence.
Thinking their tactics really didn’t help them much here. They might want to go back to the rulebook and look up the concept of actually not attacking cops.

Before I retired from corporate life, I used to travel to Chicago on business a lot . Chicago used to be one of America's best cities.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commie politicians ruined their Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities.
Glad to see the Chicago PD is not part of the problem but the solution if given the chance.
If Newton's Third Law of Motion is to to be followed. Where there is an action there is an equal an opposite reaction. As their tactics become more violent so will the reaction. Perhaps not from the police, but from the citizens that have had enough of their shite. What anarchists don't understand is that they are totally outnumber and definitely out gunned. When Patriots decide to really organize a push back in any of these cities there would not be enough police to protect their pasty whiney arses.
Meanwhile, in Portland, 12 out of the 20 Antifa arrested were white TEACHERS. I wonder how many in Chicago were teaching in their public schools?
Saw a news clip where BLM in Seattle was attempting a South African tactic on the white snowflakes living in the suburbs there, and I say this because they were demanding that they (the white folks), were to turn over their homes and stuff like that to them. It was the white farmers and such who were ordered to evacuate their farms and such in South Africa, and I think murdering white people was involved as well. Would have to look it up.

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