Chicago is a war zone

Nothing will be done, because whites and blacks won't work together in order to form a real solid solution. As long as the race baiting for political power keeps on taking precedence over the needs of the people, then the killing will continue unabated.

Liberals are no help because they are weak on crime, and they make to dam many excuses for it, and Hollyweird is even weaker on helping to solve some of the pressing issues because it has become the mouth piece for liberal ideology in the nation.

You know, it would make for the appearance to any leftist that the world was coming to an end if Trump were to order a war on crime that would be sufficient in really solving the issues, because it has gone on for so long now. They (the left) would attempt to label Trump a dictator, a king, and/or whatever else they could use to try and stop him from succeeding in a war against crime in the nation.

The left is for the status quo, and don't think that they are comfortable with what has been going on, because they are.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.


The democrat party in the city has been infiltrated by the gangs.

The democrat judges let violent gun criminals out on bail, and give them light sentences, then they return to their neighborhoods and use illegal guns to kill each other and other innocents.

The left wing SJW groups have handicapped the police with policies that keep them from arresting violent criminals.

This is all on the democrat party and 80 years of complete control of the city.
The Chicago Police Department is notorious for their corruption.
Chicago has got to get tough in those neighborhoods..........they have to go in hard and force a curfew...........and seize the gangs guns .....profiling.........

They did this in New York and it worked.
Yep, and any politician that tries to stop it should be impeached and then made to serve as labor in this country for the rest of their years. No more public offices available to them.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.


The democrat party in the city has been infiltrated by the gangs.

The democrat judges let violent gun criminals out on bail, and give them light sentences, then they return to their neighborhoods and use illegal guns to kill each other and other innocents.

The left wing SJW groups have handicapped the police with policies that keep them from arresting violent criminals.

This is all on the democrat party and 80 years of complete control of the city.
The Chicago Police Department is notorious for their corruption.
That's understandable for as long as this stuff has been allowed to go on. The swamp should be cleaned there as well.
I would start with a curfew for anyone under eighteen years of age! Metal detectors in all schools with confiscation of guns and knives, I would actively invite ICE into the city and work with them and I would definitely press for strict enforcement of maximum sentencing of anyone engaged gang violence.
I don't see why ICE has anything to do with this. I am seeing that political hacks want this situation to be political.
I would start with a curfew for anyone under eighteen years of age! Metal detectors in all schools with confiscation of guns and knives, I would actively invite ICE into the city and work with them and I would definitely press for strict enforcement of maximum sentencing of anyone engaged gang violence.
I don't see why ICE has anything to do with this. I am seeing that political hacks want this situation to be political.
If you do not see it then you have no place in this conversation. Do ewe live in Chicago?
family wipe-out in C't 'tlorado! Looks like a white guy who isn't a Muslim could be the perp and the murderer of his own children!
family wipe-out in C't 'tlorado! Looks like a white guy who isn't a Muslim could be the perp and the murderer of his own children!
Are you really using the man who killed his wife and two children to JUSTIFY the 50 to 70 murders on an average Chicago weekend? Why yes. Yes, you are.

Using bad behavior to justify other bad behavior is a major loser.
family wipe-out in C't 'tlorado! Looks like a white guy who isn't a Muslim could be the perp and the murderer of his own children!
Are you really using the man who killed his wife and two children to JUSTIFY the 50 to 70 murders on an average Chicago weekend? Why yes. Yes, you are.

Using bad behavior to justify other bad behavior is a major loser.
She’s just being an asshole and gets away with it because she is a liberal. She should have been banned from the thread hours ago but we must maintain this double standard!

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