Chicago Mayor - Brandon Johnson pulls an upset?

Someone call engineering, the EMH is malfunctioning again.

Actually, the same moralists who insisted on prohibition gave us the war on drugs. Because people just don't learn.

Nope. Trump Plague caused people to lose their jobs and have a much higher anxiety level.
Trump recession made a lot of people already living on the fringes desperate.
Trump Riots happened because instead of pushing for Police Reforms like Obama did, Trump encouraged police misconduct.


When confronted with the loss of his job, his salary, his prestige and his fame, Harry Anslinger cooked up another reason to exist... marijuana... once again using taxpayer money to produce profoundly untrue bullshit.... so that SUBS could parrot it and support it, and did.

And this is the eternal "conflict of interest" of government. If government solves the problem, it needs NO MORE FUNDING. If it deliberately fails or cooks up a fake problem, IT GETS MORE MONEY, which is why it ALWAYS DOES THE LATTER...

In the ’30s, Harry J. Anslinger — unrepentant racist and massive square — became the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.

For reasons almost all related to bigotry, ambition, and an intense hatred of jazz (he referred to it as “the satanic music of Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers that results from marijuana usage”), Anslinger soon embarked upon a lifelong crusade to criminalize cannabis.**

Good lord, there are types of music that really suck, the "new country" being one, but WOW...

If you do not like a certain type of music, DO NOT LISTEN TO IT... CHANGE THE RADIO DIAL... Do not wreck all of South and Central America and pack our prisons with harmless people who smoke weed...
Someone call engineering, the EMH is malfunctioning again.

Actually, the same moralists who insisted on prohibition gave us the war on drugs. Because people just don't learn.

Nope. Trump Plague caused people to lose their jobs and have a much higher anxiety level.
Trump recession made a lot of people already living on the fringes desperate.
Trump Riots happened because instead of pushing for Police Reforms like Obama did, Trump encouraged police misconduct.
It was you lefties who locked down the country, not Trump. If you remember, Illinois is a blue state. There are plenty of jobs available now and have been for a while but these people would rather be criminals than work and progressive policies let these people right back out over and over and over again, sometimes on zero bail. What do you think is going to happen? Blacks commit 50% of the crimes but you let them right back out on the street to commit more because of social injustice crap. You reap what you sow.
And we can also have a balanced budget with tax increases for the wealthy and corporations and a decrease in defense spending.
We could. If you don't mind Xi and Putin running rampant because they don't fear us and business slowing down because it's too expensive to do business here.

Why go out and make money if the government takes it all? Dammit, dude, you are going to turn me back into a conservative with this level of crazy.

Who says I agree with the premise that we need to be spending as much as we did in the cold war?
Well, you don't. People who know military stuff know we aren't anywhere near meeting our obligations. China could invade Taiwan and there isn't much we could do to stop them.

We should have universal Healthcare in this country but we should absolutely, at a minimum, cover healthcare costs for our veterans.
I agree we need universal health care... but not the way that it is being sold now.

So now it has nothing to do with being too extreme, they lost a 1,000 seats around the country because they were in power and thats supposed to happen.
Yes, it's the problem of having off year elections where the opposition is more motivated than you are. We'd have more clarity if we simply had one election for everything every four years. But our system is our system.

Trump didn't become extreme during his first term, he was extreme before he even ran. He was the guy swearing he had investigators down in Hawaii with proof that Obama was a secret Kenyan muslim.

Yes, that was pretty crazy. He also struck a chord with people who are tried of the two-party system of perpetual gridlock.

Those ignorant fucks (the voters) have no coherent ideology other than racism and bigotry. They cry all the time about globalist while tossing salad for corporations who operate.... globally. They're totally fucking clueless.

I don't disagree. But the Democrats aren't going to win them over by perpetually blaming them for things they had nothing to do with. BOTH parties are guilty of only playing to their base rather than looking to expand it. You see, there was a time that the Democrats did pretty well with the white working class. Not so much anymore, because they've forgotten how to talk to them.

Why would we even ask them this question? Just because? For shits and giggles?
Um, because it's easy to get someone to support a nice sounding thing, a lot harder to get them to support a nice sounding thing with a price tag.

Nevermind the countries that have Universal Healthcare, pay less for it than we do in our healthcare system and with better results.
Again, then that's what you need to sell it as. Not "Make the rich pay for it!"
He's proposing raising taxes on businesses and I suppose we'll see. That's the beauty of Democracy.

Uh, we have businesses fleeing Chicago in droves to start with. You see this funny thing happened. Big corporations realized they really DON'T Need the fancy downtown office to do business. They can have a small office in the suburbs for the key staff and have the rest of them work remotely.

Because progressive policies are popular.
He only won by two points in a bastion of liberalism that hasn't elected a Republican since the 1930's. A mandate this is not, as Yoda would say.

Now, if he's sensible, he might be able to get things done.

If he's going to be a crazy like Bernie and AOC, I suspect the City Council will sideline him like they did Harold Washington back in the 1980s.
Far too many racist Blacks voting for somebody who looks like them... one of several detrimental long-term effects of the Great Migration... pity.

Chicago used to be a wonderful and vibrant and safe city... but it hasn't been that way for decades... as White Flight to the Suburbs ran its course.

As it is now, Chicago is nearly as much a drain on the resources of the rest of the State, keeping what's left of Chicago propped-up, as it is a resource itself.

White Folk out in the Burbs and Collar Counties have long-since given up on salvaging the Poor Old City and many figure that it will implode and collapse.

They're probably right.

It's what happens when the Barbarians get through the gates, and end-up taking-over.

The present condition of the City and its future prospects tell us all we need to know of the accuracy of such thinking.

Actually, you have it backwards. Chicago is the economic engine of this state, the rest of the state is kind of dependent on it.
Actually, you have it backwards. Chicago is the economic engine of this state, the rest of the state is kind of dependent on it.
It's all relative... and I DID say "nearly"... but in any event... without the support of the Suburbs and Collar Counties... what's left of Chicago would collapse.

Companies have been fleeing for years and that particular pace has once again accelerated... and the Magnificent Mile is a comparative Ghost Town.


To say "demographics" would be an exercise in understatement. :cool:

Youth job opportunities (they don't wanna work) and
therapists to crime scenes. (LOL commies don't send therapists to crime scenes..unless it is a state therapist with a gun)
What the hell difference did it make? They didn't have any Republicans running or any independents for that matter. In either case, they were going to elect someone from the Far Left in a one-party election.
I would stop using the term 'Far Left'.. It doesn't exist in US and is a term used to scare the sheep into voting against there wishes..
I would stop using the term 'Far Left'.. It doesn't exist in US and is a term used to scare the sheep into voting against there wishes..

Is it, though?

I consider myself pretty liberal, but I'm horrified at what Brandon Johnson wants to do to the city. Everything he proposes will probably make their problems worse.
The White Sox and the Football team need to relocate outside the city. Even if the area moved to is Prog. Watching the insurrectionists in Baltimore a few years ago get to the Orioles Stadium was a warning.
The White Sox and the Football team need to relocate outside the city. Even if the area moved to is Prog. Watching the insurrectionists in Baltimore a few years ago get to the Orioles Stadium was a warning.
The Bears are already planning to move out of the city.

For the White Sox, the State spent a shitload of money on a new Stadium for them.
The Bears are already planning to move out of the city.

For the White Sox, the State spent a shitload of money on a new Stadium for them.

That was over 30 years ago. I think the White Sox have been there long enough to demand another new stadium
That was over 30 years ago. I think the White Sox have been there long enough to demand another new stadium

Demand from who? The problem is, the Sox don't have the fanatical loyalty of the Cubs. When the Sox won the World Series in 2005, it was a big yawn. When the Cubs won the World Series in 2016, there were capacity level crowds.

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