Chicago is a war zone

So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is the target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
Who demonized the black folks?
Please don't play that game -- unless intellectual dishonesty is a hobby of yours
For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
For me it's the unbelievable murder rates within the communities there. Yes race is another huge factor involved sadly enough, and the new gang culture that has developed unabated there since the days of old is another factor.

All things should be accessed properly, and the roles each attribute plays should be accessed properly, and then solutions should be agreed upon in order to stop the insanity.

Who populates these gangs? Do you know? Are the gangs named?
Not sure who they are, do you know ??

I just heard over the years that gangs are part of the problem. I watched the gangland series, and it had Chicago gangs in the documentary as well.
No, I really do not know. In big cities like LA gangs are formed by different ethnic groups and races for instance the crips, the bloods, and ms-13.
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
It’s not about race. It’s about a city that has no leadership because it runs on an ideology that has proven to fail.. It is proof that the gun laws all the far left loons want to enact don’t work. You want to make it about race.
and I created a thread asking people who feel its the liberals fault -- to offer conservative POLICIES that you feel will solve the problem

On that thread the main solutions were either more police or more punishment -- fine...

But I am hoping that some policies geared towards prevention would be a conservative idea too

I personally don't care which party wants to take credit for whichever policies work, I just want the policies to work..period
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is the target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
Who demonized the black folks?
Please don't play that game -- unless intellectual dishonesty is a hobby of yours
I don’t play games! I asked you a direct question.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.
but they don't say that whites are inherently savage -- that is the difference.
You never heard them talk about white people being serial killers and mass shooters more often than everyone else? Of course you have. The worst part is it isnt even true. At least we know that black crime is rampant. WE are talking about facts.
two thousand people there have been shot so far this year! In the latest round 23 people shot one a toddler! This was reported on Fox News! My God! What is going on?

Time for B-52s and AC-130s?

So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.
Such as?
but they don't say that whites are inherently savage -- that is the difference.
You never heard them talk about white people being serial killers and mass shooters more often than everyone else? Of course you have. The worst part is it isnt even true. At least we know that black crime is rampant. WE are talking about facts.
Whites being serial killers and mass shooters more often is a factual thing -- just like gun crimes in inner cities being black is a fact -- neither means it is a race thing..

No one is crafting policies to target white people because they tend to fit the stereotype of the feared mass shooter of serial killer

However, policies have been crafted targeting black stereotypes since this country existed...there is a difference, to pretend this isn't a fact is either privileged ignorance or flat out willful depravity
The huge problem is political correctness and the fact that the gangs, criminals, and thugs are hiding behind governments fear to confront the problem for fear of being labeled racist bullies by various groups or activist in doing so, and for trying to stop a problem that is constantly being blamed on the rich or on the whites or on the politicians or on the business class for creating the problems.

You all know that you can't formulate a solution with that many factors involved, and those factors being alligned against a poor beat down citizenry that has resorted to extreme violence in and upon their own in hopes to get the country to finally get the guts to address the situation properly.

Chicago awaits you America, but be warned that if you are labeled anything by the controlling interest within, then you fail in their minds, and the rebellion will continue.
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

This ain’t white people talking is it?

At least 40 shot and four killed in a night of Chicago gun violence
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.

......the Valentines day massacre was done with fully automatic Thompson sub machine guns.... the guys were lined up by thugs dressed up as cops......

Please, do some basic research...

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre - Wikipedia

At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 14, 1929, seven men were murdered at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street,[3][4] in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago's North Side. They were shot by four men using weapons that included two Thompson submachine guns. Two of the shooters were dressed as uniformed policemen, while the others wore suits, ties, overcoats and hats. Witnesses saw the "police" leading the other men at gunpoint out of the garage after the shooting.
I have. The massacre was carried out at the garage on North Clark Street. I believe that the German Shepherd "Highball" survived. Moran avoided it.

Still, why the phony obsession with Chicago? It's not motivated by any real concern with the lives of the people who live in Chicago. I still call this racist bullshit by monkeys living elsewhere.

I too have noticed the fixation on those who even try to mention Chicago in any way. Here you call us racist for pointing out the high murder rate in the democrat controlled city. St. Louis has a higher per capita rate, but it isn't a famous city the way Chicago is.... and, oh, by the way, you doffus.... I live in this state. You dumb ass.

The only phony concern is yours, and the phony concern the democrats have for Blacks in this country. The democrat party is the party of racism...racists of all colors flock to it because it is the party that promises government power...

Democrats have controlled the city for 80 years.... and it isn't getting better.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?

As the meme stated.... Your race card has will need to actually argue a point if you wish to continue...
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?

Hmmmm..... you really are a doofus.... first, numb nuts like you complain when I post about crime in Britain, Australia, and Canada.... now, you complain when I post about Chicago, in the state where I live...

Please, turn in your race card, it is no longer working.
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is the target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
Who demonized the black folks?
Please don't play that game -- unless intellectual dishonesty is a hobby of yours
Some fair questions - Can a group demonize themselves if so choose ?? When this happens, is it fair that others who disassociate themselves from that group, be labeled as race traitors, uncle Tom's, and whitey lovers etc ???
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
Because you have to total up the dead over a ten year period to equal the number of murders in one Chicago week end. And there is a week end every week.

What is fascinating about the Chicago war zone, aside from the weekly body count are the lengths the black community leaders go to protect the killers among them. Every suggestion of realistically dealing with the issue is racist. Give them room to destroy and kill each other as well. It's like the next blockbuster movie. We buy popcorn and watch. It's fascinating. As good as Freddie Kruger.

The politicians stop the police from arresting the gun criminals, the judges let the gun criminals out on bail and then give them light prison sentences...and the race hustlers like jesse jackson and michael pfleger blame republicans..when the democrats have contolled the city for 80 years...

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