Chicago Is a Third World Country

A mob of hundreds of kids took to the downtown streets last night and vandalized and terrorized the area. The city just elected a new mayor who supported defunding the police. Imagine living here by choice.

I haven't been to Chicago in about 15 years. Lived near there in the 50s and always thought it was a great town. Now, it is in the same category as NYC and SF. I'll never set foot there again.
A mob of hundreds of kids took to the downtown streets last night and vandalized and terrorized the area. The city just elected a new mayor who supported defunding the police. Imagine living here by choice.

I did the sixties in that shithole. It sucked then. I was in da good hood, South Holland, Dalton.
I hear it's pretty "spooky" now.
I saw a similar video and 20 officers were standing around and watching while the vsndalism was occuri g. The argument was that they "didn't want it to escalate". In fairness, there may be some truth and logic in this position. So, as long as it is on video the police detectives can investigate and lay charges.
Water cannons and riot police. Toss em in jail and let em rot.
Water cannons and riot police. Toss em in jail and let em rot.
Then emai the chief and ask him why he didn't employ the water cannons. Also, they couldn't spare 10 officers to go to the location and grab one by one who they could and charge them? In Toronto police budgers are at re ord highs, so is crime. If there isn"t REAL crime our covert apparatus will create some to ensure the budget increases. You understand the dillema? The've been following me around for over 30 years...what a great use of public funds...
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I haven't been to Chicago in about 15 years. Lived near there in the 50s and always thought it was a great town. Now, it is in the same category as NYC and SF. I'll never set foot there again.
I'll never set foot again in that flag waving, murderous, drug addicted, shithole "worlds first fourth world country" again. Probably won't be able much longer. It's a canary-coal mine situation or microwave popcorn=no microwave needed thang ;)
They sure kicked pron up 1000 points though. Killed the dental floss industry with it :rolleyes:. I aint complaining
Following the lead of Andrew Jackson enlisting the aid of a pirate Jean Lafitte at the battle of New Orleans, I think law enforcement should temporarily unleash an arrested mass shooter on one of these riots.
And grant mass shooters weekend furloughs in Chicago and other inner city democrat-sloth strongholds.
police ain't worth shit.
It depends on how they do their work. There are endless numbers of people who put up with their abuse of rights on them. And frankly the power police fiefdoms including the local justice departments are in control. To disagree ramps charges up pretty quickly. To not agree is disastrous to an affected citizen. however, they cannot make you forget. In many areas of the nation those who did not forget are not caring if their friends, acquaintances or relatives or themselves act out as the system is giving them the leeway to do so. In other areas not affected there are citizens slowly simmering from mistreatment.
In Canada? Couldn't be. You must be mistaken. Donald H the commie Canadian duck swears that Canada is utopia and the US is the root of all the world's problems.
Our police state has destroyed our economy and global reputation. Europe used to be our ally, now they know what type of creepy system we run. Ditto for the U.S who know longer trust us. Torontos economic might is in the trashbin. We allowed the unaccountable and plain clothed ones to destroy us.
wilding never stops..and will only get worse with forced births...thugs are not born that way but are made into thugs by non parenting and a society that doesnt give a damn
Society gives a damn. It just doesn't give a damn about them. Nor should it.
it's a Wilding

  1. the activity by a gang of youths of going on a protracted and violent rampage in a public place, attacking people at random:

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