Chicago is a war zone

What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
well it is
blacks murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
at one time it was over 8 times
Chicago represents a Democratic Party Utopia, their pride and joy, their flaccid political policies in action, decades of phenomenal success all Democrats take great pride in.
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What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.
How do you know that the folks who died were black?
So, so far, from the left we are told that if white people talk about the tremendous murder rate in Chicago it’s racist? Do we have that shit right?
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
14 hours in Chicago: 25 people shot, including 3-year-old boy

In a span of about 14 hours between Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning, 25 people were shot in Chicago, including a 3-year-old boy who was among seven wounded in a single attack.

One person was killed in a shooting attack — a 27-year-old man shot in the chest and arm just before 3 p.m. Friday on the South Side, Chicago police said.
It's what happens when you have political correctness gone off the rails, and the acceptance of the anything goes crowd to the point of insanity.

There are pocket examples of Chicago sprawled out all over this country now, and if not careful it can get way worse than what it is already. The pampering of groups by allowing excuses for them in anything they do (as not to offend them), has reached a fever pitch in this nation, and Chicago is one example of that ridiculous thinking placed on steroids.

You would think that the good citizens in the place would cry out so loud that their cries couldn't be ignored, and if their cries are that loud, then why are they falling on deaf ears ??? Who is in control of Chicago ??? Demon-crat's or Republican's ?????

If it is Demon-crats in control, then why the cover up when nothing is done to seize the guns, arrest the gangs, begin a zero tolerance policy, and restart the economy by attracting investors etc ????

Some say good let'em kill each other, but it would be better to save the innocent who are caught up in the killing than to just let them die like that. A RESTORE HOPE policy should begin immediately to take back the streets of Chicago, and any resistance will be met with a strong resolve is the way it ought to go.

You mean we could clean up the streets of Iraq, and stop an insurgency from hell, but we can't fix Chicago or beyond ???? Pathetic.

Any politician standing in the way of fixing these things should be impeched, arrested, and upon their release they should never be allowed to hold public office again.

Get the bad guy's guns sure, but leave the good guy's guns alone.

When will the country awaken from the trance it has been put into by the Demon-crats ways of thinking ????

Gang intimidation - unexceptable

Gang violence - unexceptable

Murder - unexceptable

Besieging a major American city - unexceptable

Guns in the hands of gangs and criminals - unexceptable.
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Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?

Do you know what the topic of the thread is yet?
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.
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Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Ok, so you've named some members of groups or belief systems in your post, but why protect another groups members or belief systems from being named if the group within an area is being tainted because a majority of it's members in the group is killing people, and attempting to run something under the cover of a groups special status or protection given it by the government of this United States ???

Everyone knows, before you get into your ranting about this way of thinking being somehow an attack on an entire group of people when it is not, especially after I noted "a group within an area" or "the bad guy's are using a race or groups special status and/or protection given it", in order to shield them from being separated from that groups status and protections, and then arrested for their crimes without brushing the whole group or race as somehow being one.

It is best to self separate from people who would use people's good standings to do evil with those standings, and all in order to gain access with it or to be shielded by it.

Enough is enough, and it's time to stop the mass killing, and then to continue to work it down to a number that is not a threat anymore to huge chunks of society any longer.
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What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
" My God! What is going on? "

Doesn't your Orange Tang POTUS have an answer for that?
----------------------------------- i think that fixing the problem starts with the 'dem' mayor as he can request help from the Good President Trump but the first steps are up to the 'dem' mayor and friend of 'mrobama' Erin .
Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.

I read what you have posted, and understand what you are trying to say. I simply stated that your position was intellectually vapid; which means your argument was so convoluted and misdirected, it would be near impossible to point out all the unrealistic correlations, tenuous accusations, faulty conclusions, and irrational projections supported by outright discrepancies in your own thoughts, contained therein. Put bluntly, I would attempt to explain my position further, but would probably have better luck getting my point across to a rock.
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
Well, you got another think coming don’tya?
What is this obsession with Chicago? Unfortunately it's always been a place where gangs operate. What is different is the rise of faster rapid-fire weapons that just spray bullets all over the place. At the St. Valentine's Day massacre, the shooters had to line their victims up against a wall first.

But just what is this fascination with Chicago by people living hundreds or thousands of miles away? Frankly, I think it's racial.
It’s not even six AM here and the left played the race card! Brainless tart!

So making an observation that this Chicago obsession is being pushed by people with racist intentions is playing "the race card." How nice. Yes, I think this stuff is coming out of the white nationalist movement. It simply doesn't pass the sniff test. All of this "concern" with the lives of black folks. Like you all care. It's bullshit.

I think they meant your idea no one should care because they shouldn't expect any different from the darkies, and it's the gun's fault, then try to blame it on racism, is about the most stupid and intellectually vapid thing someone could possibly post.

Nope. I merely stated that I think all of these constant threads about Chicago are race-based, and meant to emphasize crimes committed by blacks as opposed to whites for the purpose of promoting white nationalism. It's being pushed by the same people who are pushing the idea that the only rapists in Britain are of Pakistani/Muslim heritage. These rats need to be sorted out and exposed.
So the dead are just a figment of our imagination ??? So we all are just standing upon those dead bodies killed by their same race in order to attack the entire race across the country ?? Uhh you do know that no one could actually give a crap or care, and that the killing of those poor people by their own race could just be ignored by everyone, but that's not the AMERICAN WAY because when American's hurt we all hurt, and we do care. I think it's more about your embarrassment about the situation for some reason, and the shock that the race in that area is involved in such large numbers of murders within that area that is freaking you out.

Don't worry, people are smarter than you think, and they can extract the bad from the good without broad brushing a race accross the entire nation in order to get the job done.

Chicago needs a surge just like what was done in Iraq, so it might be time to bring back General Petrayus to lead the command over the operation. Hmmm.

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