Chicago is a war zone

What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
-------------------------------------------- its the 'muslims' but you 'eurotypes call them 'asians' that run the muslim grooming and rape gangs Lysis . -------------------- see the info reported in your foreign 'euro type' newspapers or do a seach for info on 'muslim grooming gangs' in England , uk . or Britain Lysis .

What is this "euro type" thing about? Is this the same thing as the "cuck" thing and the rest of the crap like "virtue signalling"? If you have access to the BBC, which you do since you are online, you would know that the the UK and the US have similar problems with sexual assault and grooming. Are you aware that in many states in the U.S.A. adult people are allowed to "marry" 12 and 13-year olds? Prison is their due.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
Do you know where the daughters were found? Go look it up. We will wait.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
Do you know where the daughters were found? Go look it up. We will wait.
----------------------------------------------- its pretty horrendous , --- Colorado girls' bodies were submerged in crude oil 4 days, documents reveal --- problem is that the guy will probably be deemed as being insane [so what] and then highly paid 'doktors' and maybe Taxpayer paid lawyers will try to get him off and he'll be housed FOREVER at taxpayer expense Willow .
I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
-------------------------------------------- its the 'muslims' but you 'eurotypes call them 'asians' that run the muslim grooming and rape gangs Lysis . -------------------- see the info reported in your foreign 'euro type' newspapers or do a seach for info on 'muslim grooming gangs' in England , uk . or Britain Lysis .

What is this "euro type" thing about? Is this the same thing as the "cuck" thing and the rest of the crap like "virtue signalling"? If you have access to the BBC, which you do since you are online, you would know that the the UK and the US have similar problems with sexual assault and grooming. Are you aware that in many states in the U.S.A. adult people are allowed to "marry" 12 and 13-year olds? Prison is their due.
-------------------------------------------- 'euro' or 'euro type' is a simple but nice polite way to draw attention to the fact that YOU ain't American and never will be Lysis .
WTF? Born and raised here. My parents were born and raised here. My family fought the Axis powers in WWII. I AM AN AMERICAN, and you trash cannot deny my nationality. You white trash are not qualified or entitled to say who is a member of our great nation. You probably are some Texas trash. Go screw your cattle.

Actually, they can and will say that stuff. And will continue to btw. Sorry but the white folks are fine with black people but dont give two shits about the gangsta's. Those type are a ball and chain on society so for sure the attitude is, "Fuck them!". Yep....isnt gonna change either so.....:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Every society that has ever existed has this contingent of folks that are methodically marginalized simply because they are born into fuckedupedness and will always be there. Might as well be a colony of lepers.
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two thousand people there have been shot so far this year! In the latest round 23 people shot one a toddler! This was reported on Fox News! My God! What is going on?

Democrats turn everything they touch to crap..... the democrats have been in control of Chicago since 1931.......

The gangs are in bed with the democrat politicians.

The judges used to be defense attorneys and allow bail for violent gun offenders and give less than 3 years for violent gun crimes.....

Generations of teenage girls have raised young males without fathers.

It isn't guns in the hands of law abiding citizens... it is democrat policies taking root...
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.

And you don't know what you are talking about. You talk out of your ass and act like you posted something profound.

The gangs aren't using rapid fire weapons, you moron...... the problem is that the gangs are controlling the politicians, and the judges are letting violent gun criminals out of jail and back on the streets over and over again.
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
Blacks killing blacks is racist?
That’s the thing! I never even mentioned race! Here’s what I wonder why dosen’t the left want to talk about Chicago? Every time it is mentioned they start with the hate and race cards! So maybe, just maybe they approve of all the murders in Chicago? It’s unfathomable.

The democrats don't care about Black Americans...except for one day every two years when they need them to vote democrats more power..... that day they care.
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.

......the Valentines day massacre was done with fully automatic Thompson sub machine guns.... the guys were lined up by thugs dressed up as cops......

Please, do some basic research...

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre - Wikipedia

At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 14, 1929, seven men were murdered at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street,[3][4] in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago's North Side. They were shot by four men using weapons that included two Thompson submachine guns. Two of the shooters were dressed as uniformed policemen, while the others wore suits, ties, overcoats and hats. Witnesses saw the "police" leading the other men at gunpoint out of the garage after the shooting.
two thousand people there have been shot so far this year! In the latest round 23 people shot one a toddler! This was reported on Fox News! My God! What is going on?
Blacks and liberal policies -- both should be declared illegal and against America
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.

......the Valentines day massacre was done with fully automatic Thompson sub machine guns.... the guys were lined up by thugs dressed up as cops......

Please, do some basic research...

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre - Wikipedia

At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 14, 1929, seven men were murdered at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street,[3][4] in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago's North Side. They were shot by four men using weapons that included two Thompson submachine guns. Two of the shooters were dressed as uniformed policemen, while the others wore suits, ties, overcoats and hats. Witnesses saw the "police" leading the other men at gunpoint out of the garage after the shooting.
I have. The massacre was carried out at the garage on North Clark Street. I believe that the German Shepherd "Highball" survived. Moran avoided it.

Still, why the phony obsession with Chicago? It's not motivated by any real concern with the lives of the people who live in Chicago. I still call this racist bullshit by monkeys living elsewhere.
25 posts have been cleaned from this thread before I gave up. Either because they were completely off topic or personal flamining and attacking without topical content. The topic is the violent crime rate in Chicago, that can involve race if you feel it is tied to crime, Chicago’s criminal history, politics and other factors as it relates to Chicago’s crime rate etc.

Further violations may resort in more extreme measures.
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.

......the Valentines day massacre was done with fully automatic Thompson sub machine guns.... the guys were lined up by thugs dressed up as cops......

Please, do some basic research...

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre - Wikipedia

At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 14, 1929, seven men were murdered at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street,[3][4] in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago's North Side. They were shot by four men using weapons that included two Thompson submachine guns. Two of the shooters were dressed as uniformed policemen, while the others wore suits, ties, overcoats and hats. Witnesses saw the "police" leading the other men at gunpoint out of the garage after the shooting.
Seven deaths isn't even a day in Chicago. Today's thugs consider seven dead a peace march.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
Do you know where the daughters were found? Go look it up. We will wait.
----------------------------------------------- its pretty horrendous , --- Colorado girls' bodies were submerged in crude oil 4 days, documents reveal --- problem is that the guy will probably be deemed as being insane [so what] and then highly paid 'doktors' and maybe Taxpayer paid lawyers will try to get him off and he'll be housed FOREVER at taxpayer expense Willow .
I looked it up. Colorado has the death penalty and they should use it in this case! Now, I wonder if Illinois has a death penalty? Oh! That right.........Chicago.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
So the dead are just a figment of our imagination ??? So we all are just standing upon those dead bodies killed by their same race in order to attack the entire race across the country ?? Uhh you do know that no one could actually give a crap or care, and that the killing of those poor people by their own race could just be ignored by everyone, but that's not the AMERICAN WAY because when American's hurt we all hurt, and we do care. I think it's more about your embarrassment about the situation for some reason, and the shock that the race in that area is involved in such large numbers of murders within that area that is freaking you out.

Don't worry, people are smarter than you think, and they can extract the bad from the good without broad brushing a race accross the entire nation in order to get the job done.

Chicago needs a surge just like what was done in Iraq, so it might be time to bring back General Petrayus to lead the command over the operation. Hmmm.

I never said that concern for the victims of crime is unwarranted. But the level of "concern" being shown is phony and brought forth by white-trash nationalists to portray African-Americans as some sort of crime group. It's the same group of assholes who natter about "protecting women." They don't give one shit about protecting women. It's a dodge. I won't buy into it.

We have got three more dead Americans in Colorado, and one in New Mexico. Then there is Parkland. Then there are the parents of the Sandy Hook victims, who are being harassed and threatened.

You are trying to bullshit us. Ain't happenin'.
Go start a thread somewhere about whites not caring about black people. I am sure you can gather a choir. This thread is about the murder rate and shootings in Chicago.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.
In fact I think Lysistra should be locked out of this thread for constantly trying to derail it.

For pointing out the phoniness of it? The racist element pretending concern about people that they don't have a thimble-full of concern about?
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.
How do you know the intentions are racist? CNN tell you that?
Did you not know racism is the one sure thing that you can not defend against? At least that is the hope. If you have nothing else you claim race, racism, or racist. Blacks can not be racist because of white supremacy.

The fact that if you wanted to point out that the tommy guns that were used in the Saint Valintine day massacre were fully automatic and not allowed under modern law because they shoot more bullets and that the real reason that they were lined up against a wall is so that they were unable to shot back, would of course be met with cries of racism.
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.
How do you know the intentions are racist? CNN tell you that?
Did you not know racism is the one sure thing that you can not defend against? At least that is the hope. If you have nothing else you claim race, racism, or racist. Blacks can not be racist because of white supremacy.

The fact that if you wanted to point out that the tommy guns that were used in the Saint Valintine day massacre were fully automatic and not allowed under modern law because they shoot more bullets and that the real reason that they were lined up against a wall is so that they were unable to shot back, would of course be met with cries of racism.
That makes the accusers the racists. And I am continually amazed at the plucking double standards on display!
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.
How do you know the intentions are racist? CNN tell you that?
Did you not know racism is the one sure thing that you can not defend against? At least that is the hope. If you have nothing else you claim race, racism, or racist. Blacks can not be racist because of white supremacy.

The fact that if you wanted to point out that the tommy guns that were used in the Saint Valintine day massacre were fully automatic and not allowed under modern law because they shoot more bullets and that the real reason that they were lined up against a wall is so that they were unable to shot back, would of course be met with cries of racism.
They think every fucking thing is racist and they are full of shit to boot.

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