Chicago has 140 percent inc in murder

Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.

Be careful. You're awfully close to realizing that criminals don't obey the law, and that will lead you places you don't want to go.

Which answers...nothing. Again. How do the guns make it into the city? Are you positing that they are made right there in basements in Chicago?
How do they get there if Chicago is a gun free zone by law?
I GAVE you the answer...and you refuse to see it.

You didn't answer the question. You just said "criminals gonna be criminals".

This is a large part of the reason.....the relationship that democrat party politicians have with the violent gangs in the city...

Gangs and Politicians in Chicago: An Unholy Alliance

Baskin—who was himself a candidate in the 16th Ward aldermanic race, which he would lose—was happy to oblige. In all, he says, he helped broker meetings between roughly 30 politicians (ten sitting aldermen and 20 candidates for City Council) and at least six gang representatives. That claim is backed up by two other community activists, Harold Davis Jr. and Kublai K. M. Toure, who worked with Baskin to arrange the meetings, and a third participant, also a community activist, who requested anonymity. The gang representatives were former chiefs who had walked away from day-to-day thug life, but they were still respected on the streets and wielded enough influence to mobilize active gang members.
The first meeting, according to Baskin, occurred in early November 2010, right before the statewide general election; more gatherings followed in the run-up to the February 2011 municipal elections. The venues included office buildings, restaurants, and law offices. (By all accounts, similar meetings took place across the city before last year’s elections and in elections past, including after hours at the Garfield Center, a taxpayer-financed facility on the West Side that is used by the city’s Department of Family and Support Services.)
At some of the meetings, the politicians arrived with campaign materials and occasionally with aides. The sessions were organized much like corporate-style job fairs. The gang representatives conducted hourlong interviews, one after the other, talking to as many as five candidates in a single evening. Like supplicants, the politicians came into the room alone and sat before the gang representatives, who sat behind a long table. “One candidate said, ‘I feel like I’m in the hot seat,’” recalls Baskin. “And they were.”

Our findings:

  • While they typically deny it, many public officials—mostly, but not limited to, aldermen, state legislators, and elected judges—routinely seek political support from influential street gangs. Meetings like the ones Baskin organized, for instance, are hardly an anomaly. Gangs can provide a decisive advantage at election time by performing the kinds of chores patronage armies once did.
  • In some cases, the partnerships extend beyond the elections in troubling—and possibly criminal—ways, greased by the steady and largely secret flow of money from gang leaders to certain politicians and vice versa. The gangs funnel their largess through opaque businesses, or front companies, and through under-the-table payments. In turn, grateful politicians use their payrolls or campaign funds to hire gang members, pull strings for them to get jobs or contracts, or offer other favors (see“Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle”).

  • Most alarming, both law enforcement and gang sources say, is that some politicians ignore the gangs’ criminal activities. Some go so far as to protect gangs from the police, tipping them off to impending raids or to surveillance activities—in effect, creating safe havens in their political districts. And often they chafe at backing tough measures to stem gang activities, advocating instead for superficial solutions that may garner good press but have little impact.
The paradox is that Chicago’s struggle to combat street gangs is being undermined by its own elected officials. And the alliances between lawmakers and lawbreakers raise a troubling question: Who actually rules the neighborhoods—our public servants or the gangs?and how they affect sentencing and prison sentences...

Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle

gang territory and homicide sites..

Chicago Gang Territory vs 2011 Chicago Homicides

gangs and murder how many do they do....the stats..

Gangs and Politicians: How Gang Crime Stacks Up

crimes and who commits them in Indianapolis...

What is causing Indy's rise in homicides?

City council doesn't hire enough police in Indianapolis...and it also restates the 80% of criminals are repeat offenders...

Seeking explanations for 8 homicides in 15 hours

The City-County Council has authorized 1,740 officers for IMPD, Owensby said, and the current roster contains a few more than 1,500. The department had more than 1,700 officers about five years ago, he said.

"If we had 250 more officers on the street," Owensby said, "we could do wonderful things for crime reduction. The way things are now, if we don't do something soon, we will have to cut services."

An IMPD recruit class of 50 will graduate this year and another class of 50 will be hired next year. But an internal Public Safety Department review found that IMPD would need nearly 700 more officers to reach parity with other similar-sized cities.

Thomas Stucky, an associate professor of criminology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, said he isn't sure adding cops would reduce homicides, because there are so many variables for the causes of murder. He said some cities have fewer officers per capita than Indianapolis and have a lower murder rate. Others have more cops and a higher murder rate.

"I don't know of any research that supports direct links between the two," Stucky said. "After all, the police are not gone, altogether. They're still there. Even if you've got 'X' number of officers and put them in somewhere, it is hard to measure the prevention of something."

"The important thing is what you do with the officers you have on the ground," Stucky said, "and I think IMPD has done a number of cutting-edge things."

You've been watching way too much TV. This isn't Chicago PD.
Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.

Be careful. You're awfully close to realizing that criminals don't obey the law, and that will lead you places you don't want to go.

Which answers...nothing. Again. How do the guns make it into the city? Are you positing that they are made right there in basements in Chicago?
How do they get there if Chicago is a gun free zone by law?
I GAVE you the answer...and you refuse to see it.

You didn't answer the question. You just said "criminals gonna be criminals".

You didn't answer the question.....

Here ...

The Chicago Gun Myth | National Review

Lightfoot claims that 60 percent of the guns used in Chicago murders are bought from out of state. I assume she is relying on 2017’s suspect “gun trace report,” which looked at guns confiscated in criminal acts from 2013 and 2016. Even if we trusted the city’s data, most guns used in Illinois crimes are bought in-state. If gun laws in Illinois — which earns a grade of “A-“ from the pro-gun-control Gifford Law Center, tied for second highest in the country after New Jersey — are more effective than gun laws in Missouri, Wisconsin, or Indiana, why is it that FFL dealers in suburban Cook County are the origin point for a third of the crime guns recovered in Chicago, and home to “seven of the top ten source dealers”?

According to the trace study, 11.2 percent of all crime guns recovered in Chicago could be tracked to just two gun shops.

The only reason, it seems, criminals take the drive to Indiana is because local gun shops are tapped out. There is a tremendous demand for weapons in Chicago. That’s not Mississippi’s fault. And Lightfoot’s contention only proves that criminals in her city can get their hands on guns rather easily, while most law-abiding citizens have no way to defend themselves.

Lightfoot may also be surprised to learn that California borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Yet no big city in California has quite the murder and criminality of Chicago. New York borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Yet NYC’s murder rate is only fraction of Chicago’s. Texas gets an “F” from Gifford Law Center, yet Houston and Dallas have murder rates that are half of that in Chicago. The rates in Austin and El Paso are tiny when compared to Chicago.

Cherry picked twattle. Lightfoot is undershooting the %. It's more like 67%.

Wrong......criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns....which means they can pass any background no, universal background checks will not stop criminals or do anything.......the research is stupid from the word go.....

And you didn't answer the question....why does Houston, flooded with guns and gun stores have less gun murder than Chicago....dittos California, bordered by Arizona and Nevada, and New York bordered by Pennsylvania, and other gun friendly states?

And why doesn't Indiana have the same problem as Chicago?

You can't answer that because it shows you are wrong.

Wrong. Straw buyers sell their guns to criminals..jeez...facepalm. Again, stop with the deflections. This has been researched to the nth degree.

Moron, the article on gangs and democrat politicians is Chicago twit.

You did not answer the question about Houston vs. Chicago and California and New York vs. Chicago...that is because you can' shows that your argument is dumb and doesn't hold up to basic logic....

Do you understand what a straw purchase is? It means that

NO..ONE..CARES about your deflection. Chicago, not Houston, or New York, or Rainbow Unicorns. Answer the f'ing question. Where do the F'ing guns come from?

If the government doesn't allow gun stores and the free purchase of firearms in Chicago, then discrete gun dealers work in the city's alleys out of the trunks of the cars or in the back rooms of the city's taprooms and cocktail lounges.

Just because a gun is "outlawed" by a city doesn't mean that people won't do what they have to do in order to protect their families
Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.

Somebody still has to shoot the gun.
defund the police. they are racist murderers, and getting them off the streets will be a big help;.

plus, fewer black fathers arrested to be slaves in the prison factories, thus helping the black family.

only a racist would want to have police.

any dem that does not defund the police, is a pussy afraid to walk the walk.

and defund doesn't mean slightly less money for racist murderers and storm troopers.

get them all off the street or admit that all your shit talk was always just shit.

I see donut shops running out of business.
Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.


doesn't seem like the relevant question to me.

It's one of the most relevant questions. How do the guns get into the city for people to use in crimes?
Chicago is a gun free zone by Explain.

When you say "people", you're thinking of criminals, right?
Have fun ..take a wonderful vacation to Chicago and you can go home in the luggage bag you brought there
Light Head is not qualified to walk a dog

Have you ever seen any qualified Democrat running Chicago, or any other leftist city?


Back in the 1970's, Democrat Frank Rizzo ran, won, and made Philadelphia PA one of the safest Liberal Cities in the world.
Have fun ..take a wonderful vacation to Chicago and you can go home in the luggage bag you brought there
Light Head is not qualified to walk a dog

Have you ever seen any qualified Democrat running Chicago, or any other leftist city?


Back in the 1970's, Democrat Frank Rizzo ran, won, and made Philadelphia PA one of the safest Liberal Cities in the world.
This before my time but was Rizzo the guy who dropped bombs on black projects and called a reporter a “ gay slang “ and challenged him to a street fight ??

They found this illiterate, ugly trash lady out of a “ garbage can” to run the city
Now Chicago is on par with brazil

Brazil is still way better

Have fun ..take a wonderful vacation to Chicago and you can go home in the luggage bag you brought there
Light Head is not qualified to walk a dog

Have you ever seen any qualified Democrat running Chicago, or any other leftist city?


Back in the 1970's, Democrat Frank Rizzo ran, won, and made Philadelphia PA one of the safest Liberal Cities in the world.

Well, I gotta give it to you... his policies at the time were in par with Biden's policies at the time. :D
Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.

Be careful. You're awfully close to realizing that criminals don't obey the law, and that will lead you places you don't want to go.

Which answers...nothing. Again. How do the guns make it into the city? Are you positing that they are made right there in basements in Chicago?
How do they get there if Chicago is a gun free zone by law?
I GAVE you the answer...and you refuse to see it.

You didn't answer the question. You just said "criminals gonna be criminals".

This is a large part of the reason.....the relationship that democrat party politicians have with the violent gangs in the city...

Gangs and Politicians in Chicago: An Unholy Alliance

Baskin—who was himself a candidate in the 16th Ward aldermanic race, which he would lose—was happy to oblige. In all, he says, he helped broker meetings between roughly 30 politicians (ten sitting aldermen and 20 candidates for City Council) and at least six gang representatives. That claim is backed up by two other community activists, Harold Davis Jr. and Kublai K. M. Toure, who worked with Baskin to arrange the meetings, and a third participant, also a community activist, who requested anonymity. The gang representatives were former chiefs who had walked away from day-to-day thug life, but they were still respected on the streets and wielded enough influence to mobilize active gang members.
The first meeting, according to Baskin, occurred in early November 2010, right before the statewide general election; more gatherings followed in the run-up to the February 2011 municipal elections. The venues included office buildings, restaurants, and law offices. (By all accounts, similar meetings took place across the city before last year’s elections and in elections past, including after hours at the Garfield Center, a taxpayer-financed facility on the West Side that is used by the city’s Department of Family and Support Services.)
At some of the meetings, the politicians arrived with campaign materials and occasionally with aides. The sessions were organized much like corporate-style job fairs. The gang representatives conducted hourlong interviews, one after the other, talking to as many as five candidates in a single evening. Like supplicants, the politicians came into the room alone and sat before the gang representatives, who sat behind a long table. “One candidate said, ‘I feel like I’m in the hot seat,’” recalls Baskin. “And they were.”

Our findings:

  • While they typically deny it, many public officials—mostly, but not limited to, aldermen, state legislators, and elected judges—routinely seek political support from influential street gangs. Meetings like the ones Baskin organized, for instance, are hardly an anomaly. Gangs can provide a decisive advantage at election time by performing the kinds of chores patronage armies once did.
  • In some cases, the partnerships extend beyond the elections in troubling—and possibly criminal—ways, greased by the steady and largely secret flow of money from gang leaders to certain politicians and vice versa. The gangs funnel their largess through opaque businesses, or front companies, and through under-the-table payments. In turn, grateful politicians use their payrolls or campaign funds to hire gang members, pull strings for them to get jobs or contracts, or offer other favors (see“Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle”).

  • Most alarming, both law enforcement and gang sources say, is that some politicians ignore the gangs’ criminal activities. Some go so far as to protect gangs from the police, tipping them off to impending raids or to surveillance activities—in effect, creating safe havens in their political districts. And often they chafe at backing tough measures to stem gang activities, advocating instead for superficial solutions that may garner good press but have little impact.
The paradox is that Chicago’s struggle to combat street gangs is being undermined by its own elected officials. And the alliances between lawmakers and lawbreakers raise a troubling question: Who actually rules the neighborhoods—our public servants or the gangs?and how they affect sentencing and prison sentences...

Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle

gang territory and homicide sites..

Chicago Gang Territory vs 2011 Chicago Homicides

gangs and murder how many do they do....the stats..

Gangs and Politicians: How Gang Crime Stacks Up

crimes and who commits them in Indianapolis...

What is causing Indy's rise in homicides?

City council doesn't hire enough police in Indianapolis...and it also restates the 80% of criminals are repeat offenders...

Seeking explanations for 8 homicides in 15 hours

The City-County Council has authorized 1,740 officers for IMPD, Owensby said, and the current roster contains a few more than 1,500. The department had more than 1,700 officers about five years ago, he said.

"If we had 250 more officers on the street," Owensby said, "we could do wonderful things for crime reduction. The way things are now, if we don't do something soon, we will have to cut services."

An IMPD recruit class of 50 will graduate this year and another class of 50 will be hired next year. But an internal Public Safety Department review found that IMPD would need nearly 700 more officers to reach parity with other similar-sized cities.

Thomas Stucky, an associate professor of criminology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, said he isn't sure adding cops would reduce homicides, because there are so many variables for the causes of murder. He said some cities have fewer officers per capita than Indianapolis and have a lower murder rate. Others have more cops and a higher murder rate.

"I don't know of any research that supports direct links between the two," Stucky said. "After all, the police are not gone, altogether. They're still there. Even if you've got 'X' number of officers and put them in somewhere, it is hard to measure the prevention of something."

"The important thing is what you do with the officers you have on the ground," Stucky said, "and I think IMPD has done a number of cutting-edge things."

You've been watching way too much TV. This isn't Chicago PD.
Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.

Be careful. You're awfully close to realizing that criminals don't obey the law, and that will lead you places you don't want to go.

Which answers...nothing. Again. How do the guns make it into the city? Are you positing that they are made right there in basements in Chicago?
How do they get there if Chicago is a gun free zone by law?
I GAVE you the answer...and you refuse to see it.

You didn't answer the question. You just said "criminals gonna be criminals".

You didn't answer the question.....

Here ...

The Chicago Gun Myth | National Review

Lightfoot claims that 60 percent of the guns used in Chicago murders are bought from out of state. I assume she is relying on 2017’s suspect “gun trace report,” which looked at guns confiscated in criminal acts from 2013 and 2016. Even if we trusted the city’s data, most guns used in Illinois crimes are bought in-state. If gun laws in Illinois — which earns a grade of “A-“ from the pro-gun-control Gifford Law Center, tied for second highest in the country after New Jersey — are more effective than gun laws in Missouri, Wisconsin, or Indiana, why is it that FFL dealers in suburban Cook County are the origin point for a third of the crime guns recovered in Chicago, and home to “seven of the top ten source dealers”?

According to the trace study, 11.2 percent of all crime guns recovered in Chicago could be tracked to just two gun shops.

The only reason, it seems, criminals take the drive to Indiana is because local gun shops are tapped out. There is a tremendous demand for weapons in Chicago. That’s not Mississippi’s fault. And Lightfoot’s contention only proves that criminals in her city can get their hands on guns rather easily, while most law-abiding citizens have no way to defend themselves.

Lightfoot may also be surprised to learn that California borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Yet no big city in California has quite the murder and criminality of Chicago. New York borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Yet NYC’s murder rate is only fraction of Chicago’s. Texas gets an “F” from Gifford Law Center, yet Houston and Dallas have murder rates that are half of that in Chicago. The rates in Austin and El Paso are tiny when compared to Chicago.

Cherry picked twattle. Lightfoot is undershooting the %. It's more like 67%.

Wrong......criminals use straw buyers to buy their guns....which means they can pass any background no, universal background checks will not stop criminals or do anything.......the research is stupid from the word go.....

And you didn't answer the question....why does Houston, flooded with guns and gun stores have less gun murder than Chicago....dittos California, bordered by Arizona and Nevada, and New York bordered by Pennsylvania, and other gun friendly states?

And why doesn't Indiana have the same problem as Chicago?

You can't answer that because it shows you are wrong.

Wrong. Straw buyers sell their guns to criminals..jeez...facepalm. Again, stop with the deflections. This has been researched to the nth degree.
How will straw buyers -- who can pass background checks -- be caught by background checks?
Well, I'll toss the grenade in this thread. Let's put aside the almost five decades of failure that is the War...On...Drugs!!

The relevant question is, If Chicago is a gun free city by
Answer this, and maybe, just maybe, you'll be on the road to figuring out how to stop the carnage.

Be careful. You're awfully close to realizing that criminals don't obey the law, and that will lead you places you don't want to go.

Which answers...nothing. Again. How do the guns make it into the city? Are you positing that they are made right there in basements in Chicago?
How do they get there if Chicago is a gun free zone by law?
I GAVE you the answer...and you refuse to see it.

You didn't answer the question. You just said "criminals gonna be criminals".

You didn't answer the question.....

Here ...

The Chicago Gun Myth | National Review

Lightfoot claims that 60 percent of the guns used in Chicago murders are bought from out of state. I assume she is relying on 2017’s suspect “gun trace report,” which looked at guns confiscated in criminal acts from 2013 and 2016. Even if we trusted the city’s data, most guns used in Illinois crimes are bought in-state. If gun laws in Illinois — which earns a grade of “A-“ from the pro-gun-control Gifford Law Center, tied for second highest in the country after New Jersey — are more effective than gun laws in Missouri, Wisconsin, or Indiana, why is it that FFL dealers in suburban Cook County are the origin point for a third of the crime guns recovered in Chicago, and home to “seven of the top ten source dealers”?

According to the trace study, 11.2 percent of all crime guns recovered in Chicago could be tracked to just two gun shops.

The only reason, it seems, criminals take the drive to Indiana is because local gun shops are tapped out. There is a tremendous demand for weapons in Chicago. That’s not Mississippi’s fault. And Lightfoot’s contention only proves that criminals in her city can get their hands on guns rather easily, while most law-abiding citizens have no way to defend themselves.

Lightfoot may also be surprised to learn that California borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon. Yet no big city in California has quite the murder and criminality of Chicago. New York borders on states with liberal gun laws, such as Vermont, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. Yet NYC’s murder rate is only fraction of Chicago’s. Texas gets an “F” from Gifford Law Center, yet Houston and Dallas have murder rates that are half of that in Chicago. The rates in Austin and El Paso are tiny when compared to Chicago.
From what I understand, some time ago, under republican governorship, California established a three strikes law, which put away violent offenders for 25 years to life on the third offense, regardless of how minor it was. That law alone caused all the gangs and bad actors to be put away or move out and infest cities like Vegas. I think the law has recently been revised or pulled back by the Democrats running or should I say ruining California.

Here's more on California:

"Career Criminals Targeted: The Verdict is in, California's Three Strikes Law Proves Effective. "

Meanwhile, Democrats today are releasing thousands of criminals from prisons, to increase the number of rioters, looters, arsonists and of course Democrat voters roaming around in their cities.
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