Chicago has had only Dem mayors since 1931


Dec 19, 2016
The strictest gun laws and the murder rate is the highest in America. Being a Sanctuary City they are rolling out the Red Carpet to the gang bangers . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. Its time to try someone besides a liberal Democrat. The results are getting worse for Chicago, and yet nobody wants to talk about the black on black murder rate. Hope you libs have a good day !!
The results are getting worse for Chicago, and yet nobody wants to talk about the black on black murder rate.
Because that wouldn't fit into their agenda.
The strictest gun laws and the murder rate is the highest in America.
See how well that has worked out?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.
This is the thinking behind electing a non-politician to the WH, for a large majority if those who voted for Pres. Trump. "Hey, these politicians aren't doing what we want/needs to be done, let's see if this guy can do better." What have we got to lose by trying something different? Surely no one actually believes that one man (who ever they are, whatever their job/power) can single handedly destroy a nation of 320 Million! Especially a nation with the checks and balances that still remain in our great country.
So, like him or hate him, let's give the man a chance, and see what he can do. You might be surprised. Time will tell.
The strictest gun laws and the murder rate is the highest in America. Being a Sanctuary City they are rolling out the Red Carpet to the gang bangers . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. Its time to try someone besides a liberal Democrat. The results are getting worse for Chicago, and yet nobody wants to talk about the black on black murder rate. Hope you libs have a good day !!

You don't know WHY Chicago's had only Democratic mayors since then, do ya?

Virtually EVERY city has had Democratic city government in that era. Put simply --- Democrats run cities. Old cities, new cities, poor cities, rich cities. eastern, western, midwestern and southern cities. Everywhere.

And running a city -- ordering the snowplows to roll, or setting what day your neighborhood gets its trash picked up -- has nothing to do with "libs" or "Democrats" (which are two different things) or Republicans or "left" or "right".

The last Republican Chicago mayor, Big Bill Thompson, got voted out. Apparently the residents weren't real happy with his cozy relationship with Al Capone. Go figure.
The strictest gun laws and the murder rate is the highest in America. Being a Sanctuary City they are rolling out the Red Carpet to the gang bangers . The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. Its time to try someone besides a liberal Democrat. The results are getting worse for Chicago, and yet nobody wants to talk about the black on black murder rate. Hope you libs have a good day !!

You don't know WHY Chicago's had only Democratic mayors since then, do ya?

Virtually EVERY city has had Democratic city government in that era. Put simply --- Democrats run cities. Old cities, new cities, poor cities, rich cities. eastern, western, midwestern and southern cities. Everywhere.

And running a city -- ordering the snowplows to roll, or setting what day your neighborhood gets its trash picked up -- has nothing to do with "libs" or "Democrats" (which are two different things) or Republicans or "left" or "right".

The last Republican Chicago mayor, Big Bill Thompson, got voted out. Apparently the residents weren't real happy with his cozy relationship with Al Capone. Go figure.
Chicago has been complaining about the state of their city for years, yet they keep electing the same kind of people. I wonder why that is....

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