Chicago is a war zone

It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
So the dead are just a figment of our imagination ??? So we all are just standing upon those dead bodies killed by their same race in order to attack the entire race across the country ?? Uhh you do know that no one could actually give a crap or care, and that the killing of those poor people by their own race could just be ignored by everyone, but that's not the AMERICAN WAY because when American's hurt we all hurt, and we do care. I think it's more about your embarrassment about the situation for some reason, and the shock that the race in that area is involved in such large numbers of murders within that area that is freaking you out.

Don't worry, people are smarter than you think, and they can extract the bad from the good without broad brushing a race accross the entire nation in order to get the job done.

Chicago needs a surge just like what was done in Iraq, so it might be time to bring back General Petrayus to lead the command over the operation. Hmmm.

I never said that concern for the victims of crime is unwarranted. But the level of "concern" being shown is phony and brought forth by white-trash nationalists to portray African-Americans as some sort of crime group. It's the same group of assholes who natter about "protecting women." They don't give one shit about protecting women. It's a dodge. I won't buy into it.

We have got three more dead Americans in Colorado, and one in New Mexico. Then there is Parkland. Then there are the parents of the Sandy Hook victims, who are being harassed and threatened.

You are trying to bullshit us. Ain't happenin'.
Yes there are others, but the topic is Chicago on this op, just as there were many topic's on the other's you mentioned as well. So who is bullcraping who here ??

Why are you trying to shut down a thread topic on Chicago ?? To much truth in it for you maybe ?? Why don't you agree to give Chicago the same amount of scrutiny as any other ??? You trying to hide the blatant truth about something embarrassing to you about those stats in Chicago ?? What does those stats scream at you when you hear them or read about them ??
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
So the dead are just a figment of our imagination ??? So we all are just standing upon those dead bodies killed by their same race in order to attack the entire race across the country ?? Uhh you do know that no one could actually give a crap or care, and that the killing of those poor people by their own race could just be ignored by everyone, but that's not the AMERICAN WAY because when American's hurt we all hurt, and we do care. I think it's more about your embarrassment about the situation for some reason, and the shock that the race in that area is involved in such large numbers of murders within that area that is freaking you out.

Don't worry, people are smarter than you think, and they can extract the bad from the good without broad brushing a race accross the entire nation in order to get the job done.

Chicago needs a surge just like what was done in Iraq, so it might be time to bring back General Petrayus to lead the command over the operation. Hmmm.

I never said that concern for the victims of crime is unwarranted. But the level of "concern" being shown is phony and brought forth by white-trash nationalists to portray African-Americans as some sort of crime group. It's the same group of assholes who natter about "protecting women." They don't give one shit about protecting women. It's a dodge. I won't buy into it.

We have got three more dead Americans in Colorado, and one in New Mexico. Then there is Parkland. Then there are the parents of the Sandy Hook victims, who are being harassed and threatened.

You are trying to bullshit us. Ain't happenin'.
Yes there are others, but the topic is Chicago on this op, just as there were many topic's on the other's you mentioned as well. So who is bullcraping who here ??

Why are you trying to shut down a thread topic on Chicago ?? To much truth in it for you maybe ?? Why don't you agree to give Chicago the same amount of scrutiny as any other ??? You trying to hide the blatant truth about something embarrassing to you about those stats in Chicago ?? What does those stats scream at you when you hear them or read about them ??
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
this thread is about Chicago! You have any answers about Chicago or are we to assume you are fine with what is going on there? You want me to talk about your other attempts to de rail this thread? Start new threads! I know we have double standards here and libtards are allowed a great deal of racism and leeway but not from me! Your turn.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
Could it possibly be that someone wonders why there are more murders in Chicago then the rest of those that you list? Is it even by some stretch of the imagination that other people maybe interested in why it is happening and what maybe done to bring things under control? But if someone has any motive it must be racist.
...just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
Democrats use every mass shooting as an opportunity to point to heartless republicans and their guns. Is that racial too, or does your rule about speaking about shootings "hundreds of miles away" only apply to republicans?
So a new made up rule from the racist thread de railed named lysistrata you cannot talk about any place other than where you live. Are we to assume she lives in Colorado? Maybe? See how fucked up and stupid libtards are? Or maybe she lives in Chicago And New Mexico And Colorado since her dumb stupid fucking racist ass is in here talking about them.
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In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
For me it's the unbelievable murder rates within the communities there. Yes race is another huge factor involved sadly enough, and the new gang culture that has developed unabated there since the days of old is another factor.

All things should be accessed properly, and the roles each attribute plays should be accessed properly, and then solutions should be agreed upon in order to stop the insanity.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
Because you have to total up the dead over a ten year period to equal the number of murders in one Chicago week end. And there is a week end every week.

What is fascinating about the Chicago war zone, aside from the weekly body count are the lengths the black community leaders go to protect the killers among them. Every suggestion of realistically dealing with the issue is racist. Give them room to destroy and kill each other as well. It's like the next blockbuster movie. We buy popcorn and watch. It's fascinating. As good as Freddie Kruger.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
For me it's the unbelievable murder rates within the communities there. Yes race is another huge factor involved sadly enough, and the new gang culture that has developed unabated there since the days of old is another factor.

All things should be accessed properly, and the roles each attribute plays should be accessed properly, and then solutions should be agreed upon in order to stop the insanity.

Who populates these gangs? Do you know? Are the gangs named?
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.
It sounds like you only want to talk about white shooters. Even in this thread about Chicagos black gangs, you refuse to talk about these crimes. Why dont you want to talk about black shooters too? Obviously because youre a racist.
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is the target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
For me it's the unbelievable murder rates within the communities there. Yes race is another huge factor involved sadly enough, and the new gang culture that has developed unabated there since the days of old is another factor.

All things should be accessed properly, and the roles each attribute plays should be accessed properly, and then solutions should be agreed upon in order to stop the insanity.

Who populates these gangs? Do you know? Are the gangs named?
There are more than 90 active Chicago gangs. They all have names.

Notorious Street Gangs | Chicago Gang History
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
For me it's the unbelievable murder rates within the communities there. Yes race is another huge factor involved sadly enough, and the new gang culture that has developed unabated there since the days of old is another factor.

All things should be accessed properly, and the roles each attribute plays should be accessed properly, and then solutions should be agreed upon in order to stop the insanity.

Who populates these gangs? Do you know? Are the gangs named?
Blacks are inferior, we get it -- and therefore, there is only one solution

A final solution for these types of "blacks" -- there are a few good blacks across the country, this final solution doesn't apply to them
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
Where do YOU live, and what is Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado to YOU?
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
For being off topic witch!
Sorry you can't take it. Again, where do you live and what is Chicago to you? Three dead in Colorado and another dead in New Mexico, as well as Sandy Hook, Parkland, Aurora, Colorado. You do not seem very interested. What is it about the city of Chicago that fascinates you?
For me it's the unbelievable murder rates within the communities there. Yes race is another huge factor involved sadly enough, and the new gang culture that has developed unabated there since the days of old is another factor.

All things should be accessed properly, and the roles each attribute plays should be accessed properly, and then solutions should be agreed upon in order to stop the insanity.

Who populates these gangs? Do you know? Are the gangs named?
Not sure who they are, do you know ??

I just heard over the years that gangs are part of the problem. I watched the gangland series, and it had Chicago gangs in the documentary as well.
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is the target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
Who demonized the black folks?
...just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
Democrats use every mass shooting as an opportunity to point to heartless republicans and their guns. Is that racial too, or does your rule about speaking about shootings "hundreds of miles away" only apply to republicans?
but they don't say that whites are inherently savage -- that is the difference.

Whites don't have to worry about being unfairly targeted or feel they need to explain themselves because so many white guys are mass murderers

In fact, white get to say "its mental illness" or "he was a liberal" and presto- they are off the hook culturally, racially

Meanwhile, every black person in America is help responsible for gun crimes that involve black victims, their culture is blamed, their race is blamed, etc

The victims of the opioid crisis and the violence that goes along with it (yes, meth dealers and users kill each other too) are predominately white -- but NO ONE ever claims it is their addiction is due to their culture or race -- and we often show these folks compassion -- when those who were effected by the crack crisis, no such compassion
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
It’s not about race. It’s about a city that has no leadership because it runs on an ideology that has proven to fail.. It is proof that the gun laws all the far left loons want to enact don’t work. You want to make it about race.

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