Chicago Is a Third World Country

I have two nephews that are moving out of Chicago to TN this year.
They are in the Algonquin area, which is low crime, but are moving like sooo many other people for economic reasons. The one makes $31/hr now, the job he is going to in a couple months in TN is basically the same job but only pays $24/hr. But in Knoxville, away from the madness of driving/living in such a big city. His rent will be $400 less a month. Works only a few minutes away from his job instead of 30 minutes on freeways. Etc.
Most of my large family have already moved out of New York (long Island). Those still there can't wait for retirement (soon) and are already making plans to join the rest of us in North Carolina and Florida.
Most of my large family have already moved out of New York (long Island). Those still there can't wait for retirement (soon) and are already making plans to join the rest of us in North Carolina and Florida.
You'll just turn Florida into a New York.
There's lots of third world here in america. Not just our big cities. Drive thru West Virginia ...that's third world too.
Yeah, that historically has been the "third world" of the US, nothing new here. What is new is that it has spread to historically wealthy areas of the country--that IS new. Who do we thank--democrat politicians and lazy commies.
Yeah, that historically has been the "third world" of the US, nothing new here. What is new is that it has spread to historically wealthy areas of the country--that IS new. Who do we thank--democrat politicians and lazy commies.
Chicago has never been a wealthy area. Most of our big cities have always resembled less than nice places to live. I would never live in a city and would never live in a lazy wealthy entitled place. I don't subscribe to the same ideals of the wealthy.

Just Chitcago????

Hate to break it to you folks....

But the USA is by definition a FAILED STATE.

failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries. The governing capacity of a failed state is attenuated such that it is unable to fulfill the administrative and organizational tasks required to control people and resources and can provide only minimal public services. Its citizens no longer believe that their government is legitimate, and the state becomes illegitimate in the eyes of the international community.

We have a "government" that infested with "people", elected, employed and appointed who are clearly engaged in nullifying US Sovereignty and forcing our nation into subservience as a vasal state of a global soviet collective. They deliberately undermine the judicial system to increase criminal behavior, release repeat violent felons into society and persecute citizens for defending themselves as a result. They not only fail to protect our borders they litigate against every attempt to do so at any level. The public services it provides are piss poor as a rule, inefficient, and generally held in contempt by those forced to pay for and/or use these "services".

A failed state is composed of feeble and flawed institutions. Often, the executive barely functions,

Our potato BARELY FUNCTIONS, there is no ignoring that. The Office of POTUS is currently for all intents and purposes occupied by enemy lobbyists.

while the legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional independence. A failed state suffers from crumbling infrastructures, faltering utility supplies and educational and health facilities, and deteriorating basic human-development indicators, such as infant mortality and literacy rates. Failed states create an environment of flourishing corruption and negative growth rates, where honest economic activity cannot flourish.

We are in a behavioral sink. As witnessed by researchers in Calhoun's Mouse Utopia experiments, when there is no external stress on a population and certain factors are met, sick deviant behaviors develop which lead to massive population decline. This is why the elites are replacing ALL OF US...

Make no mistake, not just whites, not even the blacks too, but EVERYONE who has been acclimated to a sedentary easy life with high expectations. It matters not what your DNA is. They need cheap labor. They're importing it.

The dynamics leading to and compounding state failure are many and varied, including civil war, ethnic violence or genocide, and predatory government and bureaucratic behaviour. State failure comes in degrees and is often a function of both the collapse of state institutions and societal collapse. A strong state provides core guarantees to its citizens and others under its jurisdiction in the three interrelated realms of security, economics, and politics. A failed state cannot maintain a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence and minimize internal conflict. It cannot formulate or implement public policies to effectively build infrastructure and deliver services or effective and equitable economic policies. In addition, it cannot provide for the representation and political empowerment of its citizens or protect civil liberties and fundamental human rights. Thus, state failure manifests itself when a state can no longer deliver physical security, a productive economic environment, and a stable political system for its people.

Our federal government does nothing it's supposed to do with even the slightest efficiency even if it accomplishes a positive result on occasion. If it fixed a bridge, it destroyed the foundation of 10 other ones dragging the shit out there. Then spent extra billions searching for and protecting every weed and insect that might possibly be "endangered", and making sure at least half of the "contractors" are some sort of victim that pay union dues.

The only thing holding the country together is the symbiotic relationship the productive regions have and the shared patriotism of that culture. The urban bed wetter regions that contaminate the country are pretty much tolerated by those who refuse to live there, but once the final shoe drops and the economy crashes hard enough, refugees from the city might not find country folk all that hospitable anymore.

Seein' as we told ya'll so....


Just Chitcago????

Hate to break it to you folks....

But the USA is by definition a FAILED STATE.

failed state, a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system: it cannot project authority over its territory and peoples, and it cannot protect its national boundaries. The governing capacity of a failed state is attenuated such that it is unable to fulfill the administrative and organizational tasks required to control people and resources and can provide only minimal public services. Its citizens no longer believe that their government is legitimate, and the state becomes illegitimate in the eyes of the international community.

We have a "government" that infested with "people", elected, employed and appointed who are clearly engaged in nullifying US Sovereignty and forcing our nation into subservience as a vasal state of a global soviet collective. They deliberately undermine the judicial system to increase criminal behavior, release repeat violent felons into society and persecute citizens for defending themselves as a result. They not only fail to protect our borders they litigate against every attempt to do so at any level. The public services it provides are piss poor as a rule, inefficient, and generally held in contempt by those forced to p-ay for and/or use these "services".

A failed state is composed of feeble and flawed institutions. Often, the executive barely functions,

Our potato BARELY FUNCTIONS, there is no ignoring that. The Office of POTUS is currently for all intents and purposes occupied by enemy lobbyists.

while the legislature, judiciary, bureaucracy, and armed forces have lost their capacity and professional independence. A failed state suffers from crumbling infrastructures, faltering utility supplies and educational and health facilities, and deteriorating basic human-development indicators, such as infant mortality and literacy rates. Failed states create an environment of flourishing corruption and negative growth rates, where honest economic activity cannot flourish.

We are in a behavioral sink. As witnessed by researchers in Calhoun's Mouse Utopia experiments, when there is no external stress on a population and certain factors are met, sick deviant behaviors develop which lead to massive population decline. This is why the elites are replacing ALL OF US...

Make no mistake, not just whites, not even the blacks too, but EVERYONE who has been acclimated to a sedentary easy life with high expectations. It matters not what your DNA is. They need cheap labor. They're importing it.

The dynamics leading to and compounding state failure are many and varied, including civil war, ethnic violence or genocide, and predatory government and bureaucratic behaviour. State failure comes in degrees and is often a function of both the collapse of state institutions and societal collapse. A strong state provides core guarantees to its citizens and others under its jurisdiction in the three interrelated realms of security, economics, and politics. A failed state cannot maintain a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence and minimize internal conflict. It cannot formulate or implement public policies to effectively build infrastructure and deliver services or effective and equitable economic policies. In addition, it cannot provide for the representation and political empowerment of its citizens or protect civil liberties and fundamental human rights. Thus, state failure manifests itself when a state can no longer deliver physical security, a productive economic environment, and a stable political system for its people.

Our federal government does nothing it's supposed to do with even the slightest efficiency even if it accomplishes a positive result on occasion. If it fixed a bridge, it destroyed the foundation of 10 other ones dragging the shit out there. Then spent extra billions searching for and protecting every weed and insect that might possibly be "endangered", and making sure at least half of the "contractors" are some sort of victim that pay union dues.

The only thing holding the country together is the symbiotic relationship the productive regions have and the shared patriotism of that culture. The urban bed wetter regions that contaminate the country are pretty much tolerated by those who refuse to live there, but once the final shoe drops and the economy crashes hard enough, refugees from the city might not find country folk all that hospitable anymore.

Seein' as we told ya'll so....

When and where will you be moving?
Most of my large family have already moved out of New York (long Island). Those still there can't wait for retirement (soon) and are already making plans to join the rest of us in North Carolina and Florida.
NC is a good choice.
Far enough south where the winters are fairly short and mild, although, depending on where you are - the summers are cookin'.
But in NC you are close to mountains as well as the ocean.

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