Chicago is a war zone

So if this city has been run by democrats for 80 years why is the conservative at fault? Just wondering.
Whites being serial killers and mass shooters more often is a factual thing
Wow, it took you about 2 seconds to jump on that racist stereotype. No, its not true at all. White people dont do these things anymore than any other race. In fact, when it comes to mass shootings, the numbers of white mass shooters are below their population percentage, which means other races are committing more mass shootings per capita.

"There have been at least 184 mass public shootings in the U.S. since 1900, including the Las Vegas attack," Duwe said. "Among these mass public shooters, non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent, which is close to what we see for the U.S. population in general."

Do white males account for a majority of mass shootings?

What about serial killers? Nope, youre wrong there too.

"The racial diversity of serial killers generally mirrors that of the overall U.S. population"

Serial Killer Myth #6: They Are All White.
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Rahm Emmanuel spoke the truth about the black culture, and he's getting trashed for it. Exploitation of black people has come home to roost.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.


The democrat party in the city has been infiltrated by the gangs.

The democrat judges let violent gun criminals out on bail, and give them light sentences, then they return to their neighborhoods and use illegal guns to kill each other and other innocents.

The left wing SJW groups have handicapped the police with policies that keep them from arresting violent criminals.

This is all on the democrat party and 80 years of complete control of the city.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.
The irony of this statement is hilarious.

C-Clayton says - - Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

Poverty in the 1930's

So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.
Meanwhile, back in Colorado, the bodies of a pregnant woman and daughters, aged 4 and 3, have been found. The people so interested in Chicago don't seem to be overly excited about this. The husband/father is being held in custody. Yet another disgusting family wipe-out.
We talked endlessly about it too. And we talked about the conclave in New Mexico, the bones of a dead, kid, the terrorist activities and guess what? Some dumbass on the left decided it was racist!
What I am talking about is that I perceive a movement, made possible by the internet, to emphasize before the public any crimes committed by members of one particular group, with no coverage of crimes committed by people outside of that group, for the purpose of generating hatred and fear of a particular demographic group.

If we want to talk about crime, let's talk about it. And not in the style of some idiot like alex jones, who denies that the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary ever took place, with the grieving parents still receiving threats and harassment from unknown persons, or the idiots who continue to deny that people of the Jewish faith were slaughtered in camps built as death factories.

Members of a radical crazed Islamic cult took the life of that boy in New Mexico. Crazed members of Christian cults have taken the lives of others, such as Eric Rudolph and the guy executed in Florida for murdering an ob/gyn. Koresh, the child rapist?
Go start a thread about Alex Jones. This thread is about the war zone that is Chicago!
The thread premise is a lie, and yet another example of how dishonest most conservatives are.

Chicago is not a ‘war zone’ – the notion is nothing more than ridiculous rightwing demagoguery.

And the thread premise demonstrates just how reprehensible most conservatives are, seeking to exploit human suffering for some perceived partisan gain.

The problem of gun violence in Chicago is complex, its causes varied – there is no one contributing factor, and no one simple solution.

Certain facts can be acknowledged, however, to counter rightwing lies on the topic:

Gun violence in Chicago is not the consequence of the City’s firearm regulatory measures.

Gun violence in Chicago does not mean the City’s firearm regulatory measures have ‘failed,’ or are otherwise ‘unwarranted.’

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure of law enforcement.

Gun violence in Chicago is not a failure on the part of the City’s political leaders.

And gun violence in Chicago has nothing to do with the political affiliation of the City’s political leaders.

Indeed, many of the contributing factors with regard to gun violence in Chicago exist outside of the City’s jurisdiction and purview, political factors completely removed from the control of the City’s government; factors long ignored by the right, conservative policies which have only exacerbated the problem.
What a stinking pile of BS. Time for democrats to grow up and accept responsibility.
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.

The question is why?
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.

The question is why?

Democrats have worked hard to get black voters to believe Republicans are racist because, they need their votes to survive. They believe that if they are critical of black people in even the smallest way, their house of cards will come crashing down.
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So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.

It is why you see so many blacks who are saying that they are leaving the Demon-crat plantation. Enough of the indoctrination of the poor in this nation for votes.... Then the death clinics are placed in the poverty stricken areas to control the uncontrolled tendency for the poor to lose themselves in sex.... The poor use sex to escape the tragedies of being poor, although the consequences of this action shows up in the form of babies.... Sadly the poverty stricken don't want afterwards.

So to clean this problem up, the Demon-crat's glorify abortions and normalize killing the unborn.

On and on it goes, and then government provides freely the tools to further the destruction, so on and on and on it all goes.
The city with those kinds of stats should be locked down, curfews inacted, and possibly Marshall law initiated until the city is under control meaning the killing has completely stopped. Once this has happened, and solid solutions are under way, then the eyes should be turned onto other areas that might need the same approach.

Once the cities are stablized, then a return to normalcy can be reinstated, and the freedoms can be restored.
Political correctness and frivolous gun laws... you get Chicago
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.

Your comment about Chicago being a "Democrat city" says it all. Your phony "concern" is entirely political, and yes, racist. I am sure that the citizens of Chicago are concerned, as are we all about crimes and murders.
I would start with a curfew for anyone under eighteen years of age! Metal detectors in all schools with confiscation of guns and knives, I would actively invite ICE into the city and work with them and I would definitely press for strict enforcement of maximum sentencing of anyone engaged gang violence.
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.

Your comment about Chicago being a "Democrat city" says it all. Your phony "concern" is entirely political, and yes, racist. I am sure that the citizens of Chicago are concerned, as are we all about crimes and murders.

It doesn’y Say a damn thing except Chicago is under Democrat control and has been for 80 years! Which is curious because Democrats are the big “gun control” advocates!
So far some possible solutions to stem the tide of gun crimes in Chicago is increased use of the death penalty, or in the state of Illinois -- reinstatement of the death penalty -- again, I am fine with this as soon as you death penalty cheerleaders agree that the justice system needs to be reformed.

The reason why this incessant thirst for trying to demonize a whole racial demographic exists is because when facts arise that this group is target of racial bias in the way sentences are handed out -- people shrug their shoulders and say --"well who cares, they deserve it more than the rest of "us".."

I also feel increased COMMUNITY policing will help -- but the main solution that will do the best good is socio-economical in nature along with more fathers or at the very least more hands on male mentorship in these communities -- and it doesn't have to be government funded either

Its already happening, but this problem is so immense, it will take more of it -- but for some, simply demonizing black folks as savages is solution enough -- then they wonder why they have such a hard time appealing to the same voting block that they demonize so much??
The problem here is not male mentorship because the black males are violent gang members who certainly do mentor the younger gang members. They just mentor them into being gang members.
That is not mentorship -- mentorship is about more young males in their early ages having positive male figures in their life instead of that vacuum being filled by those who are gang members

When most of these kids are talked to -- they often refer to their gang as their family, because most of them come from very broken families -- caused in part by liberal policies and also by Reaganomics -- when you decimate the middle class, its a lot harder for families to remain a unit

There is also a level of self hate that plays a factor into it -- not many of these folks value their life because they never felt they mattered -- in fact, it is common for poor people in general, but especially poor blacks to feel they have no value, so its logical to see how they don't value each other

However, if this was a "racial" thing -- that would mean upscale and middle class black neighborhoods would also be rampant with violence, they are not...which tells me this is more complicated than just saying "blacks are savages"

Big factors here, but violence is never the answers. The pulling together in order to rise up out of it all is the answers.

The idled mind is another factor involved, and then we have the bad elements within our higher institutions glorifying gang culture, and every other bad that inturn seeps into the idled minds, and ultimately corrupts them in a fatal way.

The problem is this is a Democrat city, but Democrats refuse to address the issue and when Republicans bring it up, they call them racists. They are doing everything in their power to ensure that this issue cannot be resolved.

Your comment about Chicago being a "Democrat city" says it all. Your phony "concern" is entirely political, and yes, racist. I am sure that the citizens of Chicago are concerned, as are we all about crimes and murders.

Nah, my statement was true, and just as i said, you consider any discussion of black crime "racism", but the truth is you dont want to discuss rampant black crime because of YOUR politics and racism.
Chicago has got to get tough in those neighborhoods..........they have to go in hard and force a curfew...........and seize the gangs guns .....profiling.........

They did this in New York and it worked.

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