Chicago Cops Shoot Wrong Man - 11 Times


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
March 13, 2013

CHICAGO (CN) - Chicago police shot a store owner 11 times after armed gunmen robbed him, then handcuffed him to his hospital bed and harassed him to cover up their "gross misconduct," the businessman claims in court.

Bassil Abdelal sued Chicago and two Officer Does in Federal Court, for excessive force, false imprisonment, assault and battery, wanton conduct, conspiracy, civil rights violations and negligence.

"The City of Chicago followed its 'code of silence' to protect and cover up the gross misconduct of Officer Doe 1 and Officer Doe 2 who fired eleven bullets into plaintiff, who was unarmed, did not aim any gun at the police, did not fire at the police, and posed no threat to the police," Abdelal says in the complaint.

Abdelal owns B&B Beauty Supply, on the West Side of Chicago.

He was closing for the night at about 8:30 on March 14, 2012, when "a man knocked at the door and wanted to make a purchase," the complaint states.

It continues: "The plaintiff tried to hand him the merchandise he wanted without letting him inside, but the man ran away. Plaintiff believes that it was a set up for plaintiff just to unlock the door.

"Shortly thereafter, the man that ran away came back with a mask on his face along with two other masked men, who stormed in the store. Two of the three masked robbers pointed guns at plaintiff and then they put a gun to his head and his father-in-law's head to try to knock them down and coerce them into doing what the robbers wanted."

The robbers forced Abdelal to open the register, which contained only $160.

"The robbers were upset as they expected much more than that," the complaint states. "They started screaming 'give more money or you be dead.' Plaintiff told them that the money was at the back of the store in the washroom. Before the robbers went to get the money from the washroom one of the robber's cell phones rang. They answered and they were informed that the police were coming, based on belief, by a getaway driver, as apparently somebody called from the nearby Green line CTA station.

"The robbers got scared and panicked, running in the store with a lot of anger. The plaintiff was very afraid that the robbers would shoot plaintiff and Aruri [his father-in-law] at any time because the robbers were angry that their plan did not work as planned. The robbers ran away when they heard police arrive and plaintiff saw one of the robbers drop their guns inside the store. The plaintiff stepped out of the door to see where the robbers were going so he could report it to the police.

"The plaintiff saw a gun at the front of the door outside. The plaintiff picked it up for protection until the police arrived because he was terrified that the robbers would return and come back for him from the side or anywhere. The plaintiff was standing right by the front door with the door open, half of his body inside and the other half outside. The plaintiff saw the police arriving in the parking lot outside the store. Feel[ing] relieved that the police were present for protection, he immediately threw the gun down to the ground and did not point it at anyone.

"After the police saw plaintiff drop the gun to the floor, they opened fire at him and shot plaintiff in his leg. The plaintiff ran back in side and was screaming, 'Don't shoot; I am the store owner.' The police kept on shooting even when plaintiff was lying inside because plaintiff had been already been shot in the leg. At no time did the police ever warn the plaintiff to point his hands up and/or lie on the ground or else they would shoot. In the process of shooting the plaintiff repeatedly, the police also shot out the glass in the store windows and glass door, causing substantial property damage.

"Plaintiff was shot and seriously wounded with 11 bullets to his hands, shoulder, legs, and hips. One bullet almost his plaintiff's head but it passed by plaintiff's head and hit the cash register. Plaintiff was bleeding profusely. Aruri was very scared and thought that plaintiff would die. Aruri ran to get something to wrap plaintiff's leg because it was shooting blood everywhere. The police ran into the store and the plaintiff lying down in a pool of blood asked them, in an extremely weak state, why they shot the owner. The police did not answer, did [not] give any care, and they stopped Aruri from even touching Abdelal and providing care.

Abdelal claims that "the police also shot and wounded all three robbers who fled from the store but who were nowhere near and away from the store at a later time after shooting the plaintiff even though the robbers did not have any guns on their persons when shot and never pointed any guns at the police since they had been dropped in the store and right outside the store before the police arrived."

Abdelal says Chicago police would not allow his father-in-law to stanch his bleeding leg, but handcuffed and questioned him in the ambulance and at the hospital about the gun.

"At no time did the plaintiff ever point a gun at the police or robbers, ever shoot a bullet at the police or robbers, ever own a gun, ever chase the robbers, or ever try hurt anyone. The plaintiff saw that the robbers who fled also never aimed a gun or fired any guns at the police while fleeing from the store. In fact, he saw them drop their guns while fleeing. Plaintiff's only concern was to protect himself and survive until help arrived," the complaint states.

"The plaintiff sustained serious gunshot wound injuries that caused permanent harm to the plaintiff as they required screws and a metal rod to be inserted in his left leg.


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Even if those bastards lost their jobs, it wouldn't be enough for the horror that poor man has been through.
My guess is that the man didn't immediately drop the gun or made some move with it that was interpreted as threatening, perhaps not understanding that drop meant drop (and not give us the gun). It seems very unlikely that the man dropped the gun and then they opened fire. They have to make split second decisions and we weren't there and don't know.
My guess is that the man didn't immediately drop the gun or made some move with it that was interpreted as threatening, perhaps not understanding that drop meant drop (and not give us the gun). It seems very unlikely that the man dropped the gun and then they opened fire. They have to make split second decisions and we weren't there and don't know.

My guess is that the police aren't afraid of the people in Chicago, since they operate under the strictest gun control laws in the nation (and have the worst gun murder rate in the nation).
That man should be made to apologize to those Cops who made them shoot 11 times.

In this post 9/11 world we need to bow down to authority, they're keeping us safe.
Even if those bastards lost their jobs, it wouldn't be enough for the horror that poor man has been through.

That's Liberal Chicago gun control for you. They take guns from honest people and then refuse to properly train their police force in the proper use and control of firearms. Hmm..., I wonder how many police have been involved in the improper use and firing a weapon this year alone?
it's chicago. the store owner will probably be charged for making the cops waste 11 bullets
it's chicago. the store owner will probably be charged for making the cops waste 11 bullets

Like their Communist Chinese counterparts, do you think they'll charge the store owner for the bullets they used to shoot him with?
Why are they protecting the names of "Officer Doe 1 and Officer Doe 2"?

If they are facing charges like anyone else their names should be released.
If they are facing charges like anyone else their names should be released.
It says the store owner is suing them, so it is a civil complaint the police officers aren't being charged with anything.

There are two sides to every story, the police version differs and is here: Suit: Cops responding to robbery shoot store owner 11 times - Chicago Sun-Times

Police said at the time that officers arrived at the store and found a robbery in progress, and the three suspects confronted them and pointed their weapons at the officers, who shot the men. Police confirmed at the time that a person inside the store was wounded and two guns were recovered.

Who knows, I wasn't there. Nobody can deny police are capable of lying about what happened to cover up misconduct or even murder, and nobody can deny that someone trying to win a 50 million dollar lawsuit (or get a quick two million dollar settlement) is capable of lying to get his cash. All speculation until their day in court.
Sounds like typical thugs with badges. I hope this guy cleans up. He should get at least $100,000,000, plus lifetime medical care.

The cops involved should be tortured to death.
Chicago cops are frustrated because they took away their bright lights and rubber hoses.
Great...not only do the citizens of Shitcago have to worry about gangs, but now they have to worry about the fucking police department!

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