Chicago Mayor - Brandon Johnson pulls an upset?

Are we supposed to feel sorry for the white liberal that lost?

Chicago is a Dem shit hole and always will be until Kingdom come.

Good for Chicago, they get what they deserve. Another worthless leftwing stooge who will let loose criminals and make the city even worse.
Perhaps all the good people will move to Florida and Texas and leave Chicago to the criminals.

If you do decide to move leave your Democratic Party behind when you do. Don’t turn the area you move to into a stinking sewer.
Chicago has a lot of jobs and a huge city to offer
Yet the fragility is there as we see with the citizens. Ready to be set off while setting the bar on crimes endlessly higher. The NFL team needs to consider this. Aggravation with rioters is a real possibility as the norm. A safer area even if Prog outside the city should be a priority.
Like anywhere else people flee to the Burbs the second they can afford to. Lots of nice little enclaves here and there, particularly in the north and west. You can actually find paved streets with no bodies lying around.
Like anywhere else people flee to the Burbs the second they can afford to. Lots of nice little enclaves here and there, particularly in the north and west. You can actually find paved streets with no bodies lying around.
Yes N and NW subs have a ton of multi millionaires

The white hating , anti police and cop hating POS is the new mayor

The blacks in chicago just voted to supercharge the death and destruction of their children……..

It is a sad, sad day for these children who will now end up in crime and poverty because their parents…..single mothers and absent fathers voted for the democrat party…..the party of evil and decay……,
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

Not quite…the new boss is a super charged version of the leftist democrat…….callas would have continued the destruction but at a much slower, incompetent pace….this guy? He is a 100% commited, anti-American Marxist….determined to destroy Chicago…
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Eh whatever if the people of Chicago don't care no reason why anyone esle should.

Not true………leftism is a cancer…….and Chicago elects Presidents……..Democrat presidents have spread the cancer throughout the entir country…..
Like anywhere else people flee to the Burbs the second they can afford to. Lots of nice little enclaves here and there, particularly in the north and west. You can actually find paved streets with no bodies lying around.

Not true anymore….the democrat party cancer is spreading……..Dupage county…once a haven of normalcy is now left wing….Naperville, a wealthy, conservative town is now under control of the democrats……they have a wonderful area known as the River Walk……where people from all over go to enjoy their day..l.the democrats now want to put section 8 housing right in the middle of the business district…and right in the middle of the river walk………so now gang bangers from the city will set up shop in the middle of one of the formerly best places to live in Illinois…..

On top of that…..the schools in Naperville used to be excellent……now they are seeing only 60% of the students passing basic skills……the democrats are wrecking everything in their path….…..

the democrat party evil is spreading faster and faster……,,,,,no where is safe….
Are we supposed to feel sorry for the white liberal that lost?

Chicago is a Dem shit hole and always will be until Kingdom come.

Good for Chicago, they get what they deserve. Another worthless leftwing stooge who will let loose criminals and make the city even worse.
You should feel sorry for the people of chicago even though they did it to themselves

Btw: I seriously doubt if the white liberal would have been any better than the black guy

There were no good choices in the liberal loony bin called chicago
You should feel sorry for the people of chicago even though they did it to themselves

Btw: I seriously doubt if the white liberal would have been any better than the black guy

There were no good choices in the liberal loony bin called chicago

No…vallas is just as bad……he would have simply slow walked the destruction……lljohnson is going to supercharge it……..

If you live in Illinois….do not go into chicago for any reason… is now a Purge City……l.the cops can’t, and now won’t, protect you…they have their own families to keep safe….and arresting violent criminals is now a career ender for cops……
If you thought Chicago had a cop problem before… haven’t seen anything yet…….last time I was in the city I spoke to young police officers around Wrigley field during a cubs game……they stated that cops are fleeing the city for the suburbs and out of state and that rookie cops…….have the golden ticket…they have been through the Chicago police academy and as soon as they put in their rookie time, they can apply anywhere ………. So Red states will have the best cops Chicago has to offer….

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